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Show us your recent Ericson photos

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Junior Member

Hi Sailors,

I'm a new owner of Valhalla, a 1977 35-2. These are just after I bought Valhalla. I've done some clean up since then, mostly inside. It's in pretty good shape, and I'll have some questions soon, but wanted to share a couple of pics here.


Pointy End

Relaxing End


Junior Member
Hi Phil!

Pics are taken in Moss Landing, north harbor. No windvane, the PO thought the brackets on the back where for a step ladder, although I'm sure it was for a windvane. I've seen similar brackets on other boats with a Monitor, and there is a Monitor windvane sticker on the man overboard pole. I'm going to try and track down the PO PO and ask about it. In the past year there was a Monitor windvane for sale in Santa Cruz, maybe related? Who knows, I have a 1 1/2 year plan, so plenty of time and maybe new would be better.

The original atomic 4 was replaced with a universal 3M-20B, and the cover is higher then the settees. I think it was you that said you had a similar setup, but you shortened it, and then raised the height of the settees by 3 inches. I'm thinking of doing that too, but my wife isn't sure of that plan (she has short legs :) ). Here is a pic of the noise maker cover:


The drawer isn't used, so I think we wouldn't miss it and would enjoy more sitting space.


Phil MacFarlane

Member III
Hey Shane,

Moss Landing Cool! Now that I look closer they don't look exactly like Monitor brackets but I would still guess they are. Heres a picture of what they look like. Thats a pretty good looking engine box, I kinda like that. But yes you have a good memory as to what I did, it looks original.
Best of luck with the 1.5 year plan, then what???? :)


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Junior Member

My 1 1/2 year plan is to head down to Mexico. We will probable be commuter cruisers for awhile (I'm more committed to retirement and quitting work then she is, she likes her job), so I will move the boat south and then north, and she will join me on her winter and summer breaks from working at Cabrillo College. Winter in Mexico, summers cruising the San Juan islands? Maybe Hawaii and then Alaska? Who knows, but we have been thinking about this for awhile and finally taking the first steps. Our son and daughter have expressed an interest in helping me move the boat and hanging out with us on their college breaks too.

I have thought about the SHTP (I've been lurking there for years), but I don't have enough experience yet. But the goal is just Mexico and back for now. It seems you have done the trip back from Mexico a couple of times, how has Sail a Vie been heading back up the coast? That's when I figure I will need the most help.


Phil MacFarlane

Member III
That's fantastic! Commuter cruising is exactly what I'm doing right now. The boat currently is in La Paz but we are still both working in the Bay area. We are tied down here for a while longer with family. I'm trying to get down to the boat as often as possible. I will be going down a week from today for ten days.

Sail a Vie has been great coming back up the Coast, well at least as good as it can be. They don't call it the bash for nothing. If I ever bring her back again I think I will do the clipper ship route.

Before my first SSS Trans Pac in 2000 I did the Qualifier Long Pac in 99 Then later in 99 Joann and I did Mexico for three months. The Mexico trip and the bash back are what gave me the confidence to do the Trans Pac.

Best of luck.

Mark F

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
Hi Shane,

Where in the Santa Cruz Harbor are you? If you raise the settee to match the lowered engine compartment maybe you could raise the cabin sole in the table area.


Contributing Partner
"From" NOT "of"


Well, here is a shot I took last year while at the helm on the Chesapeake Bay off of Annapolis. It's "from" an Ericson 32-3 but not "of" one entirely. I have a large print of this image hanging in my house. Can't wait till spring and the way the weather has been this year maybe I'll get back out in the bay sooner then expected.


Member III
This is not a typical "picture of my boat."
I dock in Cleveland but I keep my boat in Vermilion, Ohio. The Vermilion company knows sailboats and I'm comfortable with them. It's 30nm from Cleveland and it makes a 6-8 hour sail to start and end every season. I love it. Today, the forecast was an unseasonable 80 degrees and a nice 12-15 knots from the south. Instead, I had steady 20 knots with gusts of 25. Instead of the normal 6-8 hours, today, I made it in just over 5.
A friend spotted me on a webcam with less than a mile to go. I have no doubt it was me. I saw no other boats on Lake Erie today that were less than 600 feet long. Fun.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Leela sitting comfortably in Bedwell Harbour

View attachment 22215

Nice place!
I have cleared customs into that place many years ago. Tranquil and very pretty. Good beer, too.

We love your boat name... one of our favorite 'actresses', if that's who it's named for.

L & K


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Member II

Duff-1.jpgDuff-2.jpgDuff-3.jpgHi all,

Forgive me for boasting a little, but I just had to share these photos of Polonius racing last Wednwsday,7/19/17. the Launch Driver was kind to take them and pass them on. Notice Polonius' Ericson Logo on her sail #651.



Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
A partial view of the gathering of the Ericsons, PNW edition, two weeks ago....

There were 8 Ericsons along this outer dock, another 8-10 in the inside slips, and then maybe a half-dozen more on moorings or at anchor. 20+ boats, as near as I can tell.

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Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author
More photos!

I'll see what I can dig up from my phone.

I didn't take all that many and, frankly, most of the photos I did take are of Makana...because she was the prettiest girl there.

Sorry, no offense intended for the other attendees, it's just simple unbiased truth (grin)

(okay, maybe I'm a *little* biased...)


Sustaining Member
Ericson 29 on the Great South Bay

Sailing on the Great South Bay, the South Shore of Long island NY

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