Bryon Toss is very big on going to fancy rope rigging.
And - who am I to contradict him? He has more experience with rigging than I'll have in three lifetimes. Moreover, Bryon once referred to that convenient gizmo many of use to douse jibs with as: 'Roller Fooling." Still, I'm moved to comment; sit down, strap in, rant on:
Funny how old stuff becomes new again. As I was reading the first post in this thread, I thought: "Gee! The square riggers and classic gaffer yachts of yore didn't use metal anything to hold up their rigs. Just lanyards, dead eyes, hemp, tar - and probably a good measure of prayer too." Then - lo and behold, whadya know? Modern sailors can now enjoy the benefits their sailing forebears did - only today with hi-tech synthetic/fossil fuel based rigging!"
And - in an era when cats compete in the Cup, torpedo bulbs adorn keels, ginormous twin wheels spin athwartships in beamy, sleek racing sleds.
Will wonders never cease? Probably not. But, I'm a curmudgeon; I'll stick with what works - for me. 'Old style,' stainless, 7x19 wyre - stretched into turnbuckles - I can twist, turn and futz with. Because one of the main joys I get out of sailing is messin' about with line. Plus, I need to justify the recent expense I incurred replacing all of the vertical flavor.
But that's just me.
Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"