Foreguy location
There is usually a section of genoa track on the fordeck-along the centerline in the smooth area just forward of the hatch. If so, use a sliding padeye on this track, and using a block attached to this padeye, run the foreguy from the pole bridle, through the block, then aft either to the clutches as described earlier, or down the side(s) of the cabin top to the cockpit-using a cam cleat on the outboard edge of the cabin top. If there is no track, you will need a string padeye bolted tghrough the deck in the same area-the usual location for this is 1/3 of the J measurement aft of the stem fitting.
The simplest thing is a single line down one side of the deck, but a double ended forguy will give you more purchase and allow adjust memnt from either side of the cockpit!
The 30+ is best suited for end for end gybing-NOT dip pole gybes.
If you have more specific questions let us know-we ware here to help!
Fair winds,