Waste Tank Smell


Member III
check hoses

I thought the head odors on my 380 were coming from the hoses. When we checked, we learned that all of the hoses were exhaust type and probably porous. We replaced all with proper marine grade sanitation hose.

I still get a whiff every now and then from the lockers behind the toilet. Thoroughly cleaning the macerator pump has helped.

Vince Benn
Wild Blue


Contributing Partner
Stop that stink

Flushing the head with seawater is a bad idea, odorwise! If you're at sea for an extended time, then, yes, you flush with seawater. Otherwise, always use your freshwater for flushing. On our boat, the head seawater intake (goesinta) & the sink drain (goesoutta) are both connected to the same thruhull with a tee fitting. With this arrangement, you can close the thruhull & run freshwater into the sink, then pumping the head pulls the freshwater from the sink into the head for your flush. Wash your hands before you flush & you only need a bit of your freshwater & you killed two birds!

I am also a regular user of Odorlos....good product.
