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    Join us on September 27th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

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Who pays for this website and organization?

Frank G

Member II
HI there,
I am a member of the Catalina 25 association, which has dues of 20/year. This pays for a subscribtion to the Catalina Mainsheet magazine, and for the website costs.

I haven't seen anything about any dues for this Ericson organization, or to be a part of this great website and discussion list.

Who pays for it? I have seen the name Sean Engle mentioned. Does he foot the bill?

I wouldn't be opposed to kicking in some bucks, as I have already received lots of good advice and help.

What do you all think?


Randy Rutledge

Sustaining Member
I believe Sean accepts donations to cover expenses. Hopefully he will chime in and give the address and other info. I need to pony up a few bucks for the many times I have been entertained and enlightened by this site.

I bought my boat as a result of the information on this sight and can’t imagine not having my Ericson.

Frank G

Member II
Hey Sean,
Thanks for all the hard work you do to keep this thing running.
I'll be happy to send in some bucks to help keep the site up and running.
I think all the folks who use this site, and save money and time with their projects should kick in some money too.
Maybe we could have some kind of fund drive.
Keep us posted as to where and when to send in some money.


Member II

Many Ericson owners use this site, myself included, and many (I hope) contribute to its ongoing operation. I have contributed in the past, but must confess I don't remember how much. Perhaps when you send out the annual contribution letter you could suggest what is an appropriate amount so we can keep this great site up and running.

E38 WaveWalker
Gig Harbor Wa.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator

The typical donations are pretty small - like $20 or so - depending on what people can afford, how active they are on the site, how much alimony they're paying, etc. :p

We realize that some people are stretched pretty tight these days (last year we skipped the funds drive all together), however - so we're not trying to be very aggressive/assertive about it, etc.

All the details on where/how to do it are on the donations page:


Thanks in advance for your continued support of EY.o!


Tom Plummer

Member III
I count it as a privilege to be able to support this site. Sean you do a marvelous job in keeping it going. Now if we could only get you back on the water in a Ericson.

Frank G

Member II
Hey Sean,
so how much money have we raised to help you maintain this great community?
I sure hope it is enough.

Mort Fligelman

Member III
My Check is in the mail!

Sean: Your efforts are certainly appreciated........finding out the way to cure all of the ills on our ancient vessells is made much easier with this site...

Many thanks.......

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Thanks? No...it's Thank YOU!

Hi Guys...

Sorry for the late response - the holidays were rough - snow, house-bound, gas leaks, what fun! Now I'm back in class, waiting for studio to start...

First (and I'll be doing this more formally later on) but thank you to everyone who participated in the 08-09 fund raising drive. We paid all the bills and everything is set for another year. In response to the question of how much this site raises - it varies; depending on who gives and what is going on.

Generally speaking, the site costs about $500 or so a year to run, and typically we take in about that amount, or just over (last year we did not do the drive at all - and I picked it up - as I forgot about it, etc). The people who give tend to fall into two camps: the power users who are around much of the time (you guys know who you are) and some of the new people.

Sometimes people give too much, and we have to call them on it (even though the thought is appreciated very much), most of the time it's pretty straight forward. Essentially, this site is what it says on the banner: "For Current, Previous and Prospective Owners" of Ericson Yachts. If the site is found useful by you guys, we're happy. I created the site because I could not find the info I needed to purchase my E35-3 - and sought to correct it by way of this forum.

I've also had questions about charging for the site, creating memberships, formalizing the organization, linking to the selling of tee shirts and other items, etc. Basically, after much discussion over the years with a bunch of different people, the consensus seems to be to keep it simple (and functional) as possible. Owning an old sailboat is enough for most people; having the community is a plus as is the functionality the site provides - we don't seek to make it into something could not be supported in the long run (Jan 2011 will be our 10th anniversary!).

Anyhow - thanks again to all you guys. Thanks also for the notes you've sent us, and all the invites to come sailing and visiting with you. We're lucky to know such great people!

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Member III
Once again thanks!

Sean - as always thanks for all your efforts. I'd also like to thank all the knowledgeable people like Loren, Martin, Seth, Guy, and anyone else that contributes and helps the less knowledgeable like myself. The time and energy that Sean spends and that folks spend responding is extraordinary and greatly appreciated.
My 'check' (used paypal) is in the mail!