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    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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young ericson owner

Quiet Magic

Member II
Hi Ericson bunch. My name is Steve Christensen i'm 15 and have owned an ericson 27 for a year and a half. I have been visiting this site for all of that time but have never really bothered to post any thing and this has been a great source of info. I sail out of Lake Mille Lacs in centrel Minnesota. I am excited to finally be a little more involved with the information forums.​

Steve Christensen

Bob in Va

Member III
Don't I wish

Hi Steve - what I would give to have started sailing at your age! Welcome aboard. We will be looking to see your name on an Americas Cup crewlist in a few years. You picked the right boat - is that her name? (If so, it's a good one)

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
E27 @ 15: Good Deal


A E27 at 15, eh? That's pretty good! When I was 15 I had a Hobie Cat 16 and would have loved to have something more substantial.

Enjoy the boards and post often!


Quiet Magic

Member II
not full owner

I suppose I should have chosen better words Im not the true owner its my dads but i am extremly in volved with the ownership.when ever my dad works on it i am always there. But I do know the boat like the back of my hand and I've sailed it alone twice, but hey just so long as I can sail I dont mind not owning it :egrin:



Inactive Member
Welcome aboard! I too am 15... Have I mentioned that before to the board members???

It's awesome to see someone else as involved in a big boat as I am. I too am there when anyone else (outside of the yard) does work on the boat, and do some work myself.

I'm allowed to take Warbonnet out with friends this year, but due to a medical situation at home, she hasn't gone it yet. YET.

Once again, Welcome Aboard, Steve!

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Sail on Sailor!

Welcome Steve!

I as well know why Quite Magic is really your boat. I started sailing on lakes when I was 8 years old in Northern California with my father on a 16' open boat with my Father. Dad then purchased a 33' Islander when I was 12 in Puget Sound. I was single handing that boat by the time I was your age. When I reached my late teens, Dad down sized to a Bayfield 25' and eventually he got so busy with making a living that I became the major user and maintainer of that boat. I even came up with the name for her, "Scrimshaw". By the time I was in Collage I was taking "Scrimshaw" by myself into the San Juan Islands and Vancouver Island. I always thought I would inherit "Scrimshaw", but after Dad single handed her to Alaska when he retired, the maintenance and slip fees (and pressure from Mom) became too much for his fixed income to keep her. Not long after that I purchased and started restoring my 1973 E-27, "The Pride of Cucamonga". I have a feeling that your enthusiasm for sailing at your age will evolve into a long life of Sailing.

Sail on Sailor! :egrin:

Quiet Magic

Member II
Thanks for all the replies...

One reason I love being on here: All the support. Its a huge difference from the people around me and espicially my peers. Im constantly told at school: "steve all you do is read are booKs on sailing and look at boats on the internet get a life"(or something like that). A long life of sailing delinquency sounds pretty good to me.

Btw David that is a pretty 27.
Steve C.​


Member III
I didn't start sailing as early as you did, but I had several experiences of going out on a boat owned by a friend of my parents when I was in my very early teens. I was hooked after that.
In my twenties, I bought a Nacra 5.2 catamaran. I parlayed that into a crew position on a 38' ketch, sailing from San Diego. I left the boat 14 months later in Suva, Fiji.
Stick with it. Build your skills. There is nothing so liberating and profound as a quiet evening under full sail on the open ocean, when the night sky is so bright with stars that the milky way can cast a shadow. <sigh> I wanna go back.

Jim McCone
"Voice of Reason" E32-2 Hull #134

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Emerald said:

I completely understand feeling that your Dad's 27 is yours. At your age I was spending a significant part of my life on my Dad's Tartan 34...

Independence 31

Huh ... I was spending time crashing my dad's 78' Saab 900... :p


Quiet Magic

Member II
boat pictures

I thought that it would be a friendly service to show some pictures of of my Ericson 27. Be prepared to be shocked and amazed! The top pic was taken in July 2004 (thats me in the companion way) the middle one was taken June 2005 from a friend's Edel 22 footer (thats why we were in front:D). and the bottom one was taken on the last day of the 2004 season (october 10). Enjoy.

Ericson.jpg Ericson on port tack.jpg

Ericson port side.jpg
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