Once the mold was built up, I added thickened epoxy fillets, then coated the whole thing with epoxy and sanded it flat. Then I coated it with about 15 coats of mold release wax, which was 10 more than needed, and taped off all other surfaces.
Ready for fiberglassing
I laid up fiberglass matt as an underlayer since I had read that it conformed to surfaces well, then fiberglass cloth, then biaxial cloth. I worked the corners and edges as much as possible, clamped the ring over the back and let it cure.
Laid up and curing
Freshly molded part
Once the part had cured, the flaws in my decision making became evident. Even though I had added extra epoxy, there were gaps and voids everywhere. I tried to add thickened epoxy to the whole thing and re-mold it, but this did not work at all. I spent two days filling and sanding but there were just too many voids. I got sick of sanding and finding dozens of paper thin areas that I kept having to puncture and fill and re-sand, so I eventually I gave up and decided to re-cast the enclosure.
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