E32-200 Reefing practice

So I had tied my dogbones and wanted to practice some reefing techniques. As I usually do when faced with a sailing challenge, I asked myself, "What would Lord Nelson do?" I decided that to work on his reefing skills "Big Nellie" would bring bring his dog, and a couple of kids out in Small Craft Advisory weather situation on the San Francisco Bay before the Superbowl.


This was the second reef. My clew line is incorrect and I need to fix the aft reef line to the boom to get more "down force" as per this thread:

I need to re run these lines per Kenneth K's diagram, I think. In the photo I have my proper reefing line and an add-on that I tried to pull down under way with a trucker's hitch on a bight. It helped somewhat. But the port sheave at the back of the boom is still frozen, so I really need to get the whole boom off the boat and do a proper rebuild. I'm looking at Bob Skalkowski's excellent overview.

Today also made me contemplate the value of Jack Lines, but I still don't know. One more set of complicated ropes to get fouled up, and I would have to get one of those Sunbrella Taco things to protect my main instead of the regular functional sail cover I already have.

Always the knock-on effects with the sailboat alterations.

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