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Transom Thru Hull Replacement

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Yesterday I removed all the above-water factory thru hulls on our transom. It's been over 20 years and from the outside I had observed for some time that the exterior part of each was getting attacked by UV.

One of the 1 1/2" ones had been replaced a few years ago by the yard when a workman broke it off on the inside while freeing up the rudder post to drop the rudder. That one was replaced with Marlon and is still "bullet proof". It was the most difficult to remove and is quite reusable.

The others seem like nylon or some other plastic. Several cracked when I turned them from the inside to break the seal. One broke off completely.
Whereas the 80's Ericsons have their stern thru hull exits for bilge pumps and cockpit drains under the turn of the hull aft, ours are on the flat surface of the transom, low down. Lots of UV exposure, which damages many plastics, given enough time.

Replacements are going back in this week, all SS. Bronze is certainly just as good, but I just like the shiny look of the SS that I have seen on other boats. Purely Subjective sort of thing. ;)

BTW, the small thru hull that, on our model, carries the warm water out of the syphon break for the Universal diesel engine cooling, is one of the more-afflicted ones, condition-wise. UV plus warm water really degrades the plastic, evidently.

As you all can imagine, it's a bear working back inside the stern. I'm just happy not to be paying yard labor rates this time around. It takes a while to worm my way back there, after pushing all the tools and trouble-light ahead of me... and more time to reverse out. :rolleyes:

The hoses look to be OK (no cracks when I give 'em a pull and a twist), but I shall start replacing them soon. Two decades is a long time for vinyl.

Lotsa "holes" in the hull there: one 1 1/2" for the manual bilge pump. Two 1 1/2" for cockpit drains. Two 3/4" for the two electrical bilge pumps. And, one for the 1/4" siphon-break hose exit.

**It would be nice, someday, to restore the shine on the exhaust thru hull.... anyone here ever have one of those re-chromed? If so, what did it cost?

Photos will be added as they occur.

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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Just the Right tool...

I had to buy a larger "groove joint plier" adjustable wrench -- http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=94288to -- get the large flange nuts loose on the 1 1/2" thru hulls. Of course one of the nuts was a different size. than the other two.
It's hard to find room to turn a wrench more than one flat at a time.
Upon reflection, if doing this very often, one would really want to have a set of flat end wrenches, especially for the larger thru hull sizes.
Kind of like this picture I found at a tool supply site on the web. You might also want to bend a 5 degree offset angle into the handle, too.
Like any sort of specialized occupation, working on boats for a living would sure contribute to quite an extensive tool collection!



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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
The New and the Old

Finished up today and took some pics.
I will include one from a vendor site of the type of SS thru hull I used.
The new white Marlon fitting for the syphon-break cooling-water outlet is just above the exhaust thru hull.
Sorry about the dull gel coat appearance. It's been 2 1/2 years since the last buff and wax!
If you have not replaced the original above-water thru hulls after a couple decades, you probably "otter", IMHO.

For the materials-curious, I can not presently source a 1/2" pipe straight thread SS thru hull, but might change that over to the shiny SS later after some more searching -- just for the sake of conformity.



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Member III

I was doing some work back there and the siphon break line and the propane locker drain through hulls nearly fell apart in my hands. I stuck to the plastic through hulls. Estectically (sp?), my choice is to make those fittings as invisible as possible on the stern so white works. The originals have been in there 25 years so if I have to replace them again in 15-20, no problem. Fortunately, on the E-28, access to this area of the stern is fairly easy with removal of a panel in the aft end of the quarterberth.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Exhausting Work!

Transom : Last Chapter.

Today I got the re-chromed exhaust fitting back in place. Being bronze, having the original chrome scale off (mostly) after 20 years was certainly not going to affect how it worked, but after replacing the old plastic fittings it really stood out.
Now it really stands out, but in a different way! Turns out that new chrome is really shiny even compared to the polished ss fittings nearby. :rolleyes:

Don't misunderstand - I'm glad it's done and the transom fittings upgrade is finally behind me.

I even buffed the heads of the 1/4-20 screws that hold it on, hoping they would blend in better - good luck with that! :nerd:

Fact is that this was a little maintenance job worth doing while I could easily access that side of the stern area. (Shelving and aft water tank are out right now on that side while we prep that area for a future furnace install.)

Local chroming shop did the buffing & chroming for $65. They specialize in small jobs and do lots of custom car and motorcycle stuff. Interesting place to visit, too!

In case anyone wonders if a new fitting in polished ss is possible, AFAIK only if I have it custom made. I find none cataloged for a 1 5/8" hose size.



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Sustaining Member
Digging out an old thread

Well, while I was installing some components for our new AP in the stern I snapped off one of the thru-hull fittings that serves a cockpit drain. I didn't put much pressure on it when it happened either. So, I removed all of the plastic fittings back there and destroyed most of them in the process. All of them were very, very brittle. I'll be ordering new fittings this week.

Ryan L

s/v Naoma
In case anyone wonders if a new fitting in polished ss is possible, AFAIK only if I have it custom made. I find none cataloged for a 1 5/8" hose size.


For what it's worth Forespar offers some of their Marelon through hulls with a chrome "cap." I have it on a few of ours and it's looks pretty much exactly like the SS ones. Maybe they have the size you're looking for?


O - 34
Yesterday I removed all the above-water factory thru hulls on our transom. It's been over 20 years and from the outside I had observed for some time that the exterior part of each was getting attacked by UV.

One of the 1 1/2" ones had been replaced a few years ago by the yard when a workman broke it off on the inside while freeing up the rudder post to drop the rudder. That one was replaced with Marlon and is still "bullet proof". It was the most difficult to remove and is quite reusable.

The others seem like nylon or some other plastic. Several cracked when I turned them from the inside to break the seal. One broke off completely.
Whereas the 80's Ericsons have their stern thru hull exits for bilge pumps and cockpit drains under the turn of the hull aft, ours are on the flat surface of the transom, low down. Lots of UV exposure, which damages many plastics, given enough time.

Replacements are going back in this week, all SS. Bronze is certainly just as good, but I just like the shiny look of the SS that I have seen on other boats. Purely Subjective sort of thing. ;)

BTW, the small thru hull that, on our model, carries the warm water out of the syphon break for the Universal diesel engine cooling, is one of the more-afflicted ones, condition-wise. UV plus warm water really degrades the plastic, evidently.

As you all can imagine, it's a bear working back inside the stern. I'm just happy not to be paying yard labor rates this time around. It takes a while to worm my way back there, after pushing all the tools and trouble-light ahead of me... and more time to reverse out. :rolleyes:

The hoses look to be OK (no cracks when I give 'em a pull and a twist), but I shall start replacing them soon. Two decades is a long time for vinyl.

Lotsa "holes" in the hull there: one 1 1/2" for the manual bilge pump. Two 1 1/2" for cockpit drains. Two 3/4" for the two electrical bilge pumps. And, one for the 1/4" siphon-break hose exit.

**It would be nice, someday, to restore the shine on the exhaust thru hull.... anyone here ever have one of those re-chromed? If so, what did it cost?

Photos will be added as they occur.

Hello Loren, We met a few years back at the Seattle boat show. I was representing Pelagic Autopilots. Unfortunately we won't be there this year due to concerns with COVID and compromised members of our Scanmar team. I have a question about the original cockpit drains. I note that you have indicated they are 1.5" holes, sounds right. Is the hose also 1.5" ? Also, what type of hose did you choose to replace the original drain hose ? I have one that has cracked, time to replace them both. Regards, Brian - PS, your rebuild looks great.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Hi Brian,
It's been a while since attending that show, and I am considering - carefully- going this year. Well masked and cautious. (sigh)

I did keep the same hose sizing from the two cockpit drains, and the hose size is 1.5". I chose a smooth interior product with the plastic spiral reinforcing molded into the vinyl hose material. It is not as super strong as the black multi-layer "exhaust hose" with the wire reinforcing that I could have used.
I like this product because it's is faintly translucent. Nice be able to shine a light on it and potentially see any blockage.
It comes in solid white also.

The OEM cast ribbed while vinyl hose was cracking and looked like it was going to fail when I took all of the old 1988 hoses out of our boat in 2008. (I would like to live long enough to have to do this again, but that's a big 'ask' of fate....)

You did not ask, but our ship wright and I were looking more closely at the both those recessed drains in the transom while finishing up, and it almost looks like they might.... have maybe been designed for two thru hull fittings, one at each end of the oval inside recess. It occurred to us, after all the painting was done, that maybe we could have glassed over the large hole in each one and then bored two holes. This would have located the large cockpit drain thru hull and one smaller electric bilge pump thru hull, side by side. Transom would have been cleaner in appearance.
Since Pacific Boats closed before this model could go into production, and the designer has passed on, we will never know.... :(

Anyhow, just some random thoughts to share.

And thanks for the compliment. We just love walking up to our new boat, every.... single... visit... !
Hard to see in the picture, but I also had to slightly grind down each side of the large ss drain thru hulls where they fit into the hole in the recess. Also really hard to see is that upon 20-20 hindsight, that bottom of that recess might be slightly enlarged at each end, as tho the mold maker did intend for a thru hull to be located at each end. Doesn't matter now, for us.
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O - 34
Hi Brian,
It's been a while since attending that show, and I am considering - carefully- going this year. Well masked and caustious. (sigh)

I did keep the same hose sizing from the two cockpit drains, and the hose size is 1.5". I chose a smooth interior product with the plastic spiral reinforcing molded into the vinyl hose material. It is not as super strong as the black multi-layer "exhaust hose" with the wire reinforcing that I could have used.
I like this product because it's is faintly translucent. Nice be able to shine a light on it and potentially see any blockage.
It comes in solid white also.

The OEM cast ribbed while vinyl hose was cracking and looked like it was going to fail when I took all of the old 1988 hoses out of our boat in 2008. (I would like to live long enough to have to do this again, but that's a big 'ask' of fate....)

You did not ask, but our ship wright and I were looking more closely at the both those recessed drains in the transom while finishing up, and it almost looks like they might.... have maybe been designed for two thru hull fittings, one at each end of the oval inside recess. It occurred to us, after all the painting was done, that maybe we could have glassed over the large hole in each one and then bored two holes. This would have located the large cockpit drain thru hull and one smaller electric bilge pump thru hull, side by side. Transom would have been cleaner in appearance.
Since Pacific Boats closed before this model could go into production, and the designer has passed on, we will never know.... :(

Anyhow, just some random thoughts to share.

And thanks for the compliment. We just love walking up to our new boat, every.... single... visit... !
Hard to see in the picture, but I also had to slightly grind down each side of the large ss drain thru hulls where they fit into the hole in the recess. Also really hard to see is that upon 20-20 hindsight, that bottom of that recess might be slightly enlarged at each end, as tho the mold maker did intend for a thru hull to be located at each end. Doesn't matter now, for us.
Thanks Loren, as usual your data is very helpful. Really wonderful work on your boat. I will look for the product/hose you describe. Mine are not currently the exhaust hose type, but the externally ribbed plastic I believe you referred to. Most certainly original equip. I have a few items getting immediate attention. The spring plate between engine and transmission is wearing out, so the engine needs to be pulled forward to accommodate a new install. I just replaced all the batteries with a LiFeIon battery pack and LiFeIon starter battery - that saves a lot of weight and the starter never ever sounded so strong, no matter how new the batteries were. New instruments are going in, the 15 year old B&G wind sensor finally gave up after being marinated too many times in NE Pacific waters. I have to say the B&G instruments have never failed me until just recently - I am impressed but don't want to spend that much on a new set. We shall see how Garmin holds up. Thanks again for the info, and enjoy the boat show. Undoubtedly I will be there in 2023. Brian


O - 34
Hi Brian,
It's been a while since attending that show, and I am considering - carefully- going this year. Well masked and caustious. (sigh)

I did keep the same hose sizing from the two cockpit drains, and the hose size is 1.5". I chose a smooth interior product with the plastic spiral reinforcing molded into the vinyl hose material. It is not as super strong as the black multi-layer "exhaust hose" with the wire reinforcing that I could have used.
I like this product because it's is faintly translucent. Nice be able to shine a light on it and potentially see any blockage.
It comes in solid white also.

The OEM cast ribbed while vinyl hose was cracking and looked like it was going to fail when I took all of the old 1988 hoses out of our boat in 2008. (I would like to live long enough to have to do this again, but that's a big 'ask' of fate....)

You did not ask, but our ship wright and I were looking more closely at the both those recessed drains in the transom while finishing up, and it almost looks like they might.... have maybe been designed for two thru hull fittings, one at each end of the oval inside recess. It occurred to us, after all the painting was done, that maybe we could have glassed over the large hole in each one and then bored two holes. This would have located the large cockpit drain thru hull and one smaller electric bilge pump thru hull, side by side. Transom would have been cleaner in appearance.
Since Pacific Boats closed before this model could go into production, and the designer has passed on, we will never know.... :(

Anyhow, just some random thoughts to share.

And thanks for the compliment. We just love walking up to our new boat, every.... single... visit... !
Hard to see in the picture, but I also had to slightly grind down each side of the large ss drain thru hulls where they fit into the hole in the recess. Also really hard to see is that upon 20-20 hindsight, that bottom of that recess might be slightly enlarged at each end, as tho the mold maker did intend for a thru hull to be located at each end. Doesn't matter now, for us.
Hi Loren, one more quick question, did I see in one photo you have radar tower mounting tube installed in the stern ? That is pretty cool ! If so can you describe that ? It is a FG tube that you slotted in and supported internally ? Regards,

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Hi Loren, one more quick question, did I see in one photo you have radar tower mounting tube installed in the stern ? That is pretty cool ! If so can you describe that ? It is a FG tube that you slotted in and supported internally ? Regards,
One or two blog entries shows the old and new radar post(s), and the base assembly is the same. The bottom of the pole "sockets" down into an frp tube that was glassed to the bottom of the hull in 1988. That base tube is only about 6" tall. The fastenings around the plate that is integral to the transom shape take all of the strain in all directions.
The original guy that designed and built the aluminum pole did a good job, albeit way too heavy. Note in my blog the difference in weight between old and new. That old pole wall was 1/4" thick !

Not to further bore you, but I am really a fan of the lightweight stern pole, for multiple reasons. I did the radar dome install while standing on a 2' step ladder lashed to the transom. The stern light is mounted up there, so it no longer shines any glare on the top of the stern at night. I have holders for the extendable boat hook.... and when displaying the ensign it can go on that post near the upper part. (which leaves the starboard flag halyard available for displaying the Canadian courtesy flag when we visit BC waters.

On the subject of engine work, when we pulled the old Universal, and also when we dropped in the new Betamarine, we used the main halyard, led down to a piece of Amsteel tied to the two support points on top of the engine. A separate piece of line was led from each cockpit winch, around the line to pull it back or let it forward to move the engine forward or back. I put a piece of ply on the cabin sole aft section to protect the sole. Also some pieces of 2x4 & 2x6, and some padding. Getting the engine out was not too bad. Batteries have to be out, of course. the shaft needed to be locked place so the alignment was not changed at the stuffing box. There are some pix of this part in my blog also.
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O - 34
Hi Loren, Thanks for the info regarding the stern cockpit drains. It allowed me to do a single 60 mile, round the Bay, drive to pick up the drains, hose material, and calk. Stop at boat, and spend four hours in the stern of the Olson practicing isometric poses removing old materials and replacing with new. All new drains are now in place. The old drains literally crumbled as I applied torque to the hose.


Member II
Hi Loren and Brian,

Thanks for this posting. After our recently purchased O-34 had some work done by our local boat yard (including cleaning the rudder log and rudder post, and dropping the rudder), we noticed excessive water coming into the engine compartment and bilge on our 5 hour return (all motoring). The previous owner was with us and mentioned that the transom thru hull may be the culprit as we could see no hose leaks. So I did some searching on EY.o and found your posts that suggest the thru-hull may be a good candidate to look into further. Moreover, I checked the bilge again this afternoon and no more water from the boat just sitting in the slip.

My question for you both is that I am wondering if this is something a newbie like myself could take on while the boat is in the slip. I figure if Loren can "worm his way back there" I might be able to as well! I also wonder if the SS version is a lot pricier and harder to find than the Marelon thru hull and whether the Marelon might be available at our local chandlery (Sexton's).

Thanks for your thoughts!

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Nothing wrong physically with replacing with Marelon. I do like the look of the SS version much better. I did all that work at the slip, albeit being decades younger. I can still get back there to work, and spent some quality time there when our boat was in the shop in 2021. I did place some ensolite cushions in front and behind the entryway, to keep my backbone off the bottom edge of the bulkhead entry.
Push the trouble light in first.... and it does help to have a helper around to hand in the tool you forgot. Note my picture of the large slip joint plier I bought to fit the large nut inside.
Unless the hoses are known to have been replaced within the last decade, be sure to replace them while you're lounging around in there. You might find a good hose price at Sexton's or WM, but I would also check with these guys:https://www.premierrubber.com/

Anyone who can live and work at 40 below zero, can do this, IMHO. :cool:

Anytime you want to stop by and have a look at our boat, just let me know. No cushions inside now, but the heater works great.

Kenneth K

1985 32-3, Puget Sound
Blogs Author
we noticed excessive water coming into the engine compartment and bilge on our 5 hour return (all motoring).
Since the last thing you worked on was the rudder post, and now you have a leak, I'd suspect that the rudder post is leaking.
The yard likely repacked the rudder gland before re-installing the rudder, so you might not expect this to be the culprit. The problem is, the rudder packing material sits up in the top half of the gland:
Though the lower half of the gland is supposed to be glassed into the rudder post, many of us have discovered voids in the bonding, and some have discovered the lower gland is fairly, if not altogether, loose in the rudder post. This allows water ingress between the rudder post and the gland (below the packing material). Usually, this is only noticeable while motoring (or, while at rest in big waves). At rest in calm water, the top of the rudder post sits above waterline. While motoring, the stern squats down into the water and puts the top of the rudder post below the WL.

Troubleshooting is a simple test--wrap some paper towels around the rudder post (below the gland) and take the boat out for some motoring above 5K or so.

The quick fix (as opposed to re-glassing the gland to the post) is to install a new grease fitting (a zerk fitting--yellow circle above) into the post, below the rudder gland. When the rudder tube is packed with grease (it may take one or two full grease tubes), it prevents water from rising to the top of the tube. I stopped packing my rudder tube when I saw the grease squeezing out of the top of it.

see: https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/ubs/rudder-gland-repack-and-reseal-new-zerk-installed.167/
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Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
Since the last thing you worked on was the rudder post, and now you have a leak, I'd suspect that the rudder post is leaking.
The yard likely repacked the rudder gland before re-installing the rudder, so you might not expect this to be the culprit. The problem is, the rudder packing material sits up in the top half of the gland:
View attachment 52090
Though the lower half of the gland is supposed to be glassed into the rudder post, many of us have discovered voids in the bonding, and some have discovered the lower gland is fairly, if not altogether, loose in the rudder post. This allows water ingress between the rudder post and the gland (below the packing material). Usually, this is only noticeable while motoring (or, while at rest in big waves). At rest in calm water, the top of the rudder post sits above waterline. While motoring, the stern squats down into the water and puts the top of the rudder post below the WL.
View attachment 52091

Troubleshooting is a simple test--wrap some paper towels around the rudder post (below the gland) and take the boat out for some motoring above 5K or so.

The quick fix (as opposed to re-glassing the gland to the post) is to install a new grease fitting (a zerk fitting--yellow circle above) into the post, below the rudder gland. When the rudder tube is packed with grease (it may take one or two full grease tubes), it prevents water from rising to the top of the tube. I stopped packing my rudder tube when I saw the grease squeezing out of the top of it.

see: https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/ubs/rudder-gland-repack-and-reseal-new-zerk-installed.167/
I also put a bead of sikaflex 291 around the bottom of the rudder gland, at the top of the white section in the post above, to be sure it wouldn't leak. But adding the zerk and grease as suggested will also likely solve a leak there. But better to be sure, especially when it's water coming in! :)


Member II
Since the last thing you worked on was the rudder post, and now you have a leak, I'd suspect that the rudder post is leaking.
The yard likely repacked the rudder gland before re-installing the rudder, so you might not expect this to be the culprit. The problem is, the rudder packing material sits up in the top half of the gland:
View attachment 52090
Though the lower half of the gland is supposed to be glassed into the rudder post, many of us have discovered voids in the bonding, and some have discovered the lower gland is fairly, if not altogether, loose in the rudder post. This allows water ingress between the rudder post and the gland (below the packing material). Usually, this is only noticeable while motoring (or, while at rest in big waves). At rest in calm water, the top of the rudder post sits above waterline. While motoring, the stern squats down into the water and puts the top of the rudder post below the WL.
View attachment 52091

Troubleshooting is a simple test--wrap some paper towels around the rudder post (below the gland) and take the boat out for some motoring above 5K or so.

The quick fix (as opposed to re-glassing the gland to the post) is to install a new grease fitting (a zerk fitting--yellow circle above) into the post, below the rudder gland. When the rudder tube is packed with grease (it may take one or two full grease tubes), it prevents water from rising to the top of the tube. I stopped packing my rudder tube when I saw the grease squeezing out of the top of it.

see: https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/ubs/rudder-gland-repack-and-reseal-new-zerk-installed.167/
Thank you Ken and Frank!

I am new to sailboat maintenance and repairs, but am willing to take on this challenge (and others as best I can). However, I need to wait a couple days as we have freezing temps here in Portland, Oregon today and tomorrow. Meanwhile I will carefully read your post and the 2014 post of Christian's that you referred me to.

Oh boy....here we go!


Member II
I haven't had a chance to personally check out the thru-hulls on our boat as I had a small injury, but the previous owner (who has been wonderful to work with) took this picture. I the meantime, I have been doing more reading about bilge leaks and while the rudder post is still on my list to investigate, the PO mentioned it was 'wet' when he felt it, but thought it could be condensation.

In looking at this picture, those hoses seem pretty old and I am wondering if they could be cracked. We are expecting some heavy rain in the next couple days and I'll be monitoring bilge water level before and after the rains, while the boat sits in the slip.
Thru-hull and hoses.jpg