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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. S

    Summer Cruise in B.C., Canada

    Hi Folks, We did a 7 month summer cruise on Stillwater (E39 #36) to Desolation Sound and south eastern Broughtons in British Columbia from July through September 10. We think this is a spectacularly beautiful place to cruise and would like to share some photos with others. We visited many places...
  2. B

    Salty insight - advice on cruise

    I have officially been granted 1 month off work this summer to plan a sailing trip. My fist mate and I are planning on taking a round trip voyage from Monterey Bay down the California Coast. We are trying to evaluate if we can comfortably go as far south as Avalon Bay and still enjoy the trip...
  3. S

    Late summer cruise 2009 to Jervis Inlet, B.C.

    Hi folks, Just some general interest pictures from our 4 week trip to Jervis Inlet, B.C. from Bellingham, WA. We Pacific Northwesterners sometimes take this area for granted but it is truly a dramatic place to cruise. We hope you enjoy the photos. Link to Picasa Web photos...
  4. T

    New England Cruise

    So it looks like our internet connection is working on Deleware bay. Left annapolis last night around 9pm and had a great sail up the bay to the canal. we are now just inside ship john shoals motoring in light air trying to avoid some adverse current. About 30 miles from cape may then outside to...
  5. treilley

    2009 BVI Cruise

    I just finished sorting, editing and uploading our BVI charter photos. See the first photo for a map and itinerary. Click here to view album
  6. ChrisS

    AIS or Radar for a coastal cruise?

    Lately I have been going back and forth on installing a radar in my 32 for a five-week cruise to Catalina and back with stops in between that I will be leaving for at the end of June. Latitude ran a piece on AIS a few months ago, and many people wrote extolling the virtues of this technology--a...
  7. Jeff Asbury

    Obstruction of Marina Access in the West Channel, New Cruise Ship Terminal.

    Obstruction of Marina Access in the West Channel. New Cruise Ship Terminal looks like it will interfere with passage in and out of Cabrillo and Cabrillo Way Marinas. Port of LA Web Site: http://www.portoflosangeles.org/ The Port of Los Angeles Environmental Impact Report San Pedro...
  8. J

    Cruise n carry (nu in box)

    Folks I found a new in the box Cruise n Carry 6 hp motor. What do you all know about them? Price is $300.00!! John
  9. Loren Beach

    Oct 6 cruise, Col. River

    We just spent a couple of nights at a nearby island dock on the Columbia. And fellow Ericson (NW) Rendezvous attendees Mike and Carol were there in their E-32-3, Magic. Extended "happy hour" was spent aboard their boat, with other club members from a Benetau 350, Saber 32 and a Cascade 36...
  10. wurzner

    Ericson Yachts List and a 15 Summer Cruise

    After my first week back at work following a 15 day cruise in the San Juan and Canadian Gulf Islands, I am now sitting in a hotel in Washington DC waiting for a Stevie Wonder Concert in Balitmore tomorrow (Go Stevie!). First off, it is amazing how incredibley far away from work you can get on...
  11. N

    Cruise N carry Outboard parts - Where?

    I have been diligently trying to find a source of parts for my old Model 6600 1 1/2 HP Cruise N Carry outboard motor. I need a new plastic motor housing. Anyone know where I might find one? I have found 2 references on the www but neither panned out. These little 12 pould motors are a bit noisy...
  12. O

    First 5 Day Cruise

    We are gearing up to do our first long cruise... 5 days is long for us. From everything we know and have checked, our boat is seaworthy so we feel comfortable in knowing that there are no glaring issues. We will be coastal cruising and will be within a safe range of land at all times but...
  13. Chris Miller

    Southern Bay Cruise Next Week...

    For anyone who will be out and about on the southern bay next week, our spring cruise runs from Sun-Sun... So if you think you see us, give us a call and say hi. White 38-200 with blue boot stripe, blue dodger, and sail #262. Destinations include Crisfield, Grogg island, Urbanna, Mobjack Bay...
  14. C

    Bahamas Cruise

    FWIW, My wife and I just returned to the states from cruising the Bahamas on our Ericson 38 "Kismet". :egrin: We left Florida last December and returned at the end of March. This year we cruised the Abacos, Eleuthera and the Exumas ending up in Georgetown, Exuma … last year we did the...
  15. Jeff Asbury

    Ericson Shown on Local News, too close to Cruise Ships.

    Did any one see the "Breaking News" flash on CBS Channel 2 local news last night around 6 pm? They interrupted the broadcast to show what looked like a Ericson 27 that had got too close to the Cruise Ships in the Main Channel in San Pedro. They had both the Port Police and Coast Guard chasing...
  16. B

    Labor Day Cruise to Drake's Bay

    The title pretty much says it all. This Labor Day weekend we will be heading up to Drake's Bay. Sail up on Saturday and then back on Monday. If any other Ericson owners are considering the same plan, it would be fun to see you. Greg Davids s/v Pacifica E-39B
  17. Sean Engle

    O Barquinho's Summer Cruise to AK

    For those of you unaware - my (old) boat, O Barquinho has just checked into Juneau, AK with her new owner! :egrin: Details will follow as soon as I get them... //sse
  18. Jeff Asbury

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise.

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise. The tentative departure day is Friday September 3rd. It is now official. If anyone else is interested. I am holding a Skipper's Meeting to discuss plans to cruise to the Channel Islands during the week of Labor Day 2004. So far there are two Ericson...
  19. Jeff Asbury

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise.

    Labor Day Week Channel Islands Cruise. The tentative departure day is Friday September 3rd. It is now official. If anyone else is interested. I am holding a Skipper's Meeting to discuss plans to cruise to the Channel Islands during the week of Labor Day 2004. So far there are two...
  20. J

    any overnight cruise ideas?

    Does anyone have any good ideas for an overnight cruise from Chula Vista Marina in San Diego. I have a older E26 and have been working on getting it ready to sail for the last several months. She has been parked in the same slip for at least 6 years and has never left the slip. After I bought...
  21. R

    Ericson Cruise on Lake Erie

    Hi there all Ericson owners on Lake Erie. At Edgewater Yacht Club (EYC) there are at least 6 Ericsons' of various vintages and types. We are organizing a cruising association with other Lake Erie clubs. If you would like to get in on the fun please drop me an email and we can chat about the...
  22. noproblemo2

    Isthmus Cruise

  23. noproblemo2

    Newport Beach Cruise

  24. B

    Cruise the Caribbean Spring 2002

    We are planning a trip North from Antigua begining in February 2002. We will head north from Antigua to Montserrat Nevis, St Kitts, Saba, St Barts, St Martin, BVI, USVI, Dominican Repulic, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. We plan to spend a least a couple of...
  25. J

    Cruise to Napa

    Does anyone in the SF Bay area know if the bridges on the Napa river can be opened easily? Can you sail up to Napa? John King E-35 - "Nuage" Monterey