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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. G

    Cabin Sole Finish

    I've used nothing but Cetol on the sole for many years. The sole is physically in great condition, but the Cetol is leaving a dull, yellowish finish. Suggestions for an alternate? Surface preparation required?
  2. mherrcat

    Powder coating as a marine finish

    Any comments on the efficacy of powder coating as a finish in a marine environment? I am working on reconditioning some portlights to replace the leaking ones in my 30+ and thought about powder coating as a possibility. I was also thinking of patching some small areas of corrosion on the...
  3. Jeff Asbury

    Jessica Watson crosses the finish line!

    Jessica Watson crosses the finish line! May 15th. 210 Days Youngest Solo Non Stop Around the world! 16 years old! National Hero in Australia. Watch the Video. http://www.smh.com.au/national/jessica-crosses-the-line-20100515-v504.html?autostart=1 :cheers:
  4. simdim

    Penofin as a teak finish

    Folks, Had anyone experimented with Penofin (http://www.penofin.com/products_marine.shtml) as a weapon in the battle with teak? One guy at our club had applied it this summer but no long term data yet. Cheers, Simon
  5. treilley

    Interior Teak Finish: Oil to Varnish

    Interior Teak from oil to varnish Well, the interior refinishing project has begun. We have been experimenting with different techniques to remove the lemon oil and lighten the teak. To clean the wood, we used Captain John's Boat Bright teak cleaner(from WM). This removed a lot of dirt...
  6. B

    Interior Finish & Holding Tank

    I recently bought an 1978 Ericson 36C that was sunk and I am restoring it. The engine was preserved so that should be OK. Two questions: The interior was never varnished, should I varnish it or use teak oil? Which will give me the least grief? There is no holding tank for the head, it...
  7. M

    What finish can I use on the interior?

    If you read my prior post you will see the Regalus had a small leak from a cockpit drain hose. There was one through hull hose already replaced which may have let in way to much water at one time. It looks like Regalus may have had about 7 inches of water in the cabin at one time. There is a...
  8. R

    E34 Interior Finish

    Re: 1989 E34 by Pacific Seacraft. Is the interior finish oil or satin varnish. I have a few water drips down the inside of the cabin sides which acts like an oil finish.
  9. B

    Bottom finish

    Here's one to stir things up a little: I have read many different descriptions of how to prepare a fast bottom, some of which are contradictory in terms of what degree of smoothness to attain. When my boat (fresh water) has not been cleaned in a week or two, it has a thin coating of real slick...
  10. S

    Bristol Finish

    I just used Bristol Finish on my cockpit table and companionway slats. So far, I'm pretty impressed with the way it looks, and the ease of application. It looks just like spar varnish, and I didn't have to sand between coats. I applied 6 coats. I used the table and slats to just test the stuff...
  11. B

    Cabin Wood and Finish

    Can anyone help me with this? I am not very experienced with wood and such. What are the types of wood used in the cabin? Such as the bulkheads and cabinets. I have noticed many are using mahogany and other types of wood instead of teak. I want to make sure I get a tone match before I spend all...
  12. G

    Interior Finish

    I have an 87 34 and have water damage around several portlights down below. I was curious what other owners have used to refresh the finish on their boats? Would also be interested in hearing about the brightwork on deck are well. thanks