has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.
Thanks so much for your continued support of!
I'm about to use Future floor polish on my non-skid as recommended by a couple of folks on this site. Anybody want to warn me off? I don't want to do something I'll regret. Thanks!
Not "sailing related"... Yet!
My October issue of EAA Sport Aviation arrived today. Page 20 has an
announcement in the "What's New" section for an
"iPhone edition of its on-demand flight data." They say that "Airport diagrams, approach plates, and weather imagery can be pinched and dragged to...
I recall reading a thread that Rob Thomas did last year on a leaky fuel tank in this E38 thinking to myself…what a rotten job that would be. Well, I just finished cutting out the quarter berth floor and pumped out 40 gallons diesel into pile of jerry cans. That thread with all the pics...
This Future floor treatment is great stuff and it works really well!
I got the tip from Guy’s post here:
Not wanting to hijack the thread, I decided to start a new one :)
Got it from the local grocery store. I used...
Sailnet is having some issues and may or may not be going under (it is not clear at this writing). Because of this, the Sailnet Ericson Mail List may cease to function and possible alternatives are being sought - including this site and the discussed parent organization, the Ericson...
EY.c Site Status FAQs
- As of December 22nd, 2004 -
These are answers to similar questions lots of people are asking me right now.
Please take a moment and review these questions to see if any are yours.
Then, go to the following announcement(s) and threads...
This is the place to discuss this site generally; what you think of it; what you would like out of the new site. Or, what concerns you have - or what makes you angry or frustrated about all this.
Please feel free to air anything here that is relevant to the operation, organizational...
Here's yet another good question:
Assuming costs are kept very nominal - would you like to see the formation of a "National Ericson Owners Association"? Would you involve yourself in it to whatever degree if it was formed?
Lots of people have been calling for this - and it's actually not...
EY.c Future: What would you pay for a site like EY.c?
Here's another good question:
If EY.c were a fee-based site - and you had to pay some small amount annually, how much would you be willing to pay? This assumes that the site's expenses would be fully covered.
From the time I created...
When I created this site, I did so from a need that I felt the Ericson Community had: to have a single repository of information that was useful for the existing community - but also for prospective owners.
That was four years ago. Now, there is a considerable amount of information on this...