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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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    March Meeting Info

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  1. H

    Looking for Forward hatch, year 80 to 84

    I am looking for the aluminum ring, hinges and latch. I will rebuild the rest. If you know of one, please contact me. Thanks
  2. Leon Sheean

    Lewmar Leaking

    The dogs on my hatches seem to have developed a slight leak and are on the spring list of projects. Is there anything special about opening the handle and fabricating new gasket material?
  3. J

    1983 E35-3 Hatches

    Can anyone confirm for me that the raised flange that the hatch mounting trim ring screws into does not have a wooden core material. I am assuming this area was built without the core material. I am planning to rebed my forward hatch and need to know if I have to epoxy plug the screw holes...
  4. Sven

    Hatch latches for wood hatches

    After a verrrrry long time trying to figure out something that would both look good and be functional as well as rugged, we finally installed latches on our new hatches. They work really well, keep the hatches dogged down, and don't look half bad. We obviously haven't quite finished yet...
  5. S

    Lewmar Ocean series hatches

    Does anybody know the correct size for the forward hatch (and the aft hatch for that matter) on an E 35 III? While searching here, I find references to both 60 and 70 series. My boat is not at home to measure. thanks Steve Murray E 35III #222 Charlottetown PEI
  6. Sven

    Putting diesel access hatches in installed tank ?

    Our 30-year old aluminum diesel tank has no access or clean-out hatches. It is an 80 gallon built-in ... literally, it extends under cabinetry and (partial) bulkheads. I can see how to cut access hatches in the teak (plywood) sole and make that work well. What I am much less sure about...
  7. S

    E 32 Lexan Hatches

    I want to replace the Lexan material in my two hatches on my 1976 Ericson 32. I checked at the Local 'Rubber/Plastics' distributor and they had clear Lexan. I didn't check on smoked because I'm not sure about the light they allow into the boat. The lexan on our boat is opaque, not clear. Is...
  8. Tom Metzger

    Lewmar deck hatches

    I have decided to replace the forward Lewmar deck hatch on my 1987 E-34. It looks like a #60 hatch, 20 x 20", and the question comes up as to the low profile or the medium profile series. Does anyone have any comments as to which series to buy? The difference at Defender is less than $40...
  9. treilley

    Great deal on Lewmar hatches on ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lewmar-Marine-Ocean-Hatch-Boat-Hatch-Series-40-NOS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ26448QQihZ013QQitemZ230043072425QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW These same hatches were listed at $225.00 last week and had no bids. Seller says he has more than one. I have been waiting for...
  10. R

    Crazed Hatches & Portlights

    Is there a source for relacement hatch lenses closer than Select Plastics in CT? The new Good Old Boat magazine (July/Aug.) recommends replacing portlight lenses with acrylic (Plexiglass) rather than Lexan. Not "Bulletproof" like Lexan, but does not craze. Any experience with this? Dick Elliott...
  11. Sean Engle

    New Project: Rebuilding Lewmar Hatches

    I've just uploaded a new project to the Owner's Projects page - one from Chris Corcoran (submitted some time ago, I'm afraid) on the replacement of Lewmar Hatches. Great project - thanks for your contribution to EricsonYachts.org, Chris! :egrin: Also uploaded to the document server is...
  12. Jewel

    Batten down the hatches...

    :esad: The last forecast I heard on the radio is calling for even stronger gusts possible. It looks like I am leaving work early today to take the dodger and the main off the boat. Dan & Julie Jewel E28+ Bellingham, WA Tonight Rain...windy. Lows in the upper 30s to mid 40s...
  13. B

    Lewmar hatches no longer stand up

    The Lewmar hatches on our 1989 E34 no longer stay open at a 45 or 90 degree angle. Is there an easy way to fix this? Can the hinge tension be adjusted? Thanks, Brooke
  14. C

    Ericson 32/35 Windows and Hatches on eBay

    Check this out.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4544274125&category=50443&sspagename=WDVW
  15. G

    Custom hatches

    Can anyone recommend a source for custom made hatches? I am building a new mount in both top hatches for something that will be blue water sound, but the forward one in particular does not correspond to any standard sizes. Select Plastics are giving me the runaround. Gareth Freyja E35 #241...
  16. G

    Top hatches

    Has anyone had any ocean worthy top hatches fabricated? Any recommendations? Also, can you recommend a shop in the New York/New England area? Gareth Freyja E35 #241 1972
  17. E

    Lexan hatches

    The old hatches on my E39 are soon to be replaced. I do like the teak frames with plastic "glass" and I have a very nice peice of teak ready to be cut to size. Two or three questions come to mind. Lexan over acrylic for the impact resistance and strength? I do not know if the existing hatches...
  18. C

    replacement hatches

    I'm looking for a low maintenance hatch to replace the wood frame/clouded plexiglass hatches on my '78 34t. Has anyone found a replacement hatch compatible with the fiberglass curb?
  19. M

    Replacing Campionway Hatches

    Does anyone know options for replacing the plywood hatches on Ericsons? I've got a 1978 Ericson 34T that has the common problem of plywood delimanation, and am considering having it replaced with fiberglass or other... Is this a custom fabrication project, or are there other sources? How...
  20. C

    T Molding for MK III Hatches

    I recently had a large quantity of 1/2 inch teak-colored T molding made to trim the interior hatches on MK III Eriscons. It's beautiful and it fits. If you'd like to replace that old, cracking original T molding on your Ericson, I'm selling packages of 20 feet (should be enough to handle...