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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. IslandTime29

    Pics of my new Ericson 29 hatch

    Had to show this picture off. This is my new sliding hatch that one of my fellow sailors at my marina made and installed today. But now it just makes me realize I need to do some more varnishing on the companionway slats!
  2. D

    Pics of E38 shoal draft underbody please???

    Anyone have any pics of the underside of a e38 with the standard shoal draft?
  3. A

    Some pics of a sunday sail on my E25

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/12192368@N08/sets/72157624049280149/show/ I'm the Guy with blonde hair, black glasses. Got Heel?!
  4. Nancy on Senta

    My pics from the "Gathering"

    Here are some pics from the Catalina Gathering http://picasaweb.google.com/nancygrenander/CatalinaWeek?feat=directlink -Nancy
  5. Sven

    Berserker bash wind speeds and flipped boat pics ?

    Did any of you happen to see or hear what the max wind gusts were during the strange evening wind bursts ? I'm talking about the evening during the gathering in the Isthmus, Wednesday night ? Did any of you get any pics of the "Whaler" that was lifted up and flipped ? I assume it wasn't...
  6. D

    1968 e26 pics and advice

    1968 e26 resources Hey now, I just bought a 1968 e26 and I'm looking for other people in the bay area that might have one. The fleet one web site hasn't been updated in a long time so I thought someone here could help me.Thank you for your time.
  7. R

    E38 quadrant reinforcement pics

    Hello All, I completed the reinforcement plate to allow the installation of a belowdeck autopilot ram on the steering quadrant of my E38. The reinforcement plate is made of G10 or fiberglass laminate material that is 1/2" thick with additional spacers of the same material but 1" thick. The...
  8. WhiteNoise

    Finally some pics of the new deck

    Sorry it took so long. Here's some pics of the new starboard deck. The original was rotted from the shrouds back to the primary winch. I decored over the winter and recored in the spring. I also repaired the wood around the forward portlights which leaked and also rotted the wood. It was quite...
  9. S

    E25 New Centerboard and Rudder Pics

    Here are four pictures of the new centerboard and rudder that I had Idasailor Marine build for me out of high density rigid polymer. I haven't sailed them yet but am relieved that the centerboard project is really done now, fixed right, and maintenance free. Incidentally, I took Bob Boe's...
  10. Jeff Asbury

    Catalina Fire Pics.

    Not a good thing. My home away from home is burning. Catalina Fire. :esad:
  11. S

    E38 Calou's Cruising Log & Pics

    http://www.sailblogs.com/member/calou/ Nice to see a E38 out there doing what an E38 does best. Click on the blog link on their site for plenty of info and pictures. Looks like a great cruise.
  12. T

    e-38 150 Genny Pics

    Finally took a few shots of the new 150 from Quantum. Love this sail. Sorry the shots are crummy from my phone. Have 1 more week before the boat hauls for the winter so I will try and get some with the good camera.
  13. Dferr

    Pics of the keel.

    I was told that this is somewhat normal. Although it looks pretty bad to me, the water that is in the bildge is not leaking out, so I guess water wouldn't leak in. I would like to be able to sail the boat for one season before I would have to drop and re-bed the keel. From the looks of things...
  14. bigtyme805

    Pics of your Ericson in California

    Hey guys probably most of you know I have a website for my ericson. I want to add a page of other ericson boats and if you would like your boat posted on this page I would like to post it. Just give me your homeport boat name and model. And of course your name. email is bigtyme805@yahoo.com If...
  15. T

    Attachment Error? - Pics and pdfs...

    Greetings, Earlier this year, I tried attaching docs to posts here & was successful. In looking at the "How Many Ericson 30+ built" thread under the Design and Function forum today, I noticed that one attachment of mine, a pdf document, still shows up as a link to the attachment.:egrin...
  16. Sean Engle

    Pics from NWER05 - Rendezvous Tease Added

    * This is a copy of a post I just placed in the 'NWER06 Discussion' thread - just in case it's missed by non-subscribers.... Hey - I just updated the announcement for the 06 Rendezvous - and included some images from last year as well as some other (mildly) entertaining stuff. Check it...
  17. R

    First launching pics!

    Forgive for gloating but this is the first time I had seen "Ruby" in the water. She was splashed yesterday and I rushed over early from work to see her. I bought her on the hard, no sea trial, just a survey and based on the knowledgeable input on the sailing characteristics by other E38 owners...
  18. R

    Pics of an E38 with a bulb keel!

    I finally remembered to bring my camera to the boat today. When I purchased this E38 there was some discussion about the keel. AFAIK, there was never a bulb keel offered by Ericson. Someone indicated this may be a Mars Metal keel mod. I still don't know much about it but here it is: RT
  19. H

    Old pics from Cherry Cove

    I was going thru some old pictures and came across these from my 11th b'day. I'm the one at the bow of the dinghy with my brother Steve and my Dad. My Sisters, Cyndie, Ravone, Annie, Lynae, Step mom Karen are in the cockpit and my other Rick is at the bow fishing. The question for these pics...
  20. T

    E 38-200 Pics

    Some Pics of the boat from a light air memorial day weekend. My favorite is "Ericson Grin" I am wearing while sailing with my son...
  21. T

    Bimini Pics Needed E-38

    I have a frame for a bimini that I picked up ffom a fellow 38 owner and I have some questions about its intallation as I am having a canvas guy come to measure. The bimini frame consists of 4 bows, 2 short ones and 2 tall ones, one of the tall ones is a little taller than the other. It appears...