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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. Loren Beach

    BLOG "rules"

    A little update for any site user wanting to start a Blog. If.... you put a Question into your blog it may get deleted. When you put out a call for information, input, or help, this type of text Belongs in a Forum Thread. Blogs are strictly expository, i.e. where someone is talking about...
  2. B

    Help Needed to find AP Install thread

    I recently came across a thread that was a step by step guide to the installation of an auto pilot for a 3511 with Wheel steering. It also had pictures. I have not been able to locate that thread and I'm hoping someone remembers it and can steer me to it. I just bought one for my 3511. Thanks in...
  3. N

    Marelon Ball Valve Thread Sealant ?

    Marelon Ball Valves Something amazing today. While removing 2 Marelon Valves in our 1986 E32-3 they BOTH EASILY UNSCREWED! The new Marelon valves say to use teflon tape for thread sealant but before I do that I would like to know what Ericson used. Whatever it was held leak tight for 23 years...
  4. Andrew Means

    That dinghy thread has got me feverish...

    Reading the dinghy poll has given me boat fever for a better dinghy... On the Wino (my Ericson 27) we have a chintzy little inflatable - it's nice because it's light, collapses well, but it tows really poorly and it rows worse. Also it's a pain in the ass to pump it up. The plastic oarlocks...
  5. Mikebat

    Yacht Rock appreciation thread

    I'm using "rock" loosely since the first song I am posting is a video by a country artist, Lyle Lovett. Post videos of your favorite yacht rock or sailing song that you want to share. Lyle Lovett - If I Had a Boat
  6. C

    Tore out thread for sail track mounting

    I have to finally deal with a pesky problem that has been around for a while: I have a problem with sail slides getting stuck on the joint between the lower two sections of the sail track in the mast, just below the first spreader. The bottom section is held in by a screw (#10 1 1/4 machine...
  7. R

    Prop choice & Shaft thread size? (E35MkII, A4)

    Hi there, I am hoping someone can save me a 1 1/4h drive each way to my boat. I have just found out this morning that the person who was meant to have resurfaced my indigo prop and installed it prior to todays launch hasn't/can't/won't. I need to (a) get a new prop pronto and (b) a new castle...
  8. Sean Engle

    What is a 'Moved Thread'?

    What is a 'moved thread?' Good question! :egrin: When a thread you've placed has been 'moved' that means that the either the moderators or the administrator (me) felt that the subject matter was such that it should be in another forum. Mostly this is done to maintain category consistency, and...
  9. P

    Advice on purchase of E39B (Dupe - See Other Thread)

    I'm thinking of buying an E39B. It's the only Ericson for sale in New Zealand. I'll try an attach the advert'. Looks like the hard doggers are an afterthought, and home-made looking. I guess that doesn't matter too much so long as they work well. Do you think hard doggers necessary? I...
  10. N

    thread closed

    Hi, no jeers or cheers really, just wondering why the following thread was closed. http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/showthread.php?p=23393#post23393 Thanks, Nate
  11. Sean Engle

    Thread Format - Please Use When Adding New Threads

    Summary: General summary of the location - why you like it, why it's notable, etc. Location: Where this site is located - starting at a regional level. Format for the title should be something like: Puget Sound: South: Anchorages. The text should contain useful locale information...
  12. Sean Engle

    Thread Format - Please Use When Adding New Threads

    Summary: General summary of the location - why you like it, why it's notable, etc. Location: Where this site is located - starting at a regional level. Format for the title should be something like: Puget Sound: South: Anchorages. The text should contain useful locale information...
  13. Loren Beach

    UV and Thread Life

    We dropped off our '96 model dacron 135 genny at the Seattle UKSails loft (former Halsey/Lidgard loft) a couple days ago. Time for a new sacrificial dacron leach cover and associated stiching. I knew that age and sun exposure would take its toll, and so I called up my friend at the UK loft on...
  14. Chris Miller

    Cruising Chutes (continued from other thread)

    Figured we better get this it's own thread so everyone doesn't have to pick through all this to get to get to the track discussion. Thanks Seth. We've actually been strategizing about making this sail most effective for the small amount of racing we do with the boat, but mostly it will just...
  15. S

    Why close your request thread?

    Joseph, I am curious as to why you posted your request for used instruments and then closed the thread-in 2 locations?? Beyond that, I have a funny story about Lake Superior-since you mentioned how much fresh water-ice-was to be found there: As most of you know, when you lose a person...
  16. M

    Yet another sole thread... T & H veneer?

    While reading all of these sole replacement threads, I was reminded of my recent musing about sole refurbishment in our E-27. The 27 has a molded fiberglass sole which we have covered with a carpet. The admiral and I have long lusted after the teak & holley soles we see in other boats and were...
  17. Sean Engle

    First Thread....

    Ok, ok - so I guess there are ~NO~ Ericson owners on the Atlantic Seaboard?? ;) Guess that means I'll be the first to post here - Ahhhhhh, the Chesapeake - great place to sail - Middleton's or the Crab Shack afterward.... Almost as nice as Puget Sound! ;) //sse
  18. Sean Engle

    New Thread Test

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