There were only 47 of these made. I have no idea why, but it was superceded by the E30+, which has a fractional rig, deck stepped mast, and a structural grid under to sole liner. I raced a fractional rig Lightning for 20 yrs and kind of miss the easy control of mainsail shape and power that you get with that rig. However, I have no complaints. It sails very well and is balanced at all angles of heel. I suppose that it goes to weather relatively well with the high aspect rig, but it may also be said that the relatively small main - compared to the 30+, may be less advantageous for going off the wind. However, it doesn't need reefing as soon. On the other hand, the relatively large jib makes roller furling desirable.
Mine does not have roller furling like the one on Craig's list does, but came with a new mylar main and a new symmetrical spinnaker. I bought it for $14k in 2002 from a broker after knocking the price down from $18k. I have subsequently spent a bit on it - new cushions, wheel pilot, & M3-20B engine(not yet installed - it will replace a Yanmar YSM12 that still runs fine). I still want to put a heater in the boat for cruising, replace the headliner, and maybe replace some of the standing rigging - it's probably original. It's not a cheap hobby, but life is not all about making investments that make sense to the average person.
If I had been more knowledgable about old keel boats, I think I would have driven a harder bargain. There is no end to the bucks and time that can go into an old boat unless you just want to use it up without adding improvements. I bought an Ericson specifically for its build quality and for its sailing characteristics. And I am satisfied