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2006 NW Ericson Rendezvous - Discussion


Member III
Loren Beach said:
The legacy of Ericson Yachts drew us together, and the wonderful owners and families really make the journey worthwhile and a lot of Fun, whether by sea, land, or air...
Oh, and Speaking of being on a short leash.... Umm....
Oh well, let Glyn speak for himself! (sorry, bad pun alert)

Note: we need a category for Best of Show for the many cats and dogs!
"All Paws on Deck!"

Loren, back in PDX

ps: the "apple pie in a bottle" was... amazing! :devil: :devil:

Indeed it was.:egrin: And not just the amazing pie-in-a-bottle, but the fine folks I had a chance to meet - finally - after all these years, Loren and Kathy notwithstanding.

My first Rendevous, and definately not the last, my helmet's (gotta get one) off to Stuart. You're a Prince, Mr McKenzie, and it was great to throw down some brews with you and everyone else I had the pleasure of meeting.

Only regrets: not getting there a day earlier to catch a ride on at least one other Ericson, to those unable to attend because of work or personal reasons, to my wife for catching a flu and having to stay home, and for my uncertain memory for remembering so many names, and for forgetting guide dogs in training wearing capes shouldn't be petted. Sorry again, Glyn.:boohoo:

I enjoyed every minute of it, and hopefully next year I can bring the boat (and the 'admiral.)

You're a terrific group of people and I'm proud to have met so many of you.

Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"


Member III

Any info on what the final quantity of boats was? It was a great time and thanks for putting it together...it was a good hang.


Richard Elliott

Member III
Is Shaun Wurzner aware that the engine is a converted Kubota tractor engine? A Kubota short block may be lots cheaper than Universal. Dick Elliott.

Richard Elliott

Member III
Karen and I had an "interesting" return from the rendezvous. After a visit to Butchart's Gardens and enjoyable day in Ganges we headed South through the San Juans overnighting at James Island. Up early to catch the last 1and 1/2 hours of a strong ebb put us into heavy breaking seas South of Lopez Island. Engine quit after about an hour so we set about 1/2 jib and sailed all the way to Port Townsend in white knuckle conditions, launched the dinghy and towed the boat into Pt. Hudson Marina. Lots of head scratching and fuel filter change. I became suspicious in the morning when the diesel heater wouldn't work! Fuel tank totally empty! My owners manual states 30 Gal. fuel capacity but it actually holds only 22 Gal. We're very thankful for a favorable wind. We plan to return to B.C. for the month of Aug. and will look for "Southern Cross" in Desolation Sound.


Member III

One thing I'm pretty sure of is there are NO kubota 1502 blocks to be found anywhere. Between Kubota and all the engine rebuilders and tractor shops, I could not find one. Looks like I'll be putting in a new M35B which is based on the Kubota V1505 block.

thanks for the Kubota concepts, I beat it to death and beyond. I was hoping to find anything I could where the exhaust manfold would transfer over.

Looks like a new M35 and about $9K less in the wallet if on the horizon within the next week or so.

E38-200 sans engine
S/V Sorcerer

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I have two friends that went with the Kubota-based Betamarine and really like the engineering. You might want to get a bid on one.
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Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
GST money back from Canada ! (?)

Rendezvous (Tax) Wrap Up...
As we left the motel at Sidney the nice lady at the desk reminded to be sure to get the form from customs to fill out to get back the "GST" we were charged.
I got a form from CN customs at the ferry dock in Victoria on our way home. Next step is to fill it out and mail it with our receipts.

It appears that the company that provided the form and the envelope gets 20% of the money, and more interesting that the official CN customs lady at the departure dock told me to use that company's form. I guess that their gov't is not set up to deal directly with us tourists. :rolleyes:

Here is the URL for this service, as well:

Since we have about $37. total at stake, even after losing 20% of it there still remains some "real money" to collect.
The instruction sez to expect to wait 12 weeks for the money.

We shall see...

Loren in PDX

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Hey - just so I feel included in this...

Look what we did! And you guys think you're the only ones who know how to have fun! :p



  • Before-After.jpg
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Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
footrope said:
Wait, that's not 'Photoshopped' is it?

I wish - I'm up there right now - installing new outlets and more and more insulation!



Member III
Sean Engle said:
I wish - I'm up there right now - installing new Romex, outlets and more and more insulation!


Nice looking house, Sean!:egrin:

Sorry we didn't see you in Sidney, but you did a hellava job on the roof.

I rue the day I have to tackle that project at our place. I'll hafta hang a net all 'round in case I slide off sideways.:rolleyes:

Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Canada GST Refund (?)

I will let you all know if anything changes... but at this point I have heard nothing from the company that promises to process this refund on behalf of the CN gov't. They say to wait for 12 weeks, so I waited, and waited.

I just sent them a message asking about it.

I am becoming a bit skeptical.......

Loren in PDX

Richard Elliott

Member III
Tacoma to Sidney, B.C.

It can usually be done easily in two days. I do it every summer from Olympia, nearly always in two days. Overnight at either Port Ludlow or, with favorable conditions, Pt. Hudson Marina at Port Townsend. Fog can be a problem. Got caught last summer in extreme adverse current, 1.8K off the West side of San Juan Is. and had to duck into Roche Harbor for the night.