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Cockpit Cushions


Member II
Any recommendations for cockpit cushions? Have looked at 'Bottomsiders' but the cost is not quite in my budget...

Also - what are your thoughts on colors? White (but will get dirty), Navy Blue (but could get hot). What colors hold up over time the best?


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I commissioned a canvas shop to make mine.

I commissioned a canvas shop to make mine. $800. just for the 6 berths! They used Sunbrella fabric. Navy Blue with Red Piping to match the original back rests (They were OK) on the settees. I saved a lot of money by using the old foam that was in good shape. I know of others that have used vinyl fabric (waterproof) or ultra suede. Some folks have used a regular upholstery shops with nice results. I like the durability and easy to clean factors of Sunbrella.

Oh, Now I see you said Cockpit cushions. I got those done with foam for $100. each. Sunbrella as well, bright blue to match the sail covers. Great deal, that won't happen again.

See Pic.


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Member II
We have a complete set of cockpit cushions which when not being used, took up the entire V berth. We used them only at anchor or in the slip. When under sail, they were a pain. They move when you are leaving or entering the cockpit which makes for loose footing when heeling or rocking. Actually causing accidents. Eventually they ended up in the basement and now we just use the standard square cushions (they float, kind) which tend not to be in the way when moving around the cockpit. In short, they stay mostly in the basement

Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
I have to agree with Ernie, mine stay in the quarter berth unless I have light air or I know I will be motoring for a long period of time. If I am at more than 10 degrees of heel they are a pain. Some have suggested velcro or snaps. I just don't want anything that permeant in the cockpit. I as well mostly use the square float cushions. They are very nice at anchor or for sun bathing though.


Member III
Try putting some of that non slip stuff they use under rugs to stop slipping. Makes a big difference for us


Sticker shock solution

We too got sticker shock when shopping for cushions so this is what we did for our previous boat, and E32-200, and were quite happy with it. Attached is a picture of what we started with.

First I went to Sam's Club and got two of the pool floats with the molded in bolster in the end. I can't remember exactly but I know they were $20-40 a piece. The important things here are that they were made of coated closed cell foam, 1 1/2" thick, and larger than each side of the cockpit.

Next I experimented and found it was very easy to cut with a hacksaw blade exactly to the shape of the cockpit seats, one for each side. The bolster goes towards the cabin bulkhead end of the seat. This left me with a nicely shaped, durable, waterproof (closed cell foam, x.p.e. type) cushions.

The bad part is that in trimming them to fit, I was left with bright blue cushions with ugly exposed beige foam where I trimmed the two edges. That's where my wife Peg, A.K.A. Galley_Slave in this group, came in. She's pretty handy with the sewing machine, so in short order she made some slip on covers out of a few yards of bright blue sunbrella. She used velcro to seal them shut. She attached some non-skid shelf material to the bottom to help hold them in place. They never got too hot in the sun.

In the end we had a very nice product with built in bolsters for around $100. I intended to do the same for the curving helm area but we sold the boat before I got around to it. These homemade cushions looked professional and rolled up nicely to be left compactly in the v-berth when not in use. I also liked the fact that since they are closed cell foam, they would make handy life saving floats in a man overboard situation.

Our E34 came with custom cushions, so we are already covered. I still liked the ones we made better with the bolster and rolling up feature.

If neither of you are into sewing then you might be able to get someone to make sunbrella covers after you make the cushions and still be way under the custom cushion cost. The cushion float we used was from Fabrionics, Inc, phone number 217-832-2011.

Good luck.

omgirl said:
Any recommendations for cockpit cushions? Have looked at 'Bottomsiders' but the cost is not quite in my budget...

Also - what are your thoughts on colors? White (but will get dirty), Navy Blue (but could get hot). What colors hold up over time the best?



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Kim Schoedel

Member III
We went with Bottomsiders. Yep, big $ but had them on our previous boat and just can't live without them. Since we are on a big lake and not heavy sea's, the only time we experience any slipping off position of the cushions is when we are healing to 30 degrees or so. Went with the lite color. Yep, gots to keep them clean. (wipeing down the cockpit each time before setting the cushions out really helps keep them cleaner) but the dark blue would be way too hot in the summer for us. When we are on the boat they are in the cockpit, otherwise we store them in the quarter berth.


Sticky cushions ?

One problem I've heard with some of the shiny coated foam products is that they tend to stick to some people's smooth leg skin, just like smooth vinyl or smooth leather seats in cars. I don't know about the Bottomsiders product. Has anyone had that experience ?

Kim Schoedel said:
We went with Bottomsiders. Yep, big $ but had them on our previous boat and just can't live without them. Since we are on a big lake and not heavy sea's, the only time we experience any slipping off position of the cushions is when we are healing to 30 degrees or so. Went with the lite color. Yep, gots to keep them clean. (wipeing down the cockpit each time before setting the cushions out really helps keep them cleaner) but the dark blue would be way too hot in the summer for us. When we are on the boat they are in the cockpit, otherwise we store them in the quarter berth.

Kim Schoedel

Member III
Our old boat had old Bottomsiders. They had hardened up a bit through the years but in the real hot weather, no wind etc, we did experience the leg sticking thing but not real bad. It remains to be seen how the new ones on the new boat work but I would imagine they will be stickier. On those hot days we will just throw a towel or two down. Still a lot better then sitting on that hard surface without padding. Yep, we are very spoiled.


Sustaining Member
We have closed cell foam upholstered with vinyl. I like it because they slip less than sunbrella, and are more durable than the bottomsiders.

Storage is an issue, but we keep them in the cockpit whenever we're on board.

I've never bought them though. Both our boats have come with that type of cushion.


The cabinet non-skid on the bottom of the sunbrella worked pretty well, but for more extreme heel we were going to put a few snaps at the base of the coaming. Before we got to it, we sold the boat for our E34.

The E34 came with some pro-made closed cell foam cushions covered with something like vinyl. For those we are thinking of some snaps on the coaming.

The sticky cushion thing is more of a problem for those without much hair on the thighs. So maybe rogaine on the back of the thighs would help ;) .

NateHanson said:
We have closed cell foam upholstered with vinyl. I like it because they slip less than sunbrella, and are more durable than the bottomsiders.

Storage is an issue, but we keep them in the cockpit whenever we're on board.

I've never bought them though. Both our boats have come with that type of cushion.
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