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E-27 Hull Speed

Scott Lynds

Junior Member
I am considering buying an E-27, and would like to know the hull speed of this boat, as well as the general sailing characteristics, good and bad. I presently own a Catalina 22 swing keel, so anyone with knowledge of Cat22, might be able to offer me a comparison on what I will be loosing/gaining with the switch, thanks. Also, what are some weaker points i should be looking for as this boat is in pretty rough shape. Also, it is a split cockpit, which I feel is a little overkill for this size boat-comments??

bill nixon

Junior Member
I once owned a Catalina 22 swing keel, a tough little guy, but more suited to bay or inland lakes. I sailed her off shore on Lake Erie for only 2 seasons and realized I needed more of a boat. I now have a 27 Ericson and have not been sorry. There are some other threads herein where others articulate on her ablities. I ve been seeing and reading that the hull speed is around 6.5k. The Catalina would get up on a plane and really does not displace much water as with the Ericson and other similar boats. I don't think that light air is the Ericson's forte', she kinda likes 10 to 15k air, stiffens around 15-20 degrees heel and hunkers down. At around 7000 lbs vs. about 2200 of the Cat, and high free board, I am glad to be on the Ericson in a blow. Stand up head room! Good Luck, some old boats can be alot of work, I looked for the best one I could find, and have been quite happy.


Hull speed on an E-27 is about 6.5 knots. I have had my boat doing 10-12, but that was surfing on a killer reach. I have had my 27 since 1976. It's a 1973 model. Great boat. Has an outboard and is steered with a tiller. Wouldn't have it any other way.

I'd like to add that my boat loves light air. When the winds get below five knots, we shine. Raced in one race last fall that had light air and some tactics involving an outgoing tide (Tampa Bay) and after two races we had beaten the second place boat in our class by 42 minutes corrected time. There have been several times, in light air, when I have sailed right through the bigger boat class that started five minutes ahead of us.

Today, we were sailing in 17-20 knots with a single reef in the main and a working jib. Played the traveler a bit when the boat got to heeling more than 25 degrees. My boat slows down when it gets on its ear.

My opinion of an E-27 is that it is a fine, fine boat. I was lucky to have bought this one, because I just liked the way it looked and had no idea of how marvelous a sailing boat it truly is.

You could do far worse.

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Inactive Member
The formula for finding theoritical hull speed is 1.43 X square root of the load waterline length (LWL) Or if your LWL is 25' it would be 1.43 X 5= 7.15 kn. An E27 is about 23' as I remember, but don't quote me on that. I owned an E27 myself and you will find it faster than the Catalina 22. Had a ball with that boat! Very sea kindly but had a tendency to hobby horse in head seas. Much better under sail than power. Hope this answers your questions. Bud
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