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need rub rail component for Ericson 38

Steve Morrell

New Member
I had some recent damage on my Ericson 38 rub rail. There is a rigid plastic extrusion piece that secures to the hulll and a vinyl piece that snaps into it. I need about 5 fto of the rigid piece. I can get the exact piece at Pacific Seacraft, but they want $5 a ft plus up $70 shipping at 40ft minimum. Does anyone need some of this that we can share the cost.? Or does anyone have a short piece laying around. The piece can be viewed at Pacific Seacraft's site at I am sure that it is typical of all Ericson rubrails from 80-81 on. You can check it out by going to their website and seeing the configuration in parts for Ericson 38 (and others) then to rubrail and part number 0077238.
Steve Morrell

Renegade Peso

New Member
Rub rail

I think the manufacturers always gouge for things like rub rail. Try to get ahold of Taco Metal coompany or just Taco they use to cary every kind of rub rail you could think of.


New Member
I replaced the entire rub rail from pacific seacraft, quite the job, all other rail mfg's did not match. I have about 15 feet of good rail left over. my location is Rhode Island


Contributing Partner
You might think about replacement with vinyl/steel

The previous owner of my 38, which is 12' beam, was not too skillfull at getting his boat into his 13' 6" wide slip. As a result he had trashed so much of the rub rail docking the boat that he had it all replaced the winter prior to selling it to me.

The new rub rail is the type of semi-rigid 1 1/4" wide vinyl extrusion that has a 3/4" wide stainless strip down the center. Orginally I was a bit put off by having that part of the boat not match the Ericson appearance, but I have come to appreciate the fact that it is essentially indestructable. I had a couple of run ins (literally) with docks and pilings over the years that I am sure would have crushed aluminum, but there was no damage at all.

I am not sure how the cost would compare with the aluminum extrusion, but you would never have to replace it again. If you only have a small piece that needs replacement this option would not make sense. But if you have a number of dings that would require replacement a good portion of the rail, I would strongly encourage anyone to consider going this route. It might not be authentic "Ericson" anymore, but it sure is a lot more durable.

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
I am in the process of replacing my entire rub rail from Wefco, I have some fairly intact pieces of the old frame part left over, located in Brewerton NY.

Freyja E35 #241 1972

Allen Barker

New Member
Rub rail e38 1981

I replaced the entire rub rail from pacific seacraft, quite the job, all other rail mfg's did not match. I have about 15 feet of good rail left over. my location is Rhode Island
Do you still have this railing , I am located in New York. Does pacific sea craft still make this. Thanks allen

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
following up on a ten-year-old source

Do you still have this railing , I am located in New York. Does pacific sea craft still make this. Thanks allen

Click on the name, and choose the option for directly sending him a email. Note that his last comment on this site was in 2003.
Note B: Pacific Sea Craft stopped producing Ericsons in the late 90's, and nowadays are also out of business.


Edit: PSC assets were indeed sold to a different company in the SE United States, who now offers new boats for sale. No Ericson tooling made this transition, tho.
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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
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Member III
Regarding PSC, I contacted them a couple years ago to see if they had anything or any knowledge of the Ericson boats. The new owner sent me a friendly email about seeing the Ericson tooling, documentation, etc, when at the old facility for the auction, but none of this was included in the sale and he has no idea where anything Ericson ended up.


Member III

If you search on old posts, you'll hopefully find one from me after T/S Ernesto. We redid the rubrails with TACO extrusions, and they look (still) very sharp. Much better than what was there. The part numbers sound vaguely familiar, but details would be in the previous posts...assuming they survived the recent hack attack.

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

I think this is the thread. In it, you follow the ridiculously winding path I too have followed for several months, trying, like everybody else, to get a death grip on a suitable rubrail choice. Along the way we encounter hurricanes, collision with Thai frigates, rubber, despair, hope, paint jobs that don't work out, horror at the possible expense, misery at the look of the cheap stuff, and stainless over varnished teak, just to put a thumb in your eye.

Hmmm. You know, I may just give this up and buy a new Hinckley.

In the old thread you said you chose Taco A12-0511

Naturally, there is (currently) no Taco A12-0511 that I could locate.

Might it have been A11-0511? As in the screenshot below?
Taco A11-0511.JPG
Er, got a rubrail picture by any chance?

See, even if you find and install a new rubrail, it haunts you forever.
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Member III


As far as I remember there were 2 types that looked close. One was a bit more beefy (I took that) and the other one perhaps a bit wider but not as thick (?). I had TACO samples back then and looked at all the options (inserts, no inserts, solid, plastic, rubber or whatever...perhaps 20+ of them). The Aluminum ones were the obvious choice. Good luck! We cleaned out the old crud, smoothed out the hull-deck joint and put a bead of 4200 all along its length, filling a few voids here and there. I never had any leaks (before or after).

Your stories sound intriguing to say the least! Great that the Ericson pulled through for you... Maybe entertain us with a little writeup in one of the other Forums one of these days?


New Member
Original supplier for ericson rub rail.

I had some recent damage on my Ericson 38 rub rail. There is a rigid plastic extrusion piece that secures to the hulll and a vinyl piece that snaps into it. I need about 5 fto of the rigid piece. I can get the exact piece at Pacific Seacraft, but they want $5 a ft plus up $70 shipping at 40ft minimum. Does anyone need some of this that we can share the cost.? Or does anyone have a short piece laying around. The piece can be viewed at Pacific Seacraft's site at I am sure that it is typical of all Ericson rubrails from 80-81 on. You can check it out by going to their website and seeing the configuration in parts for Ericson 38 (and others) then to rubrail and part number 0077238.
Steve Morrell

Rub Rail:
21000 Osborne St., #2
Canoga Park, CA 91304