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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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New E30 Owner - Toronto Ontario

Jeff S.

New Member
Hello everyone, I have bought a 1967 e30, with an atomic 4 gas inboard. I am having trouble finding info or pictures on this boat? If there are any members who can pass on info for this boat, it would be appreciated. I enjoy reading the experiances and sharing in the knowledge of the seasoned sailors on this site. i am a novice sailor, and the information you all pass on, feeds my dream to cast off and enjoy the water. I look forward to hearing back, thanks



Fellow Ericson Owner
Congratulations Jeff!

This is my first real year of sailing so I'm a novice as well. I've found the people on this board to be an invaluable resource as a new sailor/sailboat owner.

When we first got our sailboat I spent more time working on her than sailing her. It's an easy trap to fall into. Don't forget to sail her - a lot!



Sustaining Partner
Welcome Jeff. Where are you located? Try googling ericson 30 or search for other owners using the owners & projects link at the top of the page.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author

Hi Jeff,

More congratulations from Portland, Oregon. :egrin:

Somewhat sorta-kinda akin to us Olson owners, you have an Ericson-built boat that is quite different from the "main stream" of the thousands of Bruce King-designed Ericsons in the late 60's clear into the '80's.

I have not seen an example your model in my city, but there is an Alberg-design E-35-1 sailing on our river and several Crealock-design E-26-1 models in our area.
If you take some pictures of your boat, be sure to post them for us to admire. The few pics that we have on this site are nice, to be sure, but more of the E-30-1 would be neat -- expecially of the interior.

Where do you sail?
Whichever region you are in, look through the Owners' section in this site for other owners to plan for social gatherings like our NW Rendezvous every summer. If you wish, add your home port and boat type to your "User CP" (upper left in the blue color bar) and also note the "FAQ" clickable word beside that.

You will find that many of your questions about propulsion and rigging/plumbing/wiring systems are common to everyone else with an Ericson over 20 or 30 years of age.

Use the Search function in this site and enjoy the massive collection of wisdom, pictures, wit, and discussion archived over the last several years. You will find that everyone has an opinion, and, if you average them all together the result is sometimes quite helpful... or occasionally just a bubble off of plumb...

Seriously, this is a good bunch of helpful Ericson owners, some of whom really are electricians, sailmakers, surveyors, carpenters, and fiberglass repair veterans in their other lives. Note that every individual here (!) has at least ONE interesting project or experience that all the rest can benefit from knowing of.

Ask stuff. Search for threads and posts. Post pictures. Oh, and remember to go out and sail your boat.


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Jeff S.

New Member
I am located outside of Toronto, Canada not quite sure where my home port will be, either Port Stanley on lake erie or Southampton on lake huron. I grew up on lake huron, but erie is a little closer. I have the winter to decide.:) I am having the boat moved today..i hope i will have some pictures in the next few days. She needs a good cleaning, but everything as far as i can tell is in place. I have googled the e30 but haven't found any info. yachtworld has one so it gave me some pics. to reference. Thanks for welcoming me to this forum and i am sure to have lots of questions for all of you.

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Congrats & Welcome

Congrats on the boat, Jeff - I'm sure you'll be very happy with your purchse!

You have an entire community of people here who are interested in your progress, etc - so please do stay in touch on your projects, etc.

Did you receive an E30 Owner's Manual with your boat? If so, this site is still in need of a copy... :egrin:

Also - be sure to do a search on 'E30' in the search field at the top of this forum...and post any questions you have...

Welcome to EY.o!



Junior Member
Welcome from a fellow newbie


Congratulations - My wife and I are new owners of an Ericson 28 (on Lake Michigan). I have already made good use of this forum and have found the inhabitants to be universally friendly.

Here are a couple of links I ran across earlier for Ericsons for sale. Probably not much in the way of information but may add a little to your collection.

Welcome aboard


Jeff S.

New Member
I didn't get the boat moved yesterday..but it will be here on sunday.. i hope. There wasn't an owners manual with the boat but I am trying to scrounge one up, when I get it I will post it for anyone who wants to see it. have a great weekend Jeff

Kim Schoedel

Member III
Welcome to the Ericson Family Jeff! As many have mentioned, there is a wealth of experience, knowledge and helpful people on this site. Remember, there are no stupid question's. Just ask. And congratulations!