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New owner in australia


Junior Member
Hi all

I have just bought an Ericson 32. I think it's a 32-2 and I was told that it was built in 1980 but that seems a little recent. Dont know much about the boat yet and it hasnt helped that the previous owner hasnt been willing to tell me anything.... have dealt only with the salesman.

Ericsons are pretty rare beasts in Australia. I believe this was sailed here under the name of Becky Ann some time in the 80s. It is a beautiful boat... but any info about them would be welcome...

A simple question to start. Where do I find the hull number?


Jeff Asbury

Principal Partner
Hull number may be on the transom as on my E-27. Your boat is a bit newer so that might not be so. If you have the original main sail it should have large numbers that may be your hull # as well. :egrin:


Member III
congratulations on your purchase.
We have a 32-2 built in 1970. The hull number on our boat, while it may be elsewhere as well, is on a plaque mounted in the cockpit just below the companionway. It would be too obvious to miss, so yours must not have that.

Jim McCone
Voice of Reason E32-2 Hull #134

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Making HINquiries...

Hi Michael,
Welcome to the group!
Production boat builders in the US have been bound, under Federal regs, to put the H.I.N. (hull identification number) on the transom since about 1969 or so.
The overwhelming method-of-choice was and is to use a Dymo (tm) labeler and stick the embossed label on the mold before starting the initial gel coat spraying.
There should be a second molded-in label inside the boat somewhere as well. I have seen them on the FRP engine pan on a boat and my own '88 model has it on the surface of the interior FRP pan in the in quarterberth area. This is to help to positively ID hulls for ownership and transfer purposes. Of course, if a hull gets repainted, the outside set of numbers may be filled in... :rolleyes:
If you go the "Search" icon, upper center(centre?) of this page, click on it, and enter HIN, and hit Go, you will find a wealth of material including a link to a chart of identifying HIN numbers for all Ericsons.
Please let me know if you have any difficulity with this.

Here is a 'net link, courtesy of another Ericson owner;

Olson 34 #8, Portland, OR, USA
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Junior Member
Thanks Loren

thanks for the advice Loren.

I'll go on a hunt for the number on the weekend.




Junior Member

Hi Jeff, Jim and Loren

Thanks for your advice. I spent the weekend crawling around Ilkara looking for the HIN without success.... found a few other things though so the time wasnt completely wasted :rolleyes:

The number on the transom must have been lost in one of the repaintings.

The good news is I was able to track the number through the files of the Australian national registry. Just lucky that the person who registered the boat originally gave them the HIN as well.

So we are ERY32445M75L .....which means we are a 32-2 built in July 1975, hull #445.

Thanks again for your help.

Michael White
Ilkara #445 :egrin: