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Show me your transom decals

Geoff W.

Makes Up For It With Enthusiasm
Blogs Author
Well, to follow up on my own thread we went and finally had the renaming/re-christening ceremony this past weekend. The sun shone through the PNW grey layer and we poured enough good champagne into the water to appease any and all gods that may have been in attendance.

I ended up going port/starboard naming and hailing port on the transom. I'm lucky to have a graphic designer friend back home in Chicago who helped make it.



Hard to believe this was from 8 years ago. Splash imminent, buffed and waxed above for appearance, VC-17 below to make her slick. Port starboard boat name, transom for hailng port.


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Member III
Unfortunately on the E35 that hatch is the dust bin for sweeping.
So that's what that thing is!!! All this time I thought it was where I was supposed to put the secret drug stash... I love this place!

This Spring we're debating both a name change and hailing port change.

Name change from "Cat Problem" (previous owner's choice) to "Saba" (a neat island in the Caribbean where we had a lot of fun) because tired of explaining name (can't) and thinking of boat as a problem. Plus easier to say and less letter decals

Hailing port change from Rockport ME to Salem MA since finally supposed to get a mooring closer to home, but hoping to keep Maine mooring if we can realisticly cruise there each Summer.

I am considering CG documentation as well, since I would otherwise probably need to move my registration from Maine to Massachusetts. Of course I might still need to register in MA and pay taxes.

I am trying to figure out why I need to spend $100(s) to CG document my boat via a service... you'd think it could be simple? Do people do this themselves or should I just bend-over pay to get documented?


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Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
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Member III
Sean, how did it come about that your 35-3 became the accompanying photo on the Cruising World review of the 35-2..?
Seeing the pic above triggered my memory and always wondered why CW would do that.


Contributing Partner
Earlier in this thread I showed my boat name, Vesper, on the sides of the hull but that was back in 2018! Since then I had a slight, let's say...miscalculation... with how far a floating transient dock was from the hull when I was pulling out and I ended up damaging the lettering. Removed the old letters with a heat gun, buffed up the hull, re-designed the logo and re-applied. I like it better than the old one.

BTW, why is the canvas missing in the cockpit and the extra red dock lines attached in the photo? I think there was a possible hurricane or at least a big storm coming too the Chesapeake Bay when this was taken in August. Incorporated the "star" in the logo since one of the meanings of the name Vesper is "evening star".


Member III
It was interesting when I took the previous name off the transom, "Aquarius" in big block letters, I found the name previous to that in the gelcoat shadow Christian described, "Wind Spirit" in a similar font to my hailing port. A name I would have considered when I was wracking my brain to come up with a replacement for Aquarius.

Ed Valente

Member II
Done 2 years ago via on line order. Can’t for the life of me remember the site.


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Sustaining Member
Time to refresh. Got the POs home port of Stowe, Vt. off with a heat gun and wet sandpaper. Next up, the big letters. Not that I have anything against Stowe, but I got tired of people asking if I lived there and I do question the practice of naming a mountaintop resort as your home port.


Member III
Blogs Author
PO went for name on transom and on starboard and port sides. We liked it, and just changed the hailing port and added burgee. Technically, the name letters on transom are a little undersized for USCG regs. Perhaps the redundancy would earn us a pass. The USCG Auxiliary inspector has never raised a question during our annual safety inspection.