When I started repairing Terra Nova last September, my goal was to get her to the next Rendezvous at Langley. I finished her Monday, Did the Fourth of July Parade with the Club Tuesday for the Harbor trial and left for Langley on Thursday. That was cutting it close. Surprisingly, everything worked except one thing and it wasn't part of the project. The jib furler refused to furl the jib. Exciting when there's 30kn of wind.
I did go way beyond the necessary work to repair the damage. I changed the main panel, redid the bilge pump wiring so that the shower pump also is live without having to have the pressure water on. I added a 110v Rule 1800 pool pump for when the shore power is on (thanks egregerson). It shoots water out of a 1 1/8" hose like a fire hose. It sits very nicely in the under the sink bilge. The hose exits at the stern out of an enlarged what used to be the CNG vent so I didn't have to patch the hull. I do sleep comfortably when I'm home now.
On June 6, I hauled Terra Nova and I was on the hard 21 days while I sanded off an incredible amount of paint (previous owner didn't believe in sanding). I changed out the cutlass bearing, the shaft, the prop, the coupling, and the log to a PSS shaft seal. I also moved the engine 1/2" forward and to the left a little to compensate for the torque steer and added a flexible coupling along with new engine mounts. I also replaced the two 1 1/4" seacocks in the head. I could not find an acceptable 90 degree bend in Marlon to use ahead of the Forespar 850 I was using so I installed them directly on the thru hulls. I had to cut two small holes in the sink basin side to spin two 90's on the top.. At the moment, I have a G-10 cover over them but this winter I will make a second drawer/door combo to match the existing and install it. It will be great to have a little more access space. This is a real knuckle buster area. The Surveyor has looked at the new installation and remarked "Now that is the proper way to install a seacock". I also installed a new thru-hull transducer for the depth sounder. The hull forward behind the V-berth is a very impressive 1 1/8".
The only thing that seems to be a bit of a screw up is when I reinstalled the chain on the sprocket for the wheel, I seem to have missed center so the up mark on the wheel points somewhat to starboard. Oops! The engine is much smoother now and the torque steer is reduced but not eliminated. The DataMarine speedo is not working. The paddle wheel is free spinning . Is it supposed to have a magnet on the wheel? There is not one now.
The best thing out of all of this has to be the Force 10 stove. I altered the countertop a little and installed an American Standard one instead of the European Compact one that Ericson used. The oven is much larger. I didn't realize what a hunk of junk the GSI was until I used this one!
On the to do list. The freezer unit for the second icebox is on the bench and needs to be in the boat and I'm adding a fire, water, and fume alarm. Oh, and that stupid furler has to be fixed yet. That's an interesting story by itself.
I'm declaring Terra Nova resurrected. If anyone would like more info on any of the projects, let me know and I'll create a new thread as this one has become kind of bulky.