While changing out my impeller earlier this year on my Westerbeke 10 Two, I also attempted to remove the zinc in the heat exchanger (expecting that it might have not been replaced recently/ever). It's kind of tight access, and I didn't want to bend it all up by cranking on it. All I was...
The ActiveCaptain site has published several cleaning and miscellaneous tips for boaters. You may already use some of the products but I found several items that I wasn't aware of. The link is: https://activecaptain.com/articles/misc/productsTips.php.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a like new shine on my original E35 window frames. I assume they are aluminum. Not sure. The windows don't leak so I'm not sure I want to replace them but I know new ones would really make the new deck pop. Any suggestions?
A recent post here mentioned that the bolt on the bottom of the older cylindrical Facet fuel lift pump (model 574A) can be removed to get at a screen/filter that should be cleaned periodically. I have done a search, but can't find any details on how this is done.
Is this as simple as...
We took our 27 out last week for a few days to celebrate the 4th. The weather was great although we could have used a litter more wind, but still had a great time. The only damper on the week was finding that a bird had gotten under the main sail cover and left what ever was for lunch behind...
I cleaned our main sail over the weekend and was wondering what everyone else does to clean their sails? I used woolite and vinagar to a water mix I got off the net, we are inland and the main is in good shape, it still has that crispy feel to it, all the threads looked good, the luff and the...
I am new to having a boat in a slip in salt water (Los Angeles), and wonder what is a normal schedule for having the bottom cleaned? I know it needs new bottom ASAP, but even so is a bottom cleaning every month normal? the bottom cleaning diver in the neighborhood is telling me it is. Any...
Hello All,
This past season was a terrible year for marine growth here in RI. Many boaters I know had heavy growth problems regardless of type of paint, etc. My boat was on its second year in the water so the paint was getting long in the tooth, even though it was multi-season rated. I had...
Hi all,
I would like to get some feedback from experienced boat owners about the questionable results of a bottom cleaning service I recently had performed. There was a verbal agreement beforehand to have the hull of my Ericson 29 cleaned for an estimate of $60. I later received a bill for...
I've had my E38 a few months now... and its my first boat (rookie!):egrin:
I've been utilizing the wet, nasty weather we've been having to learn all kinds of things about boat maintenance! I spent most of the day today working on cleaning up the engine (Universal 5432) which is filthy with oil...
This isn't the most challenging question to be sure. I just want to make sure I do the job in the best and most effective way known. I'm relying on the great knowledge of this group to come up with the best answers.
I'm trying to bring my newly purchased 1975 E27 to a vibrant new life. First...
How often should the bottom be cleaned? I thought that once per month was sufficient until I got a bill from the diver showing that he had started cleaning every three weeks without notifying me. When I called him on it, he said that it should be every two weeks.
Hey Pacific Northwest Ericson Owners,
Do you use Dive Services to have your hulls cleaned once a month like we do in Southern California. Or is it just too cold for divers? Everyone I know down here does. When my Father had his boat on the Sound I think he only hauled it once a year for...
:egrin: An easy way to clean rust or stains from standing rigging (or deck mounted hardware) is to use Davis FSR. Brush it on with an old toothbrush, let it work overnight, then hose the residue off. When the metal is dry, spray it with Lemon Pledge or a similar product, and polish...
E-23 skank bottom or, bottom cleaning & maint
greetings....after picking up a e23 thats been sitting in the salt water for a number of years...i want to get her cleaned up, painted, and set for colorado lake sailing up around boulder, co...question is...take a l@@k at the photos below and give...
I am seeking advise on spot cleaning of sails , dacron , especially the dark, "dirt mixed with grease" spots that occur around the foot ,tack and clew areas of the main, because of sloppy hardware lubrications.
What to stay away from?
I have a Zodiac zoom 340 that has faded and dirty looking tops to the tubes. Looking around the web and this list I do not see any "informative" discussion on the fading and what can be done.
Anyone here have info on this?
Thanks, Ethan
PS I've tried all the normal cleaners/scrubbers and now...
I have a 1983 E28+ still equipped with the original cushions in the cabin. I'd like to get one more season of sailing out of them before replacing them entirely but they could use a thorough cleaning. The material is rather heavy and several of the cushion covers are backed with vinyl. I'd...
Has anyone tried sending their raw water heat exchanger to a radiator shop to have it cleaned? I know its made of copper so I would guess a radiator repair shop could do a good job of cleaning just did not know if anyone ever tried...
I am looking for a trustworthy service that does monthly bottom cleaning, zinc inspections, and whatever else they check for. My boat is at Harbor Island. I have seen a couple of different wet-suited men doing this, but I would like to hear from some satisfied customers before...