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    Join us on February 21st, 7pm EST

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o February Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    February Meeting Info

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  1. E38-200 "Quincy" Engine Control Replacement

    E38-200 E38-200 "Quincy" Engine Control Replacement

    Replaced the engine control cables on Quincy this weekend. Not technically difficult but time consuming. Lots of disassembly and reassembly. Edson 335 pedestal. Yanmar 3YM30 engine. Replaced wheel brake and serviced shaft bearings while in there, not sure how you’d access the cable clamp inside...
  2. Christian Williams

    Yacht Specialties Pedestal Disassembly, with Photos [Master Thread]

    (Yacht Specialties/Merriman binnacle steering manual: https://ericsonyachts.org/ie/resources/merriman-binnacle-catalog.187/ ) ( Edson pedestals: https://backwinded.wordpress.com/2015/12/07/replacing-the-diesel-engines-throttle-shift-and-stop-cables/ also Edson 335 pedestal with Yanmar 3YM30...
  3. juneausailin

    Stainless Bolts, Aluminum pedestal Base (dissimilar metals)

    Hi all, please see attached photo. Curious on ideas of how to prevent corrosion due to dissimilar metals. Dielectric grease is looking to be a good prospect at this point. Other ideas?
  4. B

    E35 mkII pedestal

    I'm looking to replace my steering pedestal and was wondering if anyone had some suggestions. I don't mind paying up for Edson products but I didn't see one on their site thy looked similar to the one on my E35 mkII Any advice?
  5. mmackof

    Broken Shift Linkage at shift handle - E39

    I've attached 4 images of my pedestal. Two show the broken linkage for the shifter. Two show a shew in the meeting of the upper bowl and mid base of the pedestal. There are only 3 of the 4 long bolts holding the bowl in place. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this linkage failure before and...
  6. ron7546

    E27 Pedestal Guard

    On Ebay is a pedestal guard ring item #230581325005.Do you think it would work on my E27 "YS" pedestal ? ? ? Thanks Ron...
  7. Sven

    New pedestal guard heaven :-)

    It's been a year since a good friend EY.org member convinced us to sell the old beautiful chart-plotter so we could get one that would support AIS and radar displays. At the time, little did we know that it would take a real re-engineering of the pedestal guard and pedestal attachment to mount...
  8. Y

    Ericson 28 Throttle Cable-wheel chain issue

    Hi! I am new to the forem. My son & I sail a 1987 Erickson 28. The wheel froze leaving the slip & we discovered that the throttle-mount is bent, interfering with the wheel chain. Anyone have a brand for the pedestal or any drawings of the internal workings? Any ideas how to pop the throttle...
  9. Sven

    YS pedestal disassembly, any tricks ?

    We're about to tackle the pedestal on Senta II; replacing the pedestal guard, replacing the cables (later) and removing the ancient instruments. Any tricks or pitfalls we should be aware of before we start hacking away ? For example, "don't unscrew the blibber because it will fall into the...
  10. E

    Edson Pedestaal steering and pedestal guard

    Pedestal has "Edsen USA 0-398" marked on the bottom and on the top has "2nd" on the steering column. I also have a straight pedestal guard, the top plate, black plastic cover, clear yellow compass cover and hardware. This all came with an 85 30+ I purchased but I already have a fully...
  11. W

    Yacht Specialties Shorty Pedestal

    I've seen many inquiries about shorty pedestals, just came across this one while trolling Ebay, not affiliated with the seller - not even bidding on it...
  12. H

    Need Yacht Specialties pedestal base

    Any one know of a used Y S pedestal for Sale? The base on our E 38 is cracke from one of the mounting holes and needs to be replaced. We are not doing any extended stuff this year due to a new job, so I have some time... Thanks, Harold, S/V Mischief Maker
  13. toddbrsd

    Used Pedestal Guard Wanted

    I want to add a pedestal guard to my E-27. The cheapest on-line I could find was about $120. I called a local SS rail fabricator and he estimated around $75-$100. I have also been keeping an eye out for one at Minney's in Costa Mesa and even Dan's in Long Beach. Before I move forward...
  14. S

    E 35 Mk ll Mast, Boom, Sails, Pedestal, etc

    Hi, I salvaged a E35 Mk ll that had about 15 years of Northwest use before it got off a mooring and sunk in 1988. It had been sitting away from salt air since so the hardware is pretty decent. The mast and boom are painted white. Spreaders are rotten, rigging wire and turnbuckles look good...
  15. T

    Taking pedestal apart, any advice?

    We are going to take the pedestal apart so we can install a guard and new compass. does any one have pics of the process or any advice on a easy way.
  16. Graham Cole

    Corroded YS Pedestal

    My first post in a while- Loren prodded me out of hibernation! Just wanted to share my great Craigslist triumph! A brand new in the box, perfect condition, 19 year old YS pedestal! Base to compass with all bearings shaft etc! Perfect match for the old mess on my 1984 30+ did I do OK?
  17. Keiffer

    E29 Pedestal and Wheel assemble

    I am looking for a wheel and pedestal assemble for a 1975 E29 bridge mounted. If anyone knows where I might be able to find one I would appreciate the info. Also, anyone who may have installed one any advice you have to share would be invaluable. Thanks Keiffer Atlanta, Georgia
  18. Sven

    E39B pedestal base mounted backwards ?

    Senta has a ~5' emergency tiller. Looking at that beautiful long tiller I don't see how it could possibly be used in the small space behind the pedestal. Yet, the only access hatch in the pedestal is in the aft part of the pedestal base. I hope the pictures below show that reasonably well...
  19. P

    Need hardware to attach folding table to pedestal

    Greetings, I have a 1981 E 28+ with pedestal steering. I found a nice teak table top ( 13"x 24") that would make a great folding cockpit table if I could find the hardware ( hinges) to attach it to the stainless tubes of the pedestal and a locking arm to hold it in the opened up position...
  20. T

    Wanted: Pedestal guard for YS

    I am looking for a pedestal guard for a 77 E29 with a YS binnacle
  21. S

    pedestal steering

    I have recently removed the pedestal steering on e 35 2 :egrin: It is in great condition... It has a nice binnacle mount compass that has always been covered, and I think the wheel is 30" if anyone is interested, feel free to call or e mail 310 999 4937 seanflinn500@yahoo.com I also have a...
  22. J

    source for pedestal control knobs needed

    I just purchased a 1987 ERicson 28. The P. O. pasted away 4 years ago and his wife cannot locate some the equipment that was removed from the boat. One of the missing items are the plastic knobs that screw on to the throttle and tranmission shift arms. (Why he took them off is a...
  23. Matey

    Yacht Specialties Pedestal Chain

    While pulling my pedestal for repairs I lost half the master link from my chain to the bilge abis. In measuring the chain & sprocket .. the chain link measures 5/8"and between the sprocket teeth looks like 3/4". Edson talks about 5/8" #50 chain for their pedestals. Being a chain idiot .. I'm...
  24. F

    I need to repair a crack in yacht specialties pedestal

    Hi, Today I noticed a crack about 2" in our Yacht Specialties pedestal, and am looking for advice on how I can fix it properly. I can't post a picture, but will try to describe it. It looks like the top piece that holds the instruments is made of fibreglass, and it sits on two stainless...
  25. Sven

    Paint to touch up Yacht Specialties pedestal ?

    I'd like to touch up the paint on the pedestal but I don't know what paints might be compatible with the original (?) coating. It doesn't need a complete redo, just touch up here and there. I'd rather brush than mess with spray cans and possible overspray. Thanks, -Sven
  26. Q

    E-39 wheel and pedestal for sale

    I'm converting to tiller steering, so am selling the whole kit and caboodle - pedestal, wheel, binnacle compass, cables, blocks, rudder post quadrant. John 510-525-6200
  27. treilley

    New Merriman Yacht Specialties Pedestal Guard Group Buy

    I am calling around to marine fabricators to get a new pedestal guard. This will be 1" 316 SS, thick wall tubing with 12.5" center to center width and 50" height. Guards can be shortened if needed with a simple pipe cutter. It is a simple single bend guard. Nothing fancy. I am hoping we...
  28. Special K

    teak pedestal drink holder

    I received a teak pedestal drink as a gift. I don't think that the plastic "clips" that came with the holder will work because of the width of my pedestal. Any ideas for a method to attached the drink holder to the pedestal. If possible I would like to be able to remove the drink holder when...
  29. Sven

    Yacht Specialty pedestal ?

    When crawling around to try to map all the through-hulls and also putting on second hose-clamps where needed I noticed that the shifter cable (plastic) sheath is split in one location. The shifting is quite smooth so I think it is just the plastic that is going and not the cable or wound metal...
  30. J

    Steering Pedestal Drift Pin

    Guys, Gals: I'm removing my Yachting Specialties steering pedestal. I am to the point of removing the drift pin that holds the wheel shaft in the unit. What is the proper tool for banging that sucker out? I can see that the pin in hollow and spilt down one side. I don't want to mash it...
  31. F

    How do you remove compass from pedestal?

    Hi folks. I tried t o use the searach function first to get an answer, but got lots of posts unrelated to my question. How do you remove the compass from the top of the pedestal on a 1985 E-32-3? I want to do this to try to get at the sticking shifter cable and try to figure out how to lubricate...
  32. J

    What to do about corroded pedestal base?

    Hello, The base of the pedestal on my E-38 is badly corroded (see pics). Can this be repaired? If it needs replaced, does anyone have any experience or ideas to replace it? Can I just replace the base or does the entire pedestal have to be replaced? Thanks! John
  33. M

    Need a table pedestal

    Can anyone help me figure out where to go for an adjustable table pedestal, of the kind found in E34's and some E32's? Thanks for any lead you may have on this. Mike
  34. S

    Pedestal for Table 1976 E 32

    Hi all, I have a 1976 32. I am looking to replace the pedestal, base on cabin floor and on the bottom of the table. The 'T' handles that were used to tighten the pedestal became stripped. I am looking to either replace the 'sockets' and pedestal, or get an extending tube that I can use. The...
  35. bigtyme805

    E30+ Pedestal Removal

    Has anyone removed the depth/knot meter-white big metal panel? I am looking on dumping this but I do not want to replace unit just get rid of it. My thoughts are to have a U shaped stainless there. It may be already there or I may need to cut this and have the U shape welded on. any help on...
  36. chtaylor

    E32-2 Pedestal Guard

    Would someone be so kind as to give me the measurements for the extra-wide pedestal guard that is mounted on the cockpit divider of the E32-2? I want to see about having one made. As I understand, they are impossible to find. Thanks, Charles
  37. G

    Pedestal paint

    The pedestal on my E28+ is starting to show its age having accumulated nearly 25 years of scratches and dings. I'd like to paint it so it again looks a smooth glossy white. Can someon suggest the best type of paint to use? Spray or brush? Thanks in advance. Gary
  38. WBurgner

    Pedestal Guard

    I am installing a new chart plotter and find that the pedestal guard is non-standard. No surprise to many on the list. I am looking for sugggestions from those that have been down this road. I have reviewed two previous threads and it looks like Loren has come across the solution that might fit...
  39. Walt Lawrence

    Whitlock pedestal steering chain needed

    Hello to all I'm looking to buy a 2 foot piece of 50 S.S. roller bearing chain to replace the one that I broke last weekend off of Alcatraz Island...that was fun, got to break out the tiller and all, but a 39 Ericson is a hand full..:egrin: My cell is 530-227-3416 or email me at...
  40. M

    Steering Pedestal Upgrades - Yacht Specialties

    Hi All, We bought a CS-36 earlier this season and it has a cockpit mounted main sheet traveler right in front of the pedestal. I did not want to switch to mid boom sheeting and therefore could not install an offset pedestal guard with Navpod's for the instruments. After giving this quite a bit...
  41. M

    Yacht Specialties Pedestal Upgrade

    Hi All, I have been very frustrated owning a pedestal no longer made and parts availability is getting very scarce. Since I have end boom sheeting on my boat I could not add an offset pedestal guard. So I had to devise my own way of mounting my electronics at the helm. After much thought I...
  42. Loren Beach

    Need new SS guard for YS pedestal

    My stock vertical SS straight guard is in fine shape, but we need a taller angled one on which to mount a chartplotter/GPS unit. (The guard we have has the top loop just a bit higher than the top of the compass.) So far my research finds new ones available for Edson in several configurations...
  43. S

    Pedestal Guard 35-II?

    Hey All... I need a pedestal guard for my E35II 1979. Problem is, all I can find are guards with 9.5inch widths. Due to the design of the 35II, the pedestal sits just aft of the mainsheet traveler on the cockpit "separation" partition. I feel that this prevents the pedestal guard from being...
  44. WhiteNoise

    Simrad WP30 and YS pedestal

    I am considering purchasing a Simrad WP30 autopilot. My friend uses one on his Bavaria 37 and is very happy with it. I am concerned though if it will fit on the YS pedestal on my '84 30+. It seems to be kind of fat under the compass. Does anyone have this autopilot on their 30+ YS pedestal...
  45. W

    Edson pedestal maintenance

    On my E38-200 I want to lubricate and inspect the chain and linkage to the steering quadrant. Here's a picture of my pedestal. Anyone know how to remove the compass?
  46. G

    Quadrant stop on Yacht specialties pedestal

    Hi All, I have an E35/3 with Merriman Yacht specialties pedestal. The quadrant stop is a stainless tube about 1" in diameter which is inserted into a hole in the casting under the pedestal. The stop is very loose in the hole. I can take the tube in my fingers and rattle it back & forth -...
  47. V

    Dinette Pedestal Removal

    Our E-35 Mk II has had the A-4 replaced with a Diesel Engine. The engine box has been enlarged and raised several inches making access to the dinette impossible except for the forward side of the table. The engine box actually makes a decent place to put things and we have removed the table to...
  48. G

    Yacht Specialties pedestal for sale

    All, I visited Minney's Yacht Surplus on Sunday and found what I needed (a miracle) and at a good price. While I was there, I scoured the place for anything else that might look good. During this walk-through, I spotted a Yacht Specialtied binnacle, the short type that fit the T-shaped...
  49. D

    Parts for Merriman steering pedestal

    Back in 2005, we rebuilt the steering pedestal on our 1985 E-32. (For a description of the project, see the article in the Owners & Projects forum of this website). We still have some parts left over that I'd like to sell or rent: We had to buy 10 feet of chain to get the two feet or so...
  50. C

    Yacht Specialties Pedestal For Sale

    For those of you looking for Yacht Specialties steering gear, check out http://baconsails.com/ships_store/product_info.php?cPath=4268&products_id=24272 Or go to www.baconsails.com and click on the consignment hardware link, got to 3rd page. Don't know if the quadrant is included or...
  51. S

    Wanted - Table Pedestal for Dinette 1976 E 32

    I am looking for a new/used pedestal for my dinette table for my 1976 32. I am looking specifically the mounts that bolt/screw to the cabin sole and the underside of the table. My existing mount is stripped where the T-bolt threads into the mount on the sole. I have had to drill it out and...
  52. C

    Edson Pedestal Steering

    In a reply to the autopilot string, I mentioned that we heard a rather disconcerting "whining" from the helm on a port tack under moderate conditions. After removing the cover underneath the pedestal in the aft cabin and having the wheel moved lock to lock, we discovered that the ss lines are...
  53. S

    Wanted Pedestal & Wheel E27

    I am looking for a used pedestal/wheel steering setup for my '74 E27. Contact Steve at steve@paperlesslawoffice.com if you have one for sale. Thanks.
  54. R

    Pedestal base

    Looking for replacement pedestal base for Erickson 30 plus. Any thoughts appreciated. RichardSF
  55. R

    Pedestal base

    Have Erickson 30 plus with substantial deterioration of pedestal base. Any ideas on where to obtain replacement part or repair??
  56. L

    table pedestal - E39B

    Hi - Anyone out there know where I might find the aluminum tubing for the table pedestals on an E39B? I have both of the original pedestal bases and one section of tubing - 3 1/4" ID - I'd like to match it but haven't had any luck - Thanks for the help -----Lew in San Diego
  57. B

    pedestal steering on ericson 35

    I have a 1977 35-2, when I purchased the boat it had tiller steering. the orginal pedestal steering was included with other spare parts..I have installed the pedestal , chain,cable and quadrant.NEED to know how to anchor the control cables in the top end of the pedestal .
  58. V

    pedestal for 32-3

    I am looking for a used steering pedestal for a 32-3. Does any one happen to know where one might be located? At present the boat has a Merriaman which has deteriorated at the base due to electrolysis, I think.
  59. jamescio

    Pedestal Steering

    Has anyone every replaced tiller steering on an E-29 with a pedestal ? I am looking to change over the system and ned to know the shaft size for the rudder post. If anyone actaully knows the part number for the quadrant that is even better. Thank you for assistance
  60. G

    Ericson 1988 28' Pedestal

    I recently purchased a 1988 28' (still in dry storage). It has the original (I think) pedestal - made by Merriman. There is a large Phillips head nut on the aft centerline of the pedestal shaft. What is it for?
  61. jreddington

    Yacht Specialties Pedestal - Broken Sprocket

    I have had trouble all season with my steering. It would "catch" just before right full rudder and I would hear a bell like sound coming from inside the pedestal. Obviously either the cable or the chain was banging on the inside of the pedestal tube. Investigated the problem today. Was hoping...