
  1. M

    Parting out E28 , 1988.

    Parting out a 1988 Ericson 28’ in Southern Maine New Main sail Interior cushions (immaculate upholstery) Universal M12 (runs great) Richie Compass Boom Mast Standing rigging Winches Lewmar hatches Alcohol stove Interior components like dining table Water tank Both electrical panels 120 Genoa...
  2. eknebel

    free Barient 21 winches

    I have finally upgraded to self tailing winches, and have 2 functional Barient 21, 2 speed winches, with some spare pawls and springs. The local used boat parts chandlery wont even take non self tailing winches. So if you are on a budget, these are priced right, just pay shipping from Annapolis...
  3. P

    Repairing a bent winch drum - is it possible? Side question on winch pads and angles

    So, I'm looking to upgrade my E-23 Mk II Barlow 15 winches to something self-tailing. Right now I've got 1 Lewmar 16 CST. I want a matching one, but don't want to pay full price for a new one. I have an option to get another one at a very good price that is in perfect condition in every way but...
  4. B

    Need help to identify winch from E32

    Hello, I lost one of my winch pawls to the sea floor. The boat is a 1971 E32. The winch is located on the starboard side of the mast for raising the main sail. All other winches on the boat are Barlows, but this one does not have any markings and it is not a Barlow (says the guy who sells Barlow...
  5. G

    Barient 24 2-speed winches (pair) for sale

    I listed these earlier on eBay but they did not sell. Now I lowered the price to $200 for the pair! These were the primary winches off a 1985 Ericson 32. They work great. We switched to self-tailers. Selling as a pair only. NO RESERVE! Pick up in So Cal for no shipping fee! here is the link...
  6. Matey

    Halyard winch mounting

    So this halyard winch I want to cabin-top mount has the screw that fastens it's guts on the bottom rather than the top like most I'm familiar with. Anyone see a problem with drilling a 2-1/4" hole under the center along with it's mounting holes outboard ? I plan to wet all with epoxy in the...
  7. footrope

    Barient Winch Story

    I don't know if this is true. It was interesting, anyway.
  8. B

    Looking for a Barlow 16 Wench

    A couple of weeks ago while my grandson was raising the main the Winch came apart and a good portion of it went into the Pacific. I'm trying to keep my boat as original as I can so I want to replace it with the Barlow 16. I know about Dan in Wilmington and Minny's in Newport, but I'm hopefull...
  9. Loren Beach

    Lewmar ST Winch trivia

    Our boat has early Lewmar self tailing winches (1988) and I am re-lubing them now. The manual indicates that the center shaft should be removed by pulling it straight up and out for cleaning and re-greasing. That shaft can rise, on ours, only until the gear teeth come in contact with the...
  10. F

    West Marine Barient Winch Kit

    Is the Barient winch maintenance kit available from West Marine useful? Will those parts (pawls & Springs & retaining rings) fit a Barlow 15? I've got a winch that turns but doesn't click anymore. Fred Ericson 23-2 Ad Astra...
  11. Loren Beach

    Winch Servicing Article I would say it is "jolly good" of that fine UK sailing magazine, PBO, to make this stuff available on line. :) Loren
  12. B

    Barient 24 Winch

    I see the maintenance and service documentation for Barient 23 winches in the documentation section of the EYO site, but I have been unable to locate the same for the Barient 24. Even my searches of the web have been unsuccessful. Can anyone steer me to this info?
  13. P

    Lewmar Winch Handle with 5/8th shaft

    I just lost one of my Lewmar 40's Winch Handle, & I am having a problem finding a replacement in that all the newer ones are 1". If any one has one, or knows of a source, let me know. Thanks, Paul
  14. ChrisS

    Winch size question

    I currently have a pair of Lewmar 40 self-tailers as my primaries, and I'm looking for a second set of winches to have a pair close to the wheel for singlehanding and to use as spinnaker winches. Despite combing the swap meets, looking on ebay, and contacting several congignment stores, I can't...
  15. treilley

    '85 35-3 Barient winch questions

    I noticed last night while racing that one of my primary jib sheet winches is getting wobbly on it's base. Can anyone tell me what this might need? Arco sells parts for the winches but no specific service kits. What parts should I need? I would like to get them ordered today without going...
  16. mherrcat

    Winch rebuilding question

    I rebuilt one of the self tailing winches on the E30+ last weekend. (Figured I'd start with one in case I screwed it up somehow!) It was actually much easier than I expected, despite the amount of crud I found in there. The winch is a Barient 19 and I did have one question. Under the clamp...
  17. D

    Wanted Barlow winch DRUM

    My E27 has a pair of Barlow winches. The teeth in one of the aluminum drums are damaged, looks like from corrosion since the bronze drive gears are in perfectly good shape. Does anyone have a winch drum to sell so I can resurrect this one? Or is there a way to repair this one? It looks like a...
  18. rbonilla

    e23 winch question.....

    so....what type of winch are these? is there a winch handle used, the slot on top is sort of a sidewase "affair" w/no winch "hole" in the top...i am guessin' no handles are used....are these hard to find? and lastly...aprox how much would you guess a replacement would run?...thanx !! ( maybe i...
  19. L

    Barient #18 Winch For Sale

    This two speed winch comes off an E35-3 and serves as the genoa halyard winch. It's in excellent condition and recently cleaned and greased. The gear ratio is 1st-1:1 and second 3.6:1. The power ratio is 1st-6.7:1 and 2nd-24:1. $150+ Shipping.
  20. L

    Barient 19 Self Tailing Winch

    This is a high quality 2 speed Barient Winch. Gear ratio is 1st: 2.3:1 and 2nd: 5.3:1 Power Ratio is 1st- 15.3:1 and 2nd- 35.3:1. Winch is in good condition and currently in use on an E35-3. Winch has been regularly serviced. The only flaw is a slapping noise when it reaches the limit of it's...
  21. mherrcat

    Self-Tailing Winch Question

    Is there any standard as far as where the line lifter is positioned on a self-tailing winch? Is it different for port or starboard winches?
  22. L

    Winch Upgrade on 35-3

    Starting to think about replacing the Barient winches on my boat, starting with the cabin top mainsheet/halyard winch. Can any 35-3 owners who've done this, let me know what brand and size winch they switched to? I've been doing my research but always love to get the first hand experiece form...
  23. chtaylor

    Barlow 24 Winch Speeds

    Up until recently, I thought that the Barlow 24 winches on my 1977 E-32 were only single speed because they only operate that way. Now I've been reading various web sites and other literature and it all says that Barlow 24s are two speed. I thought that I knew how to operate two-speed winches...
  24. D

    Cockpit Winch Handle Holder

    On my 38-200, and I know on many other Ericson models, the starboard cockpit backrest has a pocket to hold "whatever". Through age mine has become brittle and cracked, and today I put a hole into it to see how bad the crack was, duh. Anyone out there had experience replacing the original...
  25. B

    Barient winch parts

    While out sailing here in the desert of Eastern Washington on the Snake River today one of my winches decided to self destruct. We were beating to wind and just finished tightening up the jib, pulled off the winch handle, and the top plate of the winch decided to go for a swim. Gone...
  26. T

    Winch de-greasing

    Getting ready to service my Andersen winches. Andersen recommends "petrol" which I assume is gasoline. I reviewed the old posts on this site, and others have mentioned kerosene, diesel oil, and even carburetor cleaner. It seems to me that kerosene would be safer than gasoline, and perhaps a...
  27. J

    E-27 Barlow winch questions

    I have a set of Barlow Mark 1 self tailing winches on my E27. 2 questions. Question 1. I think that the winches are mounted wrong. On the port winche the line lifter is pointed at the 9 o'clock postion and the starboard winch line lifter is pointed to the 3 o'clock position. It seems to...
  28. S

    replacing winch

    I am about to replace the main halyard/main sheet winch on my 32-3. As luck would have it, the holes (5 of them) for attaching the new winch do not match the existing holes for the old winch. My plan is to fill the old holes (with epoxy?) Drill new, oversized holes and epoxy, redrill the holes...
  29. S

    Main Halyard Winch Selection

    I have been "playing" with my Barient 17 winch. It is mounted on the starboard side cabintop. It is used to raise the main as well as to control the mainsheet. The winch has been difficult recently. Sticking, harder to use blah, blah,blah I decided to attempt to service it. When I...
  30. Cory B

    Refurbish winch drum?

    Our boat has a set of old Barient 27 primaries (self-tailing, about 48x power). The mechanicals in them are fine, but the drum is just too smooth to really grab the line. It takes at least 4 wraps for the self-tailer to work properly in any real wind. Well, the problem with the 4 wraps is...
  31. Salty Dawg

    Winch Drum Re-Chrome

    :confused: The drums on my Lewmar 43's are starting to show their age. The bronze is beginning to show through the chrome......anyone out there ever had their drums re-chromed?? Thanks in advance,:egrin:
  32. S

    Barlow Winch Site

    Hello All, Found a great site that has all the Barlow Winch Specifications, Parts List and service information for many of their winches. I found it an excellent resourse for my wench rebuilding needs. Praying for more...
  33. mark reed

    removing drum nut on Barient 32ST primary winch?

    I hate to admit that I haven't serviced my primary winches in the 4 years that I've owned the boat! I know I'm way overdue. The first step is to remove the drum nut, and I can't loosen either one of them! I've removed this same part with no problem on other winches, but these won't budge...
  34. J

    What type of self-tail winch?

    I have a E 32, 1971 and would like to install 2 self-tail winches near to the helm. All I currently have are 2 Barient 22's (not self-tailing) which are far from the helm. I am wondering if anyone knows the correct size of self-tailers and where they should be positioned. I am aware that the...
  35. N

    Do "Winchers" work

    Anyone try the cheapo Self-tailing rubber mods? Has anyone tried those little rubber cuff things you can put on the top of a winch to supposedly make it work a little like a self tailing winch? I can't imagine they work, but wouldn't it be nice if they did? Anyone have an experience to share?
  36. R

    How to remove mast winch?

    I'm thinking about moving my mast winch from the jib side to the main side. I now have roller furling and don't really need the jib winch, but I'm having problems getting my new main tight enough in the luff. The winch is mounted to a wooden curved block that wraps around the side of the...
  37. B

    Anchor Winch (?) on an E-27

    wincehs on an E27 I have a 1973 E27. I wonder if anyone has put a winch on the fordeck of one. MY arthritius is rather bad.... having help with the anchor would be a major plus for me. I am not so much looking for an endorsement of a brand is a winch that will fit in the small space...
  38. S

    Mast mounted winch

    We were sailing in 15-knot winds on my Ericson 30. While tightening the Genoa halyard with the port side mast winch it started to come out of the mast. We quickly tied off the halyard to a cleat and were able to remove the winch from the mast. Upon inspection we found the bolts holding the...
  39. T

    Winch installation questions

    We just bought an 1973 Ericson 35. The mast has a winch for the jib which is on a roller furling, but no winch on the mast for the main halyard. There is a aprox. 3/8" aluminum pad on the mast obviously intended for a winch placement. I have the drill, the tap and die set, etc. and a Barlow...
  40. T

    Winch installation questions

    We just bought a 1973 Ericson 35. The mast has a winch for the jib which is on a roller furling, but no winch on the mast for the main halyard. There is a aprox. 3/8" aluminum pad on the mast obviously intended for a winch placement. I have the drill, the tap and die set, etc. and a Barlow 20...
  41. S

    Mast Winch E27

    Does anyone know the purpose of the winch on the mast of an E27 and what size rigging wire is appropriate? Thanks in advance.
  42. K

    winch maintenance

    I would appreciate input about how best to service my Barient self tailing winches, i.e disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication.