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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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    March Meeting Info

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PNW Rendezvous - July 14-15-16 - Deer Harbor, Orcas Island, WA


Advanced Beginner
Blogs Author

Potluck time will be about an hour break after the happy hour/Jeopardy to allow for food prep.

I've arranged to pick up something at Matthews about 5pm on Saturday. I know our schedule is a little fluid, but give me a hint if I should arrange to grab it earlier or later...



New Member
“STOLEN” 1969 ERICSON 32-2 from Olympia Bay, Wa. Vessel name is ODESSEY. Maybe head North by Tow. Unable to sail.
Please report any sightings to the USCG or local authorities.

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA
I'll be showing off the electrical refit completed over the winter on Gravlax during the grand boat tour. I can do an ad hoc talk about it
if there's interest in a *very* informal talk about (e.g.) how to tune a rig, or some similar topic, count me in.
I could talk about NMEA 0183 AND NMEA 2000 network systems
I think we have the makings of a TEDTalk series for Saturday afternoon. The three of us each take 20-30 minutes and answer some questions. If anyone wants to talk more in depth afterwards, we can have little breakout sessions.


Member II

I think we have the makings of a TEDTalk series for Saturday afternoon. The three of us each take 20-30 minutes and answer some questions. If anyone wants to talk more in depth afterwards, we can have little breakout sessions.
Works for me.



Member II
WHITE ELEPHANT Swap for the Rendezvous!

Each person:
Please bring one item boxed, bagged, or wrapped for the themed sailing/marine/Ericson White Elephant swap. Everyone at dinner will receive a number. When your number is drawn , you select an item, and unwrap it to all our “ooo’s and aaahhs” and chuckles. Each person in turn, can either swipe an item someone else has already selected, or pick a fresh unknown from the table. Each item can be swiped only 3 times. Need not be an Ericson item, but marine/sailing themed.

Items can be classy, artistic, kitsch, desirable, fun - Where tastes collide!

Overall schedule will be posted tomorrow.


Member III
How about a session where people simply list the major upgrades and repairs they’ve done. People can ask questions and/or visit to see. Also, will there be a formal boat visit time? I have an EP Carry electric outboard folks could try, plus just finished rebedding sea hood and rebuilding old traveler, as examples.


Member II

Friday: Meet n’ Greet Day
12:00 Noon: Marina check-in arrival opens
6:00 pm : Dinner on the Party Barge with your own dinner, or a Matthew’s Smokehouse or Island Pie pick-up.

10:00am - Noon : Ericson Boat Open House
1:30 - 3:00 - Ericson “TED Talkies” we have 2-3, 20-30 min presentations: Electronics, Electrical, a possible third might be Rigging. Question and answer period, and break-out focus interest.
4:00pm : Party Barge Happy Hour with Ericson sailing/marine gearedJeopardy
4:30pm : Party Barge Ericson SV Sagres 50th Birthday Celebration
5:00pm : Break for Dinner prep
6:30pm : Dinner at the Barge and “White Elephant” Exchange

Breakfast and gather dockside or on the Barge, your breakfast & favorite morning wake-up beverage.
12:00 Noon: Marina Checkout Time (unless you booked to stay longer)


Member II
I just cancelled our slip reservation at Deer Harbor. No way are we now ready for a 350 mile journey in mostly open waters, leaving by July 4 or so.
Best to look ahead to 2024. Interestingly, some research into doing the visit as a land cruise has revealed some things about the old problem of "not knowing what I don't know" as well. :oops:
Unlike many prior visits to Vancouver Island and many ferry trips across the Sound on the larger state ferry's, the smaller boats that service the Islands are much more limited in capacity and reliability of scheduling. A visit of web sites for lodging on Orcus was kind of an eye opener, also. Not much under $400/Night, even if/when we do arrive; and not much seems open at any price.
Stupid me: having only previously visited the San Juans by boat, I had never thought about making the trip by vehicle.

Ironically, from a monetary standpoint, a visit from Portland to the San Juans by sailboat might be cheaper overall, out of pocket. :cool:
Thanks for all your work Virginia.

We do have land reservations and a Ferry reservation to get onto Orcas. But, must now wait again until Sat July 14, 7am to TRY to reserve a ferry spot to get OFF of ORCAS with the auto In the 16th. The ferry system needs improving. 2024 might best be a Rendezvous spot not requiring any ferry? We are eager to participate without our vessel.
Karin & Tom


Member II
I am excited to meet up with you both again! And yes, the WA State Ferry System needs an overhaul on many levels. The rendezvous for 2024 would be up to the Canadian folks to hold it, or pass the baton back to our side. In the meantime, we are excited to spend time this weekend with all of you! On your reservation day and time, I send the power of my will with Odin and the Valkyries to the reservationist that sees your request as first and foremost over all the others! Take that, reservation system.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
FWIW, I did a quick look, on line, a couple of weeks ago at the bookings for Kenmore Air. It would be pretty cool to arrive via float plane. They appeared to be booked up for the dates we wanted...
Way Cool way to arrive, tho !
Albeit kinda expensive.


Member II
FWIW, I did a quick look, on line, a couple of weeks ago at the bookings for Kenmore Air. It would be pretty cool to arrive via float plane. They appeared to be booked up for the dates we wanted...
Way Cool way to arrive, tho !
Albeit kinda expensive.
Yes, there are several sea plane options, and foot passenger services outside of the WAState Ferries for those interested and not attending by their own boat. Several foot passenger services take foot passengers to the San Juan Islands such as this one… Could land you Anacortes to Deer Harbor. Depends on where you may be staying, and if they operate out of Anacortes.

Marlin Prowell

E34 - Bellingham, WA
But, must now wait again until Sat July 14, 7am to TRY to reserve a ferry spot to get OFF of ORCAS with the auto In the 16th.
Karin & Tom - sent you a DM with more ideas about getting on a ferry on Monday. The reservation system is relatively new. Everyone used to go standby, and several hour waits both traveling to and returning from the San Juans were just part of the adventure.

But congratulations on getting a reservation to get to Orcas! You are now seasoned warriors, ready to battle the reservation system for your return.


New Member
Sorry I can’t make it to this year’s event! Sealore is now in Poulsbo has be cruising the south sound some. Getting her ready to head north. Lots to do but all good being on the water. I work part time at Port Ludlow Gold Course which also limits my range this summer.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Everyone: Please post up photos, people and boats, and hopefully the group all quaffing ice cream's at the dock!

Nick J

Contributing Partner
Blogs Author
It's always tough to take the weekend after the 4th off for us because we're out during the 4th and stacking two weeks in a row is hard with work. But We did make it up to Port Townsend, Reed Harbor, Jones Island, Watmough Bay, and Deer Harbor this past week. Deer Harbor was a fantastic spot and we can't wait to come back later this summer with our kids to show them the ice cream, pool, and BBQ place up the road. I hope everyone has a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
I thought you were driving up....?
As I mentioned recently, driving up (or even flying in) is a lot more complicated that I naively imagined. We are staying home this time. Ironic that attending by Ericson would be much easier and cheaper. Our boat needs some further attention, too -- new house bank this week. Heavy and expensive chore. There will be other summers.
Edit: ordered up the new pair of Trojan T-145+ batteries today.... two weeks until delivery.
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Special K

Member II
Our efforts to make it to Deer Harbor were derailed…twice. Motoring out Guemes Channel on Friday afternoon we ran into sloppy seas that stirred up the gunk at the bottom of the tank. Several hours later, after changing out the Racor we were able to limp back to the dock and regroup. We left the dock at o’dark 30 this morning and this time we made as far as Thatcher Pass before choppy water returned, with a re of the diesel gremlins. Discretion being the better part of valor, after we were able to get the engine started and several stalls later we were able to make it back to Cap Sante.

We look forward to another Rendevouz, in another year! We will hold on the White Elephant presents until then!

Fair winds and following seas,