e 30+ PROP
I realize I am replying to a old thread, but since I have some answers for Ericson 30+ props, here goes:
I just had to replace the original 12x12 RH fixed 2 blade prop that came with the 5416 engine when I lost one of the blades. Noticeable vibration when the blade came off, but not as bad as you might think. There was visible long term corrosion in the cracks where the blade left the hub, I guess one too many crab pots...
I replaced it with a martec 13x12 RH 2 blade folding prop and have gained about a half knot at 2100rpm, cruising at 5.8 knots in calm water. Reverse is similar, a little weaker, with some cavitation with full reverse, and about the same amount of prop walk. Under sail is harder to compare, but the boat does seem faster, especially in light air. I am convinced of this increase in speed, the admiral, however, just rolls her eyes!
I scuba dive, so I elected to replace the prop with the boat in the water. It took about 2 hours start to finish, with most of the time spent removing the old cotterpin and prop. Using the puller below, I still had to use 2 hammers and hit the hub from both sides to get it free. I wanted to use blasting caps like are used on larger boats, but once again, the admiral was the voice of reason. Another tool for the collection, one I hope not to use again!
Walter Machine Company NO1 Walter Machine Plate Puller
Sold by Deep Blue YS