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    Join us on February 21st, 7pm EST

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o February Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    February Meeting Info

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  1. vanilladuck

    Fairing, sanding, and painting the deckhead

    A brief pause while you retrieve your jaw from the floor or keyboard... In the midst of a major refit of running gear, I started removing the headliner on Rumour. Abhorred by a million and one rusted staples, a series of complex folds, and a lot of mold, I started thinking there's gotta be a...
  2. vanilladuck

    Water and the cabin sole

    Like most of us, I have water which regularly enters the boat through the mast on my E32-3. There is no gutter around the mast step so the water runs across the cabin sole to the starboard side of the boat and seeps into the edge of the flooring where it meets the fiberglass gelcoat at the base...
  3. C

    '78 E27 Cabin hacks

    Hey! I have a 1978 Ericson 27 and i am looking for some inspiration/ideas on how to customize my cabin for better storage and space. Feel free to send over pictures and diagrams of how you have made your E27 PERRRFFEECCTTT! Thank you for all the support!
  4. 3

    what model diesel cabin forced air heater to get?

    Looking to buy (used or new) a forced air diesel heater for my E 34-2 (1988). I took the original Ardic? out-it was failed. I have 2 newer air lines to the main and aft cabin. I heard the Webasto was great but is so pricey. And weather you need the custom kit form Sure Marine is recommended or...
  5. Mikebat

    LED cabin fixtures

    Found some good ones, thought I'd pass along my review. EuroLED Dual Color Red/White Lamp This Hella fixture is nice and bright, and has four dimmer levels for each color. controlled by built-in touch-sensitive switches. The white light casts a noticeable beam or spot, but the spot is...
  6. dt222

    E27 Cabin Door Escutcheon

    Hi all, I'm refinishing the cabin door (the one into the head) and am looking to replace the doorknob escutcheons. Any suggestions as to where to look for them? Thanks for any assistance. Don
  7. G

    Cabin Sole Finish

    I've used nothing but Cetol on the sole for many years. The sole is physically in great condition, but the Cetol is leaving a dull, yellowish finish. Suggestions for an alternate? Surface preparation required?
  8. N

    Water in the cabin

    Its been a week since i was last on the boat so i went by after work today and found there was about 3 inches of standing water in the cabin, apparently the automatic switch on the bilge pump stopped working but i think that's only a minor problem. My major question/problem is where and how do i...
  9. P

    Soft Cabin Sole

    I had a '84 30+ surveyed yesterday and heard that a small area of the cabin sole at the bottom of the ladder gave a little under full body weight. Any thoughts on level of concern, possible causes and remedies would be very helpful. Thank you. Peter S
  10. B

    Diesel Cabin Heater

    We would like to install a diesel cabin heater and read with great interest an article we found here (or linked here) called "Sealing Deck Penetrations to prevent core rot" It was very good advice with regard to screw holes, but we are needing a 3" hole in our deck to accommodate a diesel cabin...
  11. Lawdog

    interior cabin wood panels

    I am considering replacing the wood panels attached to the sides of the cabin housing which surround the ports, as they are pretty rotted in places, but it appears they are fiberglassed to the hull. Has anyone done this before? thanks Neal E38
  12. S

    Cheap LED replacement for existing cabin fixtures

    I read the posts here and looked at fixture replacement as well as bulb replacement & decided to go a different route. The 9 LED strip I used is $13, guarenteed for life and draws .07 amp. It has the apparent luminosity of the two 10 watt incandecent bulbs it replaces (.833 amps *2) although...
  13. richwilson

    Wet Cabin Sole

    Well guys, I need some advice on drying out the cabin sole in my E31. I had an unfortunate "hatch open while using the hose" situation, and water got into the cabin, and is between the wood veneer of the sole and whatever is under it. I REALLY don't want to tear out the wood sole, so does...
  14. treilley

    Cabin top thickness

    I have everything I need to replace the clutches on my 35 except the bolts. I need to stop and buy them on the way to the boat. Can anyone tell me the approximate thickness of the cabin top on a 35-3 near the clutches?
  15. D

    Looking for cushions

    We just got an Ericson 27 that needs to have the cushions thrown away. Now we're looking for the most economical way to get a good looking and comfortable set of cusions for the cabin. Some cockpit ones would be great too. Does anyone have some that they would sell?
  16. C Masone

    Cabin top control lines

    My E32-3 has an array of control lines on the cabin top, including halyards mainsheet reefing lines vang control ect and they come in at wierd angles with an array of winches none of which can be cranked full circle because of their positions as compared to the dodger. I would love to see...
  17. S

    E26 Cabin Deck Thickness??

    Zoran (AKA Akavishon) was kind enough to give me his old rope clutches which were in good shape. I will use one on my E26 for the mainsheet halyard to simplify the hoisting process. Before I drill, I was wondering if anyone knew the approximate thickness of the cabin deck of a E26-2 (1988), so...
  18. D

    Wanted:'78 E-27 cabin lights

    Our P.O. replaced some of the inside cabin light fixtures with some hokey fluorescent fixtures. We still have original fixtures in the salon and galley. When it was suggested to replace fixtures to accomodate LED lights($$$) , we found LED replacement bulbs and are delighted with the brightness...
  19. erikwfab

    Cabin Headliner Replacement

    I am going to replace the foam backed vinyl headliner in my 1976 36C. i desire a more traditional look, as well as a material that doesnt absorb water, can be removed and replaced easily. does anyone have any ideas? i was thinking of a synthetic white bead board in 4'x8' sheets that could be...
  20. O

    1971 E 27 cabin cushions

    Does anyone have the cushion dimensions for a E 27? The 71 I bought is missing all the cushions except for the two for the cockpit.
  21. Loren Beach

    Cabin Sole Project Link

    http://www.wbryant.com/StellaBoat/Projects/cabinsole/2009/index.htm another of Wally's projects -- this time one that's near and dear to the hearts of Vikings. Loren
  22. treilley

    Cabin Sole Project Documented

    This was done 2 seasons ago but with the wintery weather we have this weekend, it is a good time to catch up on my project descriptions. Here is a link to my projects website: http://www.tkronaboat.com/Projects/Ericson%2035%20Projects/Cabin%20Sole%20Replacement/index.html And a nice photo...
  23. Mikebat

    GFCI wierdness (shore power in the cabin)

    I have a GCFI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual-current_device) circuit in my boat. It supplies all the 3-prong 115V AC outlets from shore power. I plugged in a LCD TV and it worked just fine for weeks. Then, Sunday morning while I was watching the firestorms on the TV news, the GFCI...
  24. F

    Moisture Problem In Cabin Sole- E38-200

    Hi , I'm Having A Moisture Issue In The Forward Cabin Sole/right Side. The Area Is At The Beginning Of The Flooring , As You Stand In The V-berth Area. My Main Issue I Can't Seem To Access Under This Area To Correct The Problem. My Boat Is A 1989 E38-200. I'd Appreciate Any Imput . Frank
  25. S

    Cabin Locker Ventilation

    Does anybody know of a reason that there is no venting of the seat lockers in my E-27? Has anybody placed a vent or vents from the seat locker into the cabin? I have never seen seat lockers vented but cannot think of a reason they are NOT vented. Venting these lockers would help reduce...
  26. J

    Squeak in Cabin Sole...

    I recently had our boat (E-27) trucked to our club with very few (I hope) problems. I hadn't secured the folding table properly and came down in transport creating a crack in the cabin teak. I have corrected this but am more concerned about a new squeak/creak in the cabin sole. The sound...
  27. B

    Cabin curtains

    The large curtains on our 1987 E-34 have about seen their day. Does anyone have a source for the material. I'd like to duplicate the curtains so we don't have to replace the whole lot since the large ones seem to be the only bad ones and because we like the style. I think we've tried JoAnn...
  28. R

    Mainsheet on the Cabin Top

    As a way of making the boat a bit more family friendly, I am considering relocating the mainsheet on my '78 E34t to the cabintop using a bridle system (2 mainsheets in a triangular configuration attached to fixed points on the cabin top) to save on the expense of installing a traveller. I plan...
  29. S

    Removing silicone from outer cabin

    I recently purchased a '76 Ericson 27, on which the portals had been replaced with excessive silicone sealant on the outside of the cabin. I have tried to gently scrape it off without damaging the finish, but is not working. Any suggestions on how to remove it? Would a synthetic scrubbing pad...
  30. R

    Cabin layout '23 E I 1968

    I have been searching for expanded view of original cabin layout of E'23 1968 MI. I have manual for MKII. Boat I bought was stripped to refurbish, but left clean. Where to start?? Galley placement, etc?? Also Red cap tank lock with wire hold on port near bulkhead. Use and design please...
  31. G

    Cabin top sail tracks

    My boat came with two 18" sail tracks either side of the cabin top hatch, which puts them just a couple of feet behind the mast,. I have never used them, does anyone know what they are for? Gareth Freyja E35 #241 1972
  32. wheelerwbrian

    Cabin Sole Replacement - Pick me up off the Floor!

    I'm looking to replace the teak and holly sole in my 88 Ericson 38-200. It's worn in some places, esp at the seams, there's some water damage near the mast and in the galley from the dogs water dish, and some general dings and stuff. So, thinking that I'd rather be using my vacation time for...
  33. N

    Engine coolant cabin heater-install ideas ?

    I have it in my head I want to install an Red Dot brand cabin heater in our 1986 E32-3 that uses engine coolant for the heat source. We motor a lot here in the Pacific NW and capturing some of that waste heat just seems like a good idea in these cold winter months. I have kind of looked at where...
  34. E

    Cabin heaters - Force 10 kerosene vs Solid

    Anyone with direct experience with Force 10 Cozy Cabin kerosene heaters? I was seriously considering installing one as in have it on hand for testing and am not sure what to make of it. I am now wondering if I should be looking at a solid fuel heater instead. The intended use is to extend the...
  35. D

    E 38-200 Exhaust Elbow Temp and Aft Cabin

    Hi: I have a 1988 E 38-200. The engine runs at a steady 160 degrees (though I do have some steam). I noticed after a 1.5 hour run yesterday at 2100 rpm that the area in the aft cabin that nearly abuts the exhaust elbow was hot to touch. Is this normal? Is is possible to have a normal...
  36. T

    Cabin Sole-how best to remove old sole [Master Thread]

    :dunce: Replacing cabin sole on 30+, inspired by all the posts on this site. I am all set to start cutting the replacement pieces. I've got the 4x8 3/8 plywood teak and holly veneer. Plan to use a router to make the cuts. If I could somehow remove the existing sole without tearing it to...
  37. treilley

    Cabin Sole joints

    When removing the cabin sole from my '85 35-3 I found some sticky tape like substance at all the joints where 2 different pieces of the plywood butted up against each other. Can anyone tell me the purpose of this? Reduce squeaking? I would think this might cause the joints to rub together...
  38. treilley

    Cabin Sole Progress

    Today I cut all but 2 of the pieces of teak and holly to install for my sole. I rough cut all the pieces with a circular saw and then used a router to cleanup the edges. As you can see it looks pretty good but I still need to install the trim and build the access panels. I will also install a...
  39. B

    Replacement LED bulbs for cabin

    FYI: I'm in the process of switching out my incandescent bulbs for LED arrays. For those interested, you might wish to go to www.superbrightleds.com. My E27 uses the 1156 mount bulb. http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/commerce.cgi?product=OTHER Bob
  40. T

    Diesel Impregnation of Cabin Sole

    Two weeks ago I bought a lovely 1982 E-38 that hadn't had much attention in the last five years. I’m sure this won’t be my last request for help… A long time diesel leak has soaked the cabin sole. The sole near the engine disintegrated (and the wood structure under the aft birth has to come...
  41. Dferr

    solid fuel Cabin heater.

    I noticed the earlier E-38s came with a solid fuel cabin heater. Are any of you guys using them? Are they safe?
  42. L

    Cabin top repair (E-25)

    I have a 1974 E 25 centerboard that needs core replacement on the cabin top. I need suggestions/advice from anyone who has done this repair and how to keep it from leaking and rotting again.
  43. F

    Cabin lights get hot...

    I have 8 interior cabin lights in my E30+ which provide a nice light in the evening, but they get quite hot to touch after being on about an hour or so. They are the "regular" dome lights, brassy look, white light, about 5" diameter or so, found in most chandleries/catalogues. When they get...
  44. P

    Leftover wood from cabin sole project

    I am finally at the point of finishing the cabin sole in my basement and have a number of relatively large scraps of 3/4" teak and holly marine ply leftover from the job. I used 2 4X8 sheets for our E33 and the scraps now add up to most of one sheet. The biggest piece is about 1/3 of a full...
  45. C

    cabin sole hatch needed?

    hello everyone...chip here again. i just wanted to know where i can get a replacement hatch for our ericson 25...im not sure what you call it,,,,but its the hatch you slide back to enter the cabin.... i looked up pacific seacraft and got no where....mine was redone in wood by a previous owner ...
  46. C

    Swivel Cabin Lights available

    I recently replaced by swivel lights with xenon ABI lights. Anyone interested in these three lights? You pay the postage.
  47. W

    Refinish cabin sole on #38-200

    I've been told that the cabin sole on our E-38 is too thin to sand for refinishing. What's the best way to refinish the teak/holly sole?
  48. D

    Any experience lightening cabin teak?

    I have a beautiful 81 E-33. The teak down below has gotten quite dark, the previous owner used lemon oil each year as a coating. I just tried washing the wood with a mixture of hot water, bleach, and liquid tide detergent. This removed a surprising amount of dirt but didnt do much to lighten the...
  49. rotorhead

    Cabin Sole Care

    My cabin floor is in fairly good condition. However, there are areas close to sections in which installations were performed, showing scratches, and drops of epoxy resin. Any suggestions on: 1. Removing glue, epoxy and other glue-like residues. 2. Removing scratches. 3. Fixing small areas in...
  50. B

    Embedding rail on cabin top

    Has anyone here re-embedded the stainless steel rail on the cabin top on an Ericson 34, the one with the three fittings? We're wondering what the best access is through the vinyl. Thanks, -- Brooke
  51. R

    cabin mast teak topping

    I'm missing the teak that goes around the top of the mast in the cabin, between the mast and headliner. I've made a template to make it, but now looking at the mast, I can't see any way of attaching it. It has to have at least 1/2" clearance from the mast and I can't see any holes above. Anyone...
  52. M

    I started replacing 1983 E28+ cabin sole

    I would not have attempted this if not for the wealth of info on this site. Many thanks to all who have contributed. As can be seen in the attached photo's, my sole is in pretty bad shape. It has been covered by a rug for many years, but it really needs to go. I recruted my wifes cousin, master...
  53. S

    Yet another cabin sole query...

    A local yard has suggested that if I were to remove my teak/holly sole, I would find a solid fiberglass floor...perhaps the teak/holly was a factory option. They also suggest that if I were to decide not to replace the teak/holly, that I could refinish the fiberglass sole and have an acceptable...
  54. F

    Installing aft cabin port holes on a 1986 38'-200

    Hello all, That aft cabin can get pretty hot down here in the Caribbean. I've seen Ericsons that have dual port holes in the cockpit side of the cabin. Has anyone install port holes on the hull-side of the aft cabin on a boat approximately like a 38-200? Or can you refer me to articles...
  55. S

    Lighten Up the Cabin

    This was an easy project and really lightens up the cabin. I used a piece of 1/2 inch smoked polycarbonate with AR rating (abrasion resistant). I finish cut the piece on the table saw and rounded the edges with the router table. The sliding hatch cover had to be removed and re-bedded and...
  56. wurzner

    Ericson Designs with Aft Cabin and Head?

    The wife casually suggested that maybe a different boat might make her more interested in cruising. I like the design characteristics of the aft head and cabin. As far as I can tell, only the 34 and the 38-200 had offered this configuration, as well as perhaps the 32-3. Are there other...
  57. C

    cabin sole replacement

    I have finally decided to bite the bullet and replace the teak & holly sole on my 21 year old E38 (it had gotten wet underneath and delaminated in places). Fortunately it is not glued down to stringers. 1. What is the best way to remove the teak plugs covering the screws on the perimeter trim...
  58. S

    Cabin roof and deck construction - 87 E34

    I have no leaks but want to know the construction design of the cabin top and side decks of my '87 E34. Previous boats always were of a sandwich design with balsa or plywood inside, so that a leak from any fitting could slowly cause rot. The E34 has a full vinyl liner with zippers. When I...
  59. F

    Aft Cabin Port Window convert to Porthole

    In the Caribbean, it gets hot in the aft cabin. I'm thinking of replacing the port window just above the closet on my 1986 38-200 with a porthole my guests can open. Has anybody done that, or does anyone have advice on that or can you suggest the best place to get an aftermarket porthole? fz
  60. J

    bi-fold cabin door

    I'm trying to figure out some of the 'customizing' the previous owner did to my e30+. Specifically, the door that separates the head and v-berth from the main salon is weird. It has a piece of trim aft, which hides the edge of the door from sight in the main salon, but no trim forward. It...
  61. C

    E35-2 Cabin Sole Project

    I took out the cabin carpet of my E35-2 and found the fiberglass floor to be stained. Thinking about having a teak and holly floor to cover it. I'm not a carpenter, but can do some pretty basic woodworking. QUESTIONS: Is there an existing cabin sole template for E35-2's that I could use to...
  62. R

    Cabin 12V light lenses

    I need to replace the plastic cabin light lenses on my 1971 E-29. Any ideas as where to find OEM or replica parts? Thanks, Ray Hughes.
  63. S

    removing glue from cabin sole

    Does anyone know a solvent that is safe for fiberglass and can remove the strips of glue used for carpet backing? Thanks in advance. Steve.
  64. G

    Oil removal from the cabin

    After eight weeks and five days I have finally heard from my insurance company, and can start my rebuild. First, clean up. Does anyone know a good compound for removing the engine oil which is everywhere after the flooding - on the mahogony, cabin sole, fibreglass hull etc? Gareth Freyja...
  65. C

    Refinishing cabin sole

    Hello again, What do you guys have to say about redoing the teak and holly cabin sole? I know you have to sand it down, but thats all I know!!! What kind of finish, how may coats... anyone done it? Chris
  66. C

    Cabin locker door cane job

    Attached is the summary picture of our little improvement project for the four cabin locker doors. With a few hours of work and about $30 in material the doors now look very nice and no longer seal in the stale air. I posted a write-up to the sailnet list earlier. Chris E34 Dangriga :egrin:
  67. G

    Replacement of Cabin Sole [Master Thread]

    Unfortunately, my boat is one of the models where Ericson glued down the teak and holly sole. Has anyone ever removed it on a similar boat and how big of a job is it?
  68. Mindscape

    32-3 Cabin top winch/stopper pads

    I'm thinking about replacing the pads under the cabin top winches and line stoppers on my 32-3. In my on going effort to reduce the maintenance on any exterior wooden trim, these 5 pads look like easy targets that won't do great harm to the overall look. Has anyone replaced these with...
  69. E

    cabin fever

    Just to remind all of us who sail in the Great White North of the Strictly Sail show in Chicago. It's a good way to help get through the shovel month's waiting for swat season and putting the boat's back in the water. If you've never attended, excelent seminars for both cruisers & racers, new...
  70. Sven

    E23 table for main cabin ?

    So far I haven't seen a single picture of the optional table offered for the E23. I'm guessing that you hang it off the two metal brackets on the bulkhead (to port) when you don't use it ? Is the same table usable in the cockpit at anchor ? Does anyone happen to have blueprints for the...
  71. R

    Cabin top hardware

    Hello all, I had some questions on installing cabin top hardware on an E27. I was going to lead some lines aft. So some padeyes, deckorganizers, rope clutches and a winch will be added to my cabin top. I had questions about the molded headliner. I seems like there is some resin...
  72. I

    Cabin Table for E27

    Does anyone have any plans or ideas for a removable table to install in the cabin?
  73. C

    Cover cabintop sides in main cabin with laminate?

    Has anyone considered covering the teak side walls (the ones with the windows) with off-white laminate (formica)? Some friends did that with their Endeavour and it really helped to update the look of the boat. I like the look of the teak but it can begin to feel like a cave because it's so...
  74. C

    Laminate for topside walls in main cabin

    Has anyone considered covering the teak side walls (the ones with the windows) with off-white laminate (formica)? Some friends did that with their Endeavour and it really helped to update the look of the boat. I like the look of the teak but it can begin to feel like a cave because it's so...
  75. B

    Cabin sole

    I have a '86 Ericson 32 where the cabin sole is not screwed down but appears to be glued. This flooring needs to be replaced (warping, rot, etc). This means a rip/destroy action. Any experiences, do's, don'ts, suggestions for me before I start?:confused:
  76. B

    Cabin Wood and Finish

    Can anyone help me with this? I am not very experienced with wood and such. What are the types of wood used in the cabin? Such as the bulkheads and cabinets. I have noticed many are using mahogany and other types of wood instead of teak. I want to make sure I get a tone match before I spend all...
  77. R

    Repairing dings in a cabin sole

    This was our first year with our first boat, a 1986 30+. We learned a few things the hard way, like properly stowing items so that they wouldn't go flying across the boat and create dings in the teak and holly sole. (Actually, in our defense, the lockers need new latches, so the first couple of...
  78. B

    Original Cabin Sole?

    Hey Guys / Gals: I have a question about the sole material. My E26 looks like it has just a plywood floor with grey epoxy paint on it and is fiberglassed in on the sides where it meets the hull. Was there a teak and holly sole there originally that has been removed or is this the original...
  79. C

    cabin sole refinishing vs. replacement

    We have an 1987 E34 and, as you might expect, there are more than a few on-going projects to maintain and upgrade our boat. BTW, thanks for all the info on Cetol - I too dislike the orange color and will be refinishing the exterior brightwork in the fall. Another project is...
  80. S

    Cabin Soles

    I am looking to purchase a 1986 Ericson 38. The sole is in terrible shape. I was surprised because of the age of the boat, and it has not been a live-aboard. The broker told me that sole deterioration was common on Ericksons because of the traxial construction which traps moisture in the bilge...
  81. J

    Ericson 29 Cabin Sole

    I'm a new member to this exchange, I was tickled when I found it, terrific source of information. I have a 72 vintage E29, been doing a lot of upgrades (headsail furler, repower, new teak hatches, Awlgrip). At the end of the day, it's cost effective to maintain and enhance rather than to...
  82. Sean Engle

    Cabin Sole 2 : Black Spots and Refinishing

    I started sanding that corner area of the cabin sole in my head last night, and the teak there is/was black. I knew that there was some water damage and rot in that area, however I don't think I need to completely replace it just yet - but I would like to refinish it (the entire cabin sole)...
  83. R

    Cabin floor repair

    I have a soft spot in the floor between the satrboard sette and the table on my E35-III. I have replaced the supports for the removable floor sections. They were "held"in by SS screws which extended no more than a quarter of an inch into the plywood subfloor. That stiffened the overall floor...
  84. Sean Engle

    Cabin Sole Replacement

    * This message was a secondary message to E35-3: "Stains and Rot in Teak" - also posted. --------------------------- I'm looking into purchasing a 1986 E35 MKIII, and have problem. This boat has experienced some leaks somewhere in the coach roof area that ended up running down the...