
  1. T

    E-27 Water leak from mast step.

    I have a 75 e27 with a substantional water leak coming from a hole the previous owner drilled in the mast step. The whole is used for the electrical that runs up the mast. The water has rotted away a section of the plywood that is the wall of the head. Also with a VERY small amout of rot is...
  2. B

    jumar ascenders up the mast???

    OK, so i used to climb mountains when i was a kid... and we had these nifty mechanical rope-ascenders called 'jumars'- you wore a chest harness and stirrups and slid one up at a time on a 9mm or 11mm climbing rope... and so i'm wondering... is there any reason why one can't use such a system...
  3. R

    E27 Mast Length

    Does anyone know the mast length for the E27 Standard Rig (1974)? I know the "I" dimension and the height from the waterline but am looking for the actual length of the mast itself. Thanks. Raleigh
  4. B

    Mast Stepping 'kit'/crutches E25??

    ok, so, with my new '78 E25 there is this intriguing little booklet on how to raise and lower the mast single-handed.. all it seems to require is time... and a pair of 'crutches' to rest the lowered mast on... does anyone have these original 'crutches'? and/or have a plan i can...
  5. G

    Mast step

    I am replacing the steel step that is embedded in the fibreglass under the mast. I am tempted to spend the extra $30 for stainless steel, the same size as before. I don't think flex is much of an issue there, and it gets exposed to water via the screws which can only be rebsealed when the mast...
  6. Warren Casey

    Fixing Mast Noise

    My mast bangs with a vengeance! :eek: Their must be a few loose wires inside. I don't want to pull it to fix it - too costly. I thought that I could just spray some foam in the mast. Has anyone fixed a noisy mast that way? I know it is not the best way - but the mast is old and some day I might...
  7. jmoses

    E-35 MKII Mast Step Innards

    Has anyone delved into the actual deck-stepped mast base itself on a E-35 MKII (vintage 1972 to be exact)? Due to prior owner issues (plywood bulkhead crack at hull on port side near deck in head compartment), core delam stbd side of mast step, compression post movement, etc.) it needs to be...
  8. R

    Mast Raising(Not dialup friendly)

    I just had to share these pictures my wife took today of my mast raising.
  9. M

    water in my mast...

    I purchased my 35 MKII in November, shipped it to Oregon, and in a blinding rainstorm, stepped the mast.....this without acknowledging whether the mast to was capped or open. When it rains, I have a great deal of water coming into the cabin at the same location where my mast's electrical wires...
  10. J

    Mast Boot

    Looking for a replacement mast boot for my "87" 35-III. I searched the site and didn't see any threads directly addressing replacements. I contacted Pacific Seacraft and they suggested I post the question here.. Would also appreciate any advice (do's & don'ts) that you don't mind passing on to...
  11. D

    Mast & bow pulpit needed for E-32

    Hi, I'm looking for a mast for a 1973 E-32. I'm also looking for a bow pulpit. Please email me if you have one. Thanks, Duncan
  12. D

    Mast replacement for '72 E32

    I am the new owner of a 1972 Ericson 32 (not sure if it's a E32-1, or E32-2, etc. would appreciate help understanding the differences) with a broken mast. I am currently looking around for a replacement mast. I have all the mast hardware, including boom, and I'm wondering what my options are...
  13. C

    Painting the mast?

    Hello everyone, the boat is about to get hauled (very late!!!) and I am going to take advantage of the first season over the past few years that I will be able to do some work on the interior and exterior of the boat. The past year and a half or so have been consumed by a remodling of the head...
  14. D

    Drilling & tapping boom and mast

    On my restoration of my e28+, I would like to drill and tap a few holes in the boom, mast and possibly the spreaders to install new running rigging. I have also seen other masts with holes drilled at the bottom to allow water to drain. I cautious about drilling and tapping too many holes for...
  15. B

    Mast clearance for 30+?

    Title sums it up...Does anyone know the mast hieght from the waterline for an Ericson 30 plus? Thanks Fred
  16. R

    Mast head pulley repair

    Both the main and the headsail masthead pulleys on my E-29 are jammed. Can I lower the tabernacle mounted mast with a system of pulleys and lines? Any advise would be helpful. Thanks, Ray Hughes. (Capricious, 1971 E-29, Oceanside, CA)
  17. R

    Tunning the Rigging / Mast

    I have a 1979 Ericson 29....just put in the water this year....and I'm a new owner. Looking at the Ericson Owners Manual that came with the boat, the section on tuning the rigging / mast only refers to tightening the upper shrouds to about 2" of play, and the lowers to about 2 - 3 inches of...
  18. T

    mast is going bzzzzzzz........

    have a E 29 , deckstepped mast and when the wind starts to blow , my mast starts to vibrate ( yes like a female playtoy), now could this be because of my rigging isn't tuned correctly or do have probs with whole of my mast? what's the right tension anyway thanx tim:confused: :esad:
  19. T

    E35-2 Mast

    If the comments on the Ericson list on Sailnet are correct then I have an oddity. According to the list I have the only keel stepped mast on a E35-2. Is this true?
  20. M

    E-27: stepping the mast

    Some of you may remember my adventures last fall in unstepping the mast on my 27 with the help of a local bridge. Now that it is spring, its time to reverse the process...and I'm still too cheap to hire the job out. So, here is what I'm thinking: What if I were to raft up to some friends...
  21. C

    mast lowering question

    I've just purchased a 1973 e25 and I would like to lower the mast. I have read the book entiled "raising and lowering the ericson/25 mast." My problem deals with the boom guys, (referred to in step # 7, in "Preparing the mast for rasing") and step # 5, in ("lowering the mast"). I don't...
  22. V

    E34 Mast, boom, mainsail, pole for sale

    In the process of inspecting my rigging this year, I somehow convinced myself that adding height to the mast, length to the boom, and upgrading the spinnaker pole to carbon were all good ideas. Hence I now must dispose of the original equipment, which is in reasonable condition for it's age...
  23. 1

    Anyone ever paint a mast!?

    My mast looks like crap! It looks like the previous owner tried to buff it and everything I have tried to get rid of the swirl marks doesn't work. Painting the mast seems to be the only option and I was wondering if anyone has done it and what they think of the results. Longevity would be...
  24. C

    E27 Mast Step

    I was inspecting thee rig on my Ericson 27 this weekend getting things ready for the summer season when I noticed a problem on the portion of the mast step attched to the mast itself. It appeared to have had three fasteners holding the mast to its base, but one was missing, one was corroded...
  25. B

    mast steps

    While in Florida last week, I noticed a few boats with mast steps, was wondering if anyone installed them on their Ericsons, I have E29 and will have to go up the mast this spring. Thanks for the input Bobg
  26. C

    Water INSIDE the mast

    Whenever it rains, I get a pool of water INSIDE my keel stepped aluminum mast.:boohoo: There is no drain into the bildge so the water slowly seeps out and soaks my sole and carpet and some of it eventually finds its way into the bildge. As I see it I have 3 options: 1. Climb the mast and...
  27. J

    Mast Step Reinforcement

    I am in the process (almost done!) of replacing three bulkheads in my 1971 E32. Before I re-install a mahogany arch/support under the mast step, I am wondering if I should do any extra reinforcement in this area. There is some telltale cracking in this area, but I don't know if the thick...
  28. M

    Mast replacement

    I've been looking into replacing the 27 year old mast on my E23. It has seen alot of wear and tear and may be weakened where there was alot of corrosion underneath the winch mounts. Anyway, every where I look the sections are so small and light compared to the old one, I am unsure. Did they...
  29. S

    Mast mounted winch

    We were sailing in 15-knot winds on my Ericson 30. While tightening the Genoa halyard with the port side mast winch it started to come out of the mast. We quickly tied off the halyard to a cleat and were able to remove the winch from the mast. Upon inspection we found the bolts holding the...
  30. M

    E-27 Mast step

    I have owned my 27 for a few years now and have never had the stick down. There are several projects up the mast that I'd like to tackle this winter, but I am significantly shorter on financial resources than creativity. The yard wants big bucks to drop the mast for me, and I have a perfect...
  31. Luffin it

    Mast Crack at the spreader

    I've got a crack about 1.2" centered on the aft end of the speader bracket running vertical. Has anyone had this problem? Do I just need to build an alum patch. Drill a small hole on each end of the crack to stop it? Should I use some kind of glue to attach the patch and rivet it to the mast?:esad:
  32. Luffin it

    vertical cracks on mast at spreader bar monuts

    As I was replacing my spreader boots on our E-27 with Wheel, I notices a small crack in the mast on the aft edge of the mounting plate for the spreader. It looks as if it an inch an quarter long running vertical. What is the fix for this problem? Do you first pre-drill a small hole at each...
  33. M

    Ericson 27 lowering mast

    Ok, I just bought a 71 ericson 27, we need to trailer the boat to it's new home this weekend. How does the mast step, there is no hinge on the deck, just what seems to be shoe that the mast sit on, is this shoe design so that we can winch the mast down, any suggestion's, Thanks for your help!
  34. D

    Mast Wiring Noise

    I have a '71 E 29, It appears the wing inside the mast is loose. Extremely annoying to listen to the wires banging around inside the mast when laying at anchor all night. Any one have any solutions? Is there a way to fasten the wiring inside the mast to prvent this highly irratating noise...
  35. W

    I Need a Mast E23

    I'm looking for a used mast for a 1976 E23. Help and Thanks Willy44
  36. W

    Mast Repair

    I have a broken mast on my E23. Has anyone ever repaired an aluminum extrusion. I was told that it is possible by epoxying in and riveting a sleeve. thanks
  37. A

    Santa Cruz bridge mast

    I recently bought an E-27. At one time my boat must have been berthed in the inner harbor at Santa Cruz, CA, where boats have to motor under two bridges having a height of 18 feet. The mast is mounted on a tabernacle step and appears to be partially equipped to be lowered while under power. Has...
  38. R

    1974 E-32 mast tuning the rig

    Any advice on how to tune the rig on my 1974 E-32-2. Thanks.
  39. M

    Mast Grounding

    Can anyone tell me how the mast of the older (1971) Ericson 27's was grounded
  40. S

    Mast Winch E27

    Does anyone know the purpose of the winch on the mast of an E27 and what size rigging wire is appropriate? Thanks in advance.
  41. C

    Mast Light

  42. Jeff Asbury

    The Radar Mast

    The Radar Mast
  43. C

    Mast electrical wiring

    Hi, am getting ready to replace wiring in mast to suport combo lights on masthead and at location of steaming light. This means what used to be 4? wires will now become 5 wires (common ground, right?). Anyway it seems the wires enter the mast from the overhead in the head. What must I do to...
  44. G

    Mast Height

    I have a 1970 35-2 and have had a lot of people tell me that this boat is a tall rigged boat. As I have not seen any 35-2 listed as a tall rig, I started to wounder.I messured the mast this past weekend and the height from the deck to top of mast is 43 feet 9 inches and the boom is 12 feet 10...
  45. B

    Mast Gates

    I am in the need for some mast gates for my E-27 .I have a good source, but here is my problem; my boat is 100 miles away, secured for the winter and I don't know how long the mast slug slot is! My source has only made them for Catalina 25's , but he just emailed me that he wants to try to make...
  46. J

    sole flooring rot at base of mast.

    I have a 1985; 32-300 My flooring around the mast has delaminated and generally rotted an area about a foot square. Rot has also wicked up the side of the adjacent locker. Rain water evidently accesses the inside of the mast and should be routed to the bilge via a coffer at the base of the...
  47. Steve

    E35-3 Interior Mast Shroud

    My interior mast shroud originates at the cabin top then terminates aft of the mast base. There is an opening on the port side of the mast about 3/4 up from the step that confuses us. Could this be where the OEM shroud channeled then terminated internally in the step rather the externally. It...
  48. M

    spreader base mast fitting

    Any one have any ideas about where to get a spreader base mast fitting for my 1976 E23. I broke my starboard one this last week while putting up the mast. I have manufactured a temporary one from steel, but won't really trust it in a blow. Thanks for any response. Great Forum.
  49. Leon Sheean

    Kenyon Mast Gate

    I am continually fearful of one day droping the gate overboard. I would not expect it to float! Are replacements available? Is a different design available which attaches outside the track and would allow the sail lugs to settle further down the track and contibute to better flaking?
  50. R

    Ericson 32-2 Mast Height?

    Can anyone tell me the mast height (from step and from water line) of the mast on a 1972 Ericson 32-2. I just bought it and can't find anything telling me the mast height.
  51. J

    Mast Tuning

    I have an e-29 and am looking for some advice on tuning the mast.
  52. B

    Ericson 25 mast raising/lowering system hardware

    Can anyone refer me to a source for purchasing the special hardware (port and starboard boom guys, etc.) for the mast raising system for a 1974 Ericson 25? Barring the possibility of purchasing ready-made guys, are drawings and specifications available which would allow me to fabricate these...
  53. M

    mast pivot pin wear

    I took down the mast on my E-25 for the first time this winter and discovered that the hole for the pivot pin has gone oval in a serious way. does anyone have ideas on the best methods to stabilize this rather critical point?
  54. H

    mast anyone?

    Hi. I recently purchased a 1970 Ericson 35 and I need a mast, boom, etc... If you are familiar with this site then you have probably read a story of dismasting on another thread (this is the boat). If anybody has any idea where I could find this much needed mast I would be forever greatful...
  55. C

    bending mast

    i purchased a 73 e27 last year with a adjustable backstay.since the e27 is a masthead rig am i bending the mast with the backstay or just compressing the mast.the main sail is not in very good shape so it is hard to tell any difference.any advise on proper adjustment with the masthead set up...
  56. K

    mast step bracket

    I have seen mounting brackets at the mast base for the purpose of attaching blocks to run halyards and control lines aft. My '76 E35-2 mast is deck stepped and I'm not certain how a bracket would be mounted or where to find one. Any 35-2 owners out there who have done so?
  57. L

    Unstep Mast for Winter Storage?

    I will be having my E29 set up for winter storage. Can I safely leave the mast and Harken Roller Furling up during storage. The yard said the mast should be untepped or it may cause gelcoat damage (Stress). But I see many sailboats stored for winter with the mast up. The cost take it down and...
  58. M

    steping the mast

    I have a similar problem as the guy who was unsteping his mast for the first time, only I am steping my mast for the first time! I know it's seems kinda late in the year, but I just bought it and put it in last weekend. I'm determined to have SOME use of it this year, plus I have to get it home...
  59. G

    Mast head design flaw

    The sheaves on my masthead do not extend out past the sides of the mast, and over the last 29 years the wire halyards have carved right through. The sheaves are mounted on pins that extend through the masthead, but have been drilled too close together. Has anyone encountered this and found the...
  60. T

    E-27 Mast removal

    I'll be unstepping the mast on my 1975 E-27 for the first time, and need some advice on what needs to be done beforehand. Specifically, what trim piece do I take off to get to the antenna and electrical wires. Once I get to the wires, is there anything I should do with them (besides unplug...
  61. G

    Painting hull and/or mast

    I would like to hear the experience of anyone who has had his or her spars or hull painted professionally. I plan to have my spars Awlgripped (they are white Kenyon powder coated) this Winter not only for cosmetic reasons, but to stop corrosion around the fittings. However, I have never owned...
  62. John Yandow

    Leaking mast

    Went down to the boat today to find a bilge full of water, boat main and shower bilge. We had very heavy rain showers last night. I noticed this last year when I got the boat that there was water around the mast step in the main cabin. After inspecting the mast boot I found it was dry as a...
  63. J

    Mast Plate and Hatch

    Now that I've discovered this forum, I"ll probably air a bunch I've idea's I've been toying with as upgrades form my E29. The first one was triggered by an image of an E29 I saw at the entrance of this web site. That boat featured two coach hatches, one to the bow of the mast, the other to...
  64. Sean Engle

    Mast Paint Flaking Off - What's Below It?

    A question: My boat has a few places on the mast where the paint is "bubbling up" - that is, the paint has sort of blistered up, and is/can flake away. One of the places this is happening is down below, near the cabin sole. I assume this is from water running down the inside of the mast...
  65. G

    E-27 Mast Step

    I am in need of a mast step for a 1971 Ericson 27. Does anyone know who made the OEM masts for that year(sparcraft)maybe? Thanks, Clay Gwin Bettina