• Untitled Document

    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

  • Untitled Document

    Join us on January 24th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o January Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    January Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. Screenshot_20230709_084822_Photos.jpg


    Catalina Channel
  2. The First Voyage in Roxanne

    E27 The First Voyage in Roxanne

    Giving a rough guess I would say this Ericson Yacht Organization could represent a combined million miles sailed and several thousand years of sailing knowledge, and then there is me. Two years and several hundred miles of sailing and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface. When I...
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    Sailing by the Dunes on Lake Michigan. Such beautiful water and scenery. Nothing quite like seeing it from the water under sail.
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    Sailing by the bell outside Northport.
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    Just enjoying sailing on Gran Traverse Bay!
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    Leaving Gran Traverse Bay, Michigan, and out into open waters off the tip of the Leelanau Penisula on my way to Leland where a friendly transient slip and good food awaits. The little E25 sailed beautifully.
  7. M

    Sailing up the Bay

    Hi! There haven't been any Chesapeake Bay posts for a while, so I'll post a link to a video of me sailing from Rock Hall to the Sassafrass River. After sitting for 7 months waiting for the new engine to be installed, it was ready to continue the journey that we started on March 30th of...
  8. M


    I would first like to thank everyone that posts on this site, it has been a very benificial tool for me. I am relatively new to sailing and just bought my first monohaul sailboat a 1974 Ericson 32-2 Havoc a good project boat. This site has really helped me in fixing the boat, so far I have...
  9. sjconnor

    Sailing in LA & San Francisco

    I'm an Olson 34 Owner (of Sapphire Star) in Singapore travelling to San Francisco for the first time ever in a couple of weeks and really would love the opportunity to have a sail in the harbour on Sunday June 5th. I know it's a long shot but it would truly be amazing and I'd naturally pitch up...
  10. Bolo

    Sailing in Chicago

    OK, I'm not sailing "IN" Chicago but I did get an invitation to sail the lake the weekend of May 21st while I'm in town for a family event. I have a 32-3 that I sail on the Chesapeake but I can imagine that the weather conditions and temps are a bit different in Chicago then they are in...
  11. Jeff Asbury

    Sailing to the Isthmus on Great Thursday

    Planing on sailing to the Isthmus on Great Thursday, April 21st, day before Good Friday, because it is bad luck to depart on a Friday. May only stay until Saturday the 23rd. My Boss said good weather is guaranteed. I am hoping the wild flower blooms will attract the Easter Bunny. :unsure...
  12. DanielW

    E28 offshore sailing - Capsize Risk Factor

    I'm toying with the idea of sailing my E28 across the South Pacific (Asia to Panama). The plan is to beef her up over the next year and a half and go, but there is one niggle that I cannot find an answer to. The published Capzise Risk Factor of the E28 (found at...
  13. D

    Cool sailing theme for Google Chrome

    f you're using Google's Chrome browser (and if you're not, you should seriously consider it), this may be the best sailboat theme for sailors ever. (For those who don't know, the theme is the picture you see when you open the browser, sort of like your desktop picture.) I have no connection with...
  14. Loren Beach

    Way Cool Sailing Video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwuGtfVM4Pg I just took a look at the updated web site for the Yaquina Bay Yacht Club. http://www.yaquinabayyachtclub.org/index.html There is a nice video link there for sailing on the Bay with their YC group. That E-29 in the video looks familiar, Ken! This is...
  15. Special K

    Shilshole sailing on Sunday

    Wonderful day sailing off Shilshole here in Seattle. I saw a E39 out sailing around.
  16. Jeff Asbury

    Smart Phone Visibility while sailing.

    Smart Phone Visibility while sailing, I recently upgraded my cell phone to a so called "Smart Phone", the "Samsung Reality". It's not a iPhone or a Droid, but it has some of the same features, like G3 connect & touch screen. I enjoy the new features but I have a really hard time seeing the...
  17. S

    E-38 Article in Blue Water Sailing Magazine

    There is an article in the Sept edition of BWS magazine by Taryn & Stephen Toman of the E38 Synchronicity. I tried to find an on line link but couldn't. It is an interesting article of their maiden trip from Baltimore to Bermuda. Stephen is an experienced blue water cruiser but this voyage...
  18. D

    Two Views of NW Sailing in August

    We finally got out for a week of cruising during the last week of August (which was great) but again confirmed our fickle NW weather and the need to always be prepared. Attached are two views taken during that cruise. Any other NW Ericsons out cruising the San Juan & Gulf Islands from August 25...
  19. bayhoss

    Sailing the outer banks

    Just got in last nite from a 14 day sail of the outer banks of North Carolina. I'll post pictures and descriptions if anyone is interested. Two things that I can say for sailing the area, First, if you ever get a chance to sail the outer banks take it! The fresh ocean breeze and unspoiled beauty...
  20. ragamuffin

    Sailing in Los Angeles

    LA Ericson Skippers. I will be in LA from Aug 20th to the 30th and would love to sail/crew on your boat. I rarely get to sail on the west coast and it would be a great treat. :egrin:
  21. U

    How many Ericson 38's (& others) are still sailing?!?

    I was just posed this interesting question. Does anyone by chance know how many of our beloved boats are are still plying the world's waterways?!? Just curious.....& not just the 38's I reckon.....
  22. T

    Anyone sailing out of Alamitos today?

    We're going to be casting off around 1:30 PM today, anyone else heading out for a sail?
  23. T

    Getting spoiled by actual wind | When is best sailing season out of Long Beach?

    Hi guys - another very nice day of sailing yesterday and hanging out cleaning up the boat today. Having actual wind is nice, which got me thinking so when is the best sailing season out of the greater Long Beach area?
  24. R

    new at sailing

    just bought a 1977 ericson 27 from a 80 year old man . and he told me the boom is held up by the main sail and that it nothing to the top of ths mast . Is this true? And I cant tell by the manual drawings.Wish i could see the top of a mast thanks in advance for any help roy9216,:confused:
  25. Loren Beach

    Crowded River Sailing

    This is from a series of pix posted up by a friend of mine from last Sunday's informal race. Lots of different kinds of traffic to contend with here. Just thought you all would get a chuckle out of it. Tug/Barge combos are entitled to "room" for a host of reasons! :) Loren
  26. noproblemo2

    Baja Sailing Stories-Wanted

    I am posting this request one time only and with permission from Sean. Since we retired to Baja 4years ago and due to health reasons had to sell our beloved NoProblemo, I have started a web site and am looking for Ericson owners to post their sailing experiences of Baja. As you will see from my...
  27. Jeff Asbury

    Talk about a Raft Up! Sailing the Pacific plastic dump.

    Sailing the Pacific plastic dump http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/02/16/vbs.toxic.garbage.island/index.html?hpt=C1
  28. T

    All Day I Dream About Sailing

    I hate winter. This picture is from the last sail of 2009 on Escape Plan.
  29. Sven

    Sailing in the Pacific Northwest :-O

    A good friend of mine just posted a picture to his Facebook page. It is the result of some pretty wild weather the last few days and weeks. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4221251&id=782349847 I uploaded a screensnap of the page in the post after Mark's. What a mess :woot: -Sven PS...
  30. Sven

    Cruisers & Sailing forum hacked

    Seems like someone really messed up the Cruisers & Sailing forum. http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/ It was redirecting to some search site this AM and then slowed to a crawl, finally just timed out and now redirects to a we've got a problem status page. Hope they have back-ups so...
  31. C

    E27 Oct Sailing vid

    Just out having a good sail in the cold on Pipe Dreamhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-Qrdm9TI6M
  32. S

    New to Sailing in Southern California

    The Hevrin family in Oceanside, California on our (new to us) 29 Foot Ericson with our instrctor and friend Dennis.
  33. mark reed

    Our first time sailing here

    We just sailed our E38 under the Gate after a 3-week trip down the coast from Newport, OR. Anyone wanting to share stories or drinks in the cockpit, we'll be at Schoonmaker Point for a few days before continuing south. What a wonderful place to sail. You folks are lucky!
  34. u079721

    Why aren't these people out sailing!

    Saturday here in Minnesota was as good as it gets. Temp in the high 70s, wind north at 10 to 15, absolutely sunny. I was coming back from a bike ride south and stopped by the marina at Lake City on Lake Pepin, and just couldn't believe it. Just about ALL of the slips were occupied! Why...
  35. C

    Single Handed Sailing

    I don't know about you guys, but it's not unusual for my 'crew' to not be as interested as me in sailing:mad:. I'm of the opinion that it's time to single hand, heck I darn near do it anyway, why not go all the way? It's weird, there aren't any books on it, an occasional article, maybe it's...
  36. V

    Bauer 8 sailing dinghy still for sale

    Price reduced to $1800. Vince Benn 267-799-6545
  37. O

    Opinions on sailing in FL?

    Hello all, My husband and I are considering moving to Florida from New Hampshire with one of the primary reasons of being able to sail throughout the year. We are able to be relatively flexible (need to be near a larger city and major airport) but are exploring different regions in Florida...
  38. E

    Sailing buddies wanted

    Hi All, My name is Edward Gato I own an Ericson 29. My wife and I are both retired and have plenty of time to sail. The problem is my wife Elaine is a little afraid of going sailing with just me to handle the boat because of my lack of experience. I don’t blame her. Although, experienced with...
  39. J

    Sailing Home...Maine to Newfoundland (via-France)

    This is a short video of us bringing my - "new" 1972 E35II "home" to Newfoundland. It's a partial account and includes some general foolishness. - Enjoy Sailing starts about 3 min into the vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXJFh7PFJnY Cheers Jason
  40. Jeff Asbury

    Singlehanded Dana 24 with Sailing Kitecam Videos

    Singlehanded Dana 24 with Sailing Kitecam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKGupz_9mGc&feature=related Qualifying sail for the 2006 Singlehanded Transpac sailing race http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0IP7ctP5Z4&feature=channel_page I want one!
  41. ragamuffin

    Sailing Magazine Ericson 27 Retrofit Article

    Thought I would share this with all of you. I just received the Jan 09 Sailing Magazine, and myself and ragamuffin where part of the article how cool is that. All made possible by this web site. Adam Cort the author found me on here and interviewed me in Chicago last October. The article is...
  42. D

    Who was sailing off Anderson Island today

    As I awaited the boarding light for the 12:30 Christene Anderson ferry I enviously observed what appeared to be an Ericson 27 enjoying the northerly 10 knot winds, heading south between Anderson and Ketron Islands. What a beautiful day to be out sailing! You had red numbers on your mains'l...
  43. B

    Sailing in the rain

    Heading out to Ventura this long weekend, for hopefully some sailing with friends. Might have good weather Saturday, but Sunday and Monday look stormy. I have no real info to post just sitting here excited to get going. The Varnish is going on really nice on my cabinet project.
  44. P

    Attention Florida Sailors - Caribbean Sailing in Lake Superior?

    My wife and I own a 29' Ericson that we sail in Lake Superior. We were wondering if any Ericson owners would be able and willing to take us sailing...a few hours would be fine, we just want the ocean experience as we have never sailed in an ocean, but we want to do so in the future. We would...
  45. T

    January Sailing

    This January 9th image is sent with "warm" wishes to all of our Northern friends. People who are lucky enough to live on the Gulf coast of Florida are lucky enough!
  46. O

    Sailing and Living in NE Florida?

    My husband and I may be relocating to the NE Florida area from New Hampshire. Any comments on the general sailing community? Any recommendations of great neighborhoods/towns in the NE or Jacksonville area? We are avid sailors and plan on bringing our E32-200 with us... any hints or...
  47. Jeff Asbury

    Disney Documentary about Sailing!

    Disney Documentary about Sailing! Check it out at: http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/morninglight/ It Theaters This Fall
  48. treilley

    Sailing Dogs

    Here is a nice photo of my dog Shamus relaxing during cocktail hour.
  49. Sean Engle

    Fuel Prices: Sailing v. Powerboating

    Hi Everyone - I've not seen a thread on this yet - so I thought I would toss this out for discussion: With the increase in fuel costs, what changes out on the water have you noticed with respect to the number of powerboats you've seen, and what knowledge do you have of your current boating...
  50. Jeff Asbury

    Interesting Sailing Weather web site.

    http://www.sailflow.com Interesting Sailing Weather web site. From researching the archives for my area (Hurricane Gulch, in LA Harbor), it seems to give pretty accurate information. Just thought I would share it. I am still learning how to read the graphs.
  51. CWM

    Sailing on SF bay

    This photo is of last weekend's Master Mariners race.
  52. treilley

    We had a great weekend sailing

    We had a great weekend sailing. We went to 2 beautiful spots in Casco Bay(the gosslings and Jewell I.) and we got to sit back and enjoy all the hard work we did this winter. Here is a photo of the new galley faucet and sink. The original was too small for a dinner plate to sit flat and the...
  53. K

    Ted goes sailing...

    Todays New York Post headline: Brave Teddy leaves hospital, goes sailing...
  54. L

    Sailing on NPR

    Hello All- I hope this won't be seen as an abuse of my posting privileges. In order to support my serious sailing habit, I'm a news editor and producer at NPR. I've been working on a series that will air throughout this summer on Weekend Edition Sunday, that I thought might interest some of...
  55. S

    Sweet sailing dory!

    Just thought I'd see if anyone is interested. I'd be on this, but I don't NEED 5 boats!:egrin: http://www.fishtheclassic.net/forums/showthread.php?p=141622#post141622
  56. rbonilla

    l@@kin like sailing weather this am....

    this am is lookin' like sailing weather if finally here...we should hit 70... i am shootin' to get the e23 up on the lake soon ...... cheers .... :egrin:
  57. M

    under 30' ericson for offshore sailing?

    I'm planing to do some offshore sailing, I'm seling my santana 30' that I wont take to the big oceans, I even thought to beef it up, but it is to light construction. i'm considering a e27 or e29, I know the old e30 is probably the way to go, being circumnavigated allready, but it is too hard to...
  58. E

    Keeping warm and dry in winter sailing

    So, as I'm squeezing out a last few sails on the Chesapeake, I'm wondering what you all do to keep warm and dry? I've been layering with traditional materials e.g. cotton and wool, which is great until you get wet. Anyone have a special combo of synthetics they've found works well in the...
  59. Bolo

    Key West Sailing

    Hello to all you Ericson owners down in the southeast! My wife and I, who sail on the Chesapeake Bay, are planning a trip to Key West this February. We want to enjoy what the keys have to offer but we’d love to be able to charter a sailboat for the day. We’ve never sailed where the water is...
  60. chtaylor

    Sailing Across the Gulf of Mexico

    Looking toward the future and retirement in four more years, I'm thinking of having my 1977 E32 trucked from California to either Texas or Louisiana and then sailing across the Gulf of Mexico to the port of Progreso on the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. My wife is from Merida and we...
  61. M

    Sailing from Channel Islands Harbor to Marina del Rey?

    New to the forum. And, I'm a newbie sailor (sailed a little, many years ago) and last week bought a sailboat, a 1972 Ericson 29. It's in Channel Islands Harbor, and I eventually need to have it in Marina del Rey or Redondo Beach. I'll have to find someone to help me (and my sons, one of whom...
  62. Rob Hessenius

    Now, I get to sailing!!!

    Now, I get to go sailing!!! Well, Today I was told to go sailing. West Marine decided that I had worked for them too long. I started with WM over ten years ago. I was "old school" and just couldnt be the "cheerleader" that they wanted me to be. I also didnt meet the "extended warranty"...
  63. jmcpeak

    October - Lake Michigan - Warm sailing

    Going for a sail today on Lake Michigan off Racine, WI. Expected high today - 86F - half my harbor is tucked away for winter and I will be enjoying a summer like sail today. In one week they shut off the water.
  64. K

    Favorite Sailing Quotes

    Thought I would get this started: Why go to weather when you can reach through life! Author unknown
  65. E

    Sailing Bumper Sticker

    It was worth going to work today - got to see a cool bumper sticker as part of the process. It read: Life is too short to sail an ugly boat. Right on the money, and good thing we sail Ericsons! :egrin:
  66. Loren Beach

    Autism, Sailing, and a Video

    This summer several of our club members donated a day of sailing on their boats to "Heart of Sailing" and there is a little video up on UTube now. This was recorded aboard Magic, an E-32-3. Here is a short explanatory quote form the video: "Eric Hamblen of Project Pace, invited Sean on a...
  67. Chris Miller

    Your local sailing club dues

    Our local sailing club has been going through some growing pains over the past few years. How much are dues at your local clubs? Initiation fees? How many members? What state is it located? Do you have a clubhouse? This would help greatly... Thanks, Chris Feel free to pm me if...
  68. G

    Sailing music

    After reading Greg's thread on speakers, I started thinking of good music for the collection on the boat. I know a purist would say there is nothing better than the wind and waves, and there is some truth in that, but there is a time and place for everything. These are some of my favourites...
  69. Jeff Asbury

    Holy Cow! Check this sailing video out!

    Holy Cow! Check this sailing video out! Global Challenge Sailing Emphasis on the CHALLENGE! Watch some southern ocean greybeards wreck the crews of these open ocean yachts. My guess is they muted the sound because it was easier than bleeping all the curse words...
  70. wurzner

    AED's , Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Sailing

    I thought I would start a separate thread in response to Mark's thread "Eight Bells" I thought I would take a few minutes to respond to Mark’s initial email since it is something very near to my heart (no pun intended). As you may or may not know, my former Ericson 32 was call Cardiac A...
  71. E

    Spin the bucket? (Reverse for Sailing?)

    OK, a call for opinions backed by data if possible - this should be fun, as there are never any opinons offered up here.....:devil: Here's the scoop. Emerald has a 3 bladed bucket for a propeller. I couldn't care less at this point about the virtues of feathering/folding/2 versus 3 blade...
  72. footrope

    Winter-wet sailing gloves

    Winter is a relative term, temperature-wise, but add water and it's likely to be harder to stay comfortable. Has anyone tried Sealskinz Chillblocker fleece-lined gloves for sailing or another activity? These have the little rubber nubbies on the palms and fingers to help with grip. I received a...
  73. Bolo

    Ocean Sailing

    Hello all and Merry Christmas! I was just sitting here, smelling the cookies my wife is making :rolleyes: and thinking about our Ericson 32 which is now out of the water and on the hard for the winter. I was wondering how well our Ericson 32, or any other Ericson for that matter, handles in...
  74. P

    Any SoCal Ericsons Sailing After Xmas?

    Is anyone going sailing between Xmas and New Years? I plan to leave San Diego on Wednesday morning and head north. Not sure where I will go.... Catalina?... Newport?... Dana Point?... Oceanside?.... Mission Bay? I will just see where the wind is blowing, but looking to return to SD on Friday...
  75. C

    first time sailing since buying the ericson 1 yr ago.

    well some of you would remember that we asked you alot of questions after buying our ericson last sept. this is chip.... we finally got most of the needed remodeling done,,,got the halyard unstuck from the top of the mast,,put on new halyards, etc...we also ...dont know how to sail :) so...
  76. wurzner

    Sailing Yesterday

    Loren, Sorry you are on the hard, but I need to do a little bragging here. We went out sailing yesterday and it was ~50 degrees with about 25 knots of wind and no rain for the 3 hours we were out. (Loren lives in Portland and it always seems they are a few degrees warmer and a little drier...
  77. wurzner

    Sailing in Monterey Bay

    Since this group has been a little slow lately, I figured I'd compliment you Bay area sailors on how lucky you are this time of year. While I still believe the PNW is one of the best, if not the best places to sail. Cruising around Montery Bay on Sunday in mid 60's weather with 8 knots was a...
  78. Mikebat

    Sailing through a sea of stones!

    Check out this blog entry by the crew of sailing vessel Maiken. They sailed right into a sea of floating pumice near a new island that has arisen from a subsea volcanic peak near Tonga. It's also on CNN but the Maiken's blog has more photos than the news reports of the new island.
  79. Jeff Asbury

    Ericson 41 Wind Shadow West Sailboat Cruising Sailing Book?

    Has any one heard of this book? It's up fo bid on E-Bay RALPH J. NARANJO ERICSON 41 WIND SHADOW WEST SAILBOAT CRUISING SAILING BOOK...
  80. C

    sailing from texas to florida?

    hi, i was wondering, since i have never sailed before...would my ericson 25 sail from texas to florida , just thinking about it,... thats a long way to go with a small boat of this size,,,,can anyone shed light on this subject....i dont know yet how to sail but am very much wanting to do as seth...
  81. Rocinante33

    Nice sailing for Memorial Day

    Yesterday was perfect! About a fifteen knot breeze in the Santa Barbara Channel. We had a nice day sail to Anacapa & back. Coming back, I felt a bit cocky, so we hoisted the gennaker! Overall, it was a nice mostly downwind ride, but we were a bit overpowered in gusts. I got sore shoulders from...
  82. J

    Newbie Sailing Question: Luff Tape

    hi there Went to the marina today with the plan of hoisting the sail up the Harken furler on my boat. My question is the luff has two ropes sewn into it and the foil on the furler has to slots which i assume accept both of these small ropes? I am having a bear of a time getting them started...
  83. N

    Anyone with sailing kids?

    Anyone else here have cruising kiddies? I'd love to here from others what's worked for you and what hasn't. Lilja is 3 this month, and we've had her sailing a few times each of the past three seasons. The first summer we strapped her carseat in the cockpit for a couple daysails, or...
  84. D

    What a great day for sailing!

    Went out on an E35 today, out of Newport Beach. It was absolutely perfect - sunny, not hot, and a great 12-15 knot breeze that made that E boat honk! Anybody else go out today?
  85. G

    Sailing simulators

    Can anyone recommend a decent PC sailing simulator? I'm wondering if there's anything that is detailed and sensitive enough to show the effects of all sail controls accurately for a keel boat. Has anyone tried the software offered by this company? http://learntosail.net/ Gary
  86. Nigel Barron

    It's sailing time!

    Just in case you missed me posting this the previous three years, here is a cool event you should do. Single handed or double-handed. Flying sails or non-flying sails. May 6 sail from Seattle to Port Townsend. Party like rock starts in PT, with awards and a catered meal and drinks. May 7...
  87. G

    Sailing from Annapolis to Deltaville.

    I hope to have my E27 ready to sail about mid-April and will take it south from Annapolis, MD to Deltaville, VA, its new home. I have no schedule to keep and a single-minded goal of being on the water and enjoying the Bay. I would sincerely appreciate any advice as to anchorages, harbors/marinas...
  88. S

    OCC School of Sailing and Seamanship

    :egrin: I wonder, how many of my fellow Ericson owners learned or honed their sailing skills at our own Orange Coast College School of Sailing and Seamanship in Newport Beach? From beginning sailing on 14’ Lidos and 30’ Shields to advanced cruising on the OCCSSS’s Lucinda May (Farr), Betty...
  89. rotorhead

    E 380 Sailing characteristics

    How would you describe the sailing characteristics of the Ericson 38??? The ERI and PS versions were made with the same moulds, right???? Therefore,... they should be equivalent.... Thx..:rolleyes: Ismael
  90. W

    sailing in the caribbean

    I am soon buying a 1977 23ft Ericson yacht. I want to sail it from Miami to Trinidad or Tobago. I was wondering if those who may have embarked on such an adventure had any words of wisdom they wanted to share. Particulary, I am interested to know how long such a trip may take. Of course I...
  91. Jeff Asbury

    Sailing Dinghy $550.00 O.b.o.

  92. G

    Chesapeake Sailing

    Hello all, I recently sold my Ericson 30+ "Orion's Car" that I sailed for several years in Alaska. My wife took a job in Virginia, I retired from my Alaska job, and here I am. I just purchased an older E 27 that I will scrub up this winter and sail out of Mayo, MD to a slip somewhere in or...
  93. G

    Cockpit drains flooding back while sailing

    Hi All, Has anyone solved the problem of cockpit drains filling the cockpit with water while sailing. The boat is an E35/3 & the outboard drains at the aft end of the cockpit on the leeward side backfill so there is about 4" of water right in the lower corner of the cockpit while healing ...
  94. Jeff Asbury

    Trailer wanted for 10' Sailing Dinghy

    Trailer wanted for 10' Sailing Dinghy. Trailer for individual Personal Water Craft may work. Laser Trailer would be ideal. Preferably in the Southern California area.
  95. bigtyme805

    Great Sailing in So Cal

    Hey all you sailing junkies in So Cal! Would you agree that the days preceeding up to Labor Day have been awesome sailing? I took off the sept 1 and 2 to sail and I have been in heaven. No seas whatsoever and the winds blowin 10k. The seas were so smooth reminded me when I used to waterski...
  96. Jeff Asbury

    Does anyone know what type of sailing dinghy this is?

    What is it? Does anyone know what type of sailing dinghy this is? I know it's not a Ericson for sure, ha ha, and it is only 10 feet long with a 4' 3" beam, so it's not a Laser. The guy who sold it to me (only a 100 bucks) said he was told it was a Hobie Holder. I can't find any info on a...
  97. Jeff Asbury

    Sailing Test

    Take the US Sailing on line test at: http://www.sailingusa.info/online_sailing_test.htm I failed. Back to the books for me. I have sailed most of my life with no formal training other than being the son of a sailor. There's some tricky questions here. How will you do? :boohoo:
  98. Jeff Asbury

    Who was sailing along side me at Hurricane Gulch Saturday?

    Who was sailing along side me at Hurricane Gulch rounding the light house in San Pedro Saturday in a E-29 yelling at me "Hey, your kicking butt!" I have to admit we were going pretty good in 18 knots with the full 140 out heeling at about 30 degrees! The guy said he was at D dock at Cabrillo...
  99. T

    new to sailing

    I'm a new sailor and a sailboat owner as of this morning.. I've got a 1978 23' ericson and a couple of dumb questions to ask.. how can I tell if it's a centerboard or fixed keel while it's in the water, I have an old inspection form that came with the boat that indicates it's a c/b, but that...
  100. Sven

    Sea Lion and _great_ sailing :-)

    Most of this post is a copy of a message I posted to a diver board, but the weekend was full of outstanding sailing even without the story. La Petite sure is a blast. In 10 mps (20 mph) winds we did up to 6.5 kts sustained (real, GPS measured). With a hullspeed that should be around 5.5 we just...