Discovery has been preparing for or undergoing a deck and cabin fiberglass since April and we are a 7 days from October 1st.
My sailing demon has been driving me crazy and I am THINKING of taking Discovery out for cold weather sailing in October and December on Chesapeake Bay MD.
I would welcome any views on the suitability/performance of the Bruce King 41' design as translated into 'Unicorn' and 'Warm Rain', for blue water cruising including heavy weather.
Cas (Australia):)
My brothers and I are in our first year of owning a 1989 E 38-200 and would be interested in how other owners rig these boats for shall we say "more adventurous conditions". Our is a deep keel [6'6"], tall rig model. Currently she is rigged with a Roller Furled working jib [100%] and a full main...
E 27 Resolution
What is thebest setup to go to weather..Boat screams downwind but going to weatherisa dog even in medium to heavy air with little chop.
I use a 180 genoa but reef it on the roller in heavy but everyone seems to go better to weather. I just bought a new dacron main -wont use...
Sailing my E27 (wheel) in moderate to strong conditions I get a lot of weather helm on starboard tacks. In light winds the helm is pretty well balanced, both starboard and port tack. In 14 knots and above the wheel on a port tack will be at most positioned at 1:30 and on starboard tack at 7:00...
During the gloriously hot weather on Sunday my fuel take overflow valve started to leak diesel. I filled her up end of season last year when it was pretty cold out but I would not expect expansion enough to overflow the tank????
Interesting Sailing Weather web site. From researching the archives for my area (Hurricane Gulch, in LA Harbor), it seems to give pretty accurate information. Just thought I would share it. I am still learning how to read the graphs.
This will be my first year on a boat fit to handle *almost* anything.
It's gotten me wondering lately, what rough Lake Michigan conditions others have faced. I'm imagining there will be days when I head to the boat, and have enough trepidation about the waves/winds to simply spend an...
this am is lookin' like sailing weather if finally here...we should hit 70...
i am shootin' to get the e23 up on the lake soon ...... cheers .... :egrin:
Hello everyone,
Last fall, the day after Thanksgiving, while completing a long, very cold, and very rough trip from our summer port of Mystic, Ct to our winter haulout up the CT river in Haddam, CT we experienced a fuel supply issue with our 1989 38-200, and I'm wondering if anyone has had...
My question concerns extreme weather helm. I bought my 1984 Ericson 30+ a little over a year ago. A couple of times, when sailing, the wind was blowing some 15 to 20 knots. With full sails up (110% jib), I experienced what I believed to be extreme weather helm. Whenever I would bear off from...
Hello All,
I went racing with a club member on his C&C 35 and watched carefully how that boat was trimmed, etc. I have also spoken to a few other racers about sail trim, weather helm, etc. Then I have tried to apply this advice to my E38. I have been told that I should be able to trim the...
Looking for some light weight Foul Weather Gear for this winter. We sail on a lake so I do not need the "extreme" stuff. Mostly looking for affordable water proof/wind bearier gear (jacket and bibs) that I can wear with layers underneath.
I have a good friend that is just tickled with his...
Well, looks like I'll be moping around the docks this weekend, doing my boat chores. Little too nasty out there for me!
Sven, however, will probably be out having a day sail with his bride, enjoying every minute of it... He never lets a bit of weather get in the way of a good time...
How can I find out what the wind speed readings at the Isthmus were last Saturday night ? I've had a bunch of fellow boaters ask and all I know is that a "wind event" is windy.
I was curious about the weather here in So Cal today - did anyone go out? The forecast called for good sized swells and a stiff breeze, but the buoy reports I viewed showed only 2-3 foot waves. I'm going down to Hurricane Gulch on Sunday for a hopefully nice mellow sail - but the forecast is for...
When we got La Petite she had an ugly, really oversized J24 genoa. With that genoa La Petite had almost neutral helm.
Once we got a properly sized genoa from Seth, La Petite started showing excessive weather helm whenever the wind really picks up and we are close hauled. We'll reef to reduce...
So if you believe in prayer now is a good time for it... I'm sure
you've all been watching the news... here is a copy of NOAA's weather
warning for New Orleans:
413 PM CDT SUN AUG 28 2005
For those of you interested in monitoring the Southern California Weather conditions, check out these two web sites.
Offshore Surface Wind Conditions
NOAA's Marine Forecast Site for Southern California...