There may be other reasons... but in the past the off-site links keep breaking.
There may be other reasons... but in the past the off-site links keep breaking.
Does anyone have / use a Rocna scoop anchor from New Zealand?I keep the 12H Danforth on the bow pulpit (soon to be roller) but am afraid of weeds which they don't like.
I plan to downsize the plow to 25#
So I’ve read all 50 or so responses and realize anchor opionions are all over the place. I’m wondering if anyone who was using a plow style anchor is still using it. I currently have a Bruce and after dragging a couple times I started doing some research. The videos produced by SV panope show it is about the worst type for smaller boats. I have many of the same problems getting the anchor to set and reset when the tide or wind shifts.
My current setup has a Bruce with about 20ft chain and 150 ft of rope. I have added another 100 ft of rope and it seems to work a lot better. I want to upgrade with a new package since the rope is getting old and may as well start from scratch. It all needs to fit in my anchor locker which currently fits 300ft rope, 20ft chain, and my anchor.
Typically my anchoring areas hover between 40-60ft then rapidly shallow up to 0 close to the shore. The bottom is somewhere between pebbles, sand, or mud depending where I anchor. So the likelihood of anchoring in 20ft areas with white sandy bottoms is non existent. I try to anchor somewhere about 40ft and put out 200ft of rope which gets me closer to the 5:1 ratio. 300 ft of rope will push it out farther but getting an actual 7:1 will likely never happen.
I’m thinking about the fortress mainly because of the low profile, the cost, and weight. I understand it may not be as good as the newer spade and rocnas but I’m fairly limited on space and resources.
Thanks for the help