Member III
The potential benefits are minuscule compared to the downside of building more bureaucracy.
I agree about the bureaucracy part. But - in a sense - it already exists. It's run by personal injury attorneys and insurance companies. Every time a marine casualty like this happens, attorneys jump in and your premiums jump up. Any excuse to spread the pain, insurance companies are there.
Perhaps a way to mitigate some of that is to try to reduce accidents and give the insurcos incentives to reduce premiums.
That said, it seems sailors are better trained by and large than motorboatists.
Or - maybe - they just go slower and aren't as threatening. But - depending on where you're located - there are a GREAT many ill prepared, underskilled, dangerous boaters out there. And since the waterways belong to everybody, the boating public has a right to expect some level of competence and safety.
I don't have the answers, but training isn't a bad idea. And if it has to be enforced, well - so be it. I don't like bureacracies any more than you do (I deal with plenty as it is). But the downsides aren't too wonderful either, IMO.
Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"
I agree about the bureaucracy part. But - in a sense - it already exists. It's run by personal injury attorneys and insurance companies. Every time a marine casualty like this happens, attorneys jump in and your premiums jump up. Any excuse to spread the pain, insurance companies are there.
Perhaps a way to mitigate some of that is to try to reduce accidents and give the insurcos incentives to reduce premiums.
That said, it seems sailors are better trained by and large than motorboatists.
Or - maybe - they just go slower and aren't as threatening. But - depending on where you're located - there are a GREAT many ill prepared, underskilled, dangerous boaters out there. And since the waterways belong to everybody, the boating public has a right to expect some level of competence and safety.
I don't have the answers, but training isn't a bad idea. And if it has to be enforced, well - so be it. I don't like bureacracies any more than you do (I deal with plenty as it is). But the downsides aren't too wonderful either, IMO.
Capt Dan G>E35II "Kunu"
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