There is regular discussion here on traveler controls and how much "purchase" is sufficient.
Stock setup on the 0-34 was a three part purchase on each side, with the free end cleated off to a cam cleat on the inside of each cockpit combing, just above the double turning block. This works well, but can take a strong pull requiring the trimmer to sit on the combing and pull the line up between his/her knees.
Since we had the whole traveler off the boat this last year, I decided to replace the...
Stock setup on the 0-34 was a three part purchase on each side, with the free end cleated off to a cam cleat on the inside of each cockpit combing, just above the double turning block. This works well, but can take a strong pull requiring the trimmer to sit on the combing and pull the line up between his/her knees.
Since we had the whole traveler off the boat this last year, I decided to replace the...
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