Where are all the larger freshwater Ericsons? I have been looking around for several months and haven't had much luck locating a 34-200, 35-III, or 38-200. I have found a couple 35-III's that are currently in saltwater, but have been discouraged to place one of these in Lake Erie (by members...
I think I counted over 10 and I was not looking that hard....
Anyone interested in having a rendezvous somewhere in the late summer, or early fall.
Aiki made it off the dock after 16 months of work yesterday....
Everything went beyond wonderful! Exceed all expectations on the new...
The most recent Worst Marine catalog (P. 15) has an Ericson in the background of one of the ads. Does anyone recognize the picture ? Even in this grainy image you can see she is a beauty :egrin:
We've owned our 32-3 for 9 years and have seen many other Ericsons on the water. If we could get some communication going.. How about getting as many of our boats together as possible and share info and sailing stories. A Saturday afternoon at the Turtle club would be a good idea. Surely...
:esad:Hurricane Ike blew thru here on 9/13 and the marinas incurred much damage. One 1100 slip marina lost 300 boats. The surge was 11 feet. If it were 3 feet higher, all the marinas would have been destroyed. Thats 5000 slips with boats..All the channel markers in Galveston Bay are gone. Our...
I saw one in Diamond cove that appeared to be from Cape Cod. Maybe an E32? I was on that big ugly booze cruiser that came in Friday afternoon and turned around and went back out.(work summer outing). The other was anchored on the west side of Great Diamond island. Any forum members out there?
There were three vintage Ericsons in the 2007 Chicago MAC.
Providence (E-35 MKII) won Section 9 and placed 11th overall
Nana (E-39) won Section 8 and placed 19th overall
Rogue (E34) placed 6th in Section 9 and 28th overall
A fantastic showing for these venerable competitors on this...
I am in the market for an Ericson 27, 28, 28+, and might consider a 29 or 30. I was wondering how do these models sail? Are they tender, tippy, stable, are they well balanced?
Also, are there any problem areas that I should be looking for when inspecting a potential boat? Are they prone to...
Is anyone going sailing between Xmas and New Years? I plan to leave San Diego on Wednesday morning and head north. Not sure where I will go.... Catalina?... Newport?... Dana Point?... Oceanside?.... Mission Bay? I will just see where the wind is blowing, but looking to return to SD on Friday...
I happened to be trolling around the PHRF site for the Chesapeake and noticed that the list is sorted by boat make. I counted 18 Ericsons with PHRF numbers for the bay ranging from 25' CB's to 38's. Thats pretty good for a boat not being built anymore! I also see that I got pinched the hardest...
The wife and I have been looking at sailboats to purchase. We have found a 1970 Ericson 30. It is sitting on the hard, and the hull is in excellent condition and ready for new paint. The deck has been refinished and painted, the wood trim is in need of refinishing but is in good condition. The...
First off, I love my 1975 E29. But truely how well are these 1970's Ericsons built. Does it go to the specific make up of their components. Is the fiberglass a specific grade better than other boats. I had a 1979 Hunter before this boat and I find the craftsmanship of the Ericson much...
Hi Sean
Thanks for the email sending me to the Ericson site!
Will there be a fall meet this year? We are moving our 39 to alyn this month and will be sailing all over from blaine to alyn so in our slow sail to south sound would enjoy meeting other ericson owners.
Again thanks...
last saturday while working on the boat i'm at newmark yacht center. i saw 2 ericsons come up the channel one was a 35 the other looks like a 29. would like to get in touch with you as i'm restoring my 74 35 II
happy sailing
74 35 II # 325
On several websites like Sailnet (but I always check this site first!! :) ), there are frequently comparisons of various boats in terms of construction quality and performance. Because Ericsons aren't on everyone's radar screen, they are not frequently included in these comparisons.
I just got back from a very nice Advanced Coastal Cruising Course (ASA) on my 34. We went to Manhasset, Oyster Bay, Cold Springs Hbr, Northport and Lloyd. There most have been some rift in the universe when at some point I saw a 30, a 32 and a 38 all around us. Did I miss some kind of...
Looks like Selden is making an off the shelf sprit that would work on Ericsons...
Does anyone know how many Ericsons there are in this region? Is there a mailing list?
Is there any interest in an Ericson rendezvous ... say in late October, early November ... on Florida's west coast? Maybe over a long weekend or as a preface to some other event like Fantasy Fest in Key...
Here's yet another good question:
Assuming costs are kept very nominal - would you like to see the formation of a "National Ericson Owners Association"? Would you involve yourself in it to whatever degree if it was formed?
Lots of people have been calling for this - and it's actually not...
Has anyone put a fridge unit in on a 35II? If anyone has, what unit did they use? I am wondering about Ice box square footage and what needs to have insulation added.
Hello to all-
I am a somewhat new Ericson owner and live in Portland, ME. I'd love a chance to get together on the water with some other Ericson owners to compare notes about our fabulous boats and see what others have done in the way of improvements. Is anybody out there interested in...
Has anyone used stainless steel cowl vents as replacements for the original rubbery-plastic ones? The vents on our 1984 E38 are looking terrible but I'm wondering if stainless is a bit too much on an Ericson.
Here's a "Cheer"...
The added splash screen photos, expecially the E-37 and the rare E-30 (mk 1) are really neat. Wonderfull idea! People may wear out the refresh icon on their browsers.......