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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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  1. Year 1 - part 2

    E38-200 Year 1 - part 2

  2. Year 1 - part 1

    E38-200 Year 1 - part 1

    My wife made a picture book of our first year of ownership. Here it is, presented in 2 acts.
  3. IMG_20200608_161453[1].jpg


    1971 Ericson 29 ready for 2020 launch - stern shot
  4. IMG_20200608_161531[1].jpg


    1971 Ericson 29 ready for 2020 launch Bow Shot
  5. IMG_20200608_161548[1].jpg


    1971 Ericson 29 ready for 2020 launch 3/4 View
  6. F

    The renowned Sloop Clearwater

    The Clearwater has a photo contest. Thought some of you would appreciate seeing them. A real standout picture of the Sloop Clearwater contest
  7. Christian Williams

    Adding Photos to a Forum Message

    Note: Use a desktop computer if possible. Mobile devices can confuse the software. Save confirmed orientation on desktop before uploading. Sideways photos can't be corrected after uploading, they have to be deleted and "start over." 1. Initiate "Post New Thread" or "Reply to Thread"...
  8. Rick R.

    Show us your recent Ericson photos

    We had a wonderful cruise this past weekend and gunkholed in some beautiful places along the ICW. Here are some photos at sunset.
  9. S

    Good photos

    Here is a nice shot of an E-35 in the Mac race-making nice use of the spinnaker staysail! Happy holidays to all! S
  10. Loren Beach

    "Linking" to external photos

    For those with the time and inclination to actively police their own links, this would be a helpful thing. For the other 50% (or 75%+) it seems to lead to dead links within XX months. :rolleyes: (At least judging by other sailing sites that I visit often.) I agree that clicking and going to...
  11. adam

    Photos of privacy, screen, v-birth, etc.

    Does anyone have any pictures of how the privacy screen was attached and worked in an Ericson 29? Mine is gone, and I'm thinking of installing something to replace it. What about the cutout piece (and I don't know the name for it) which can be removed for some extra space, or added to make a...
  12. u079721

    Cruising World photos - "Ericson Eagle"

    I entered a few of my photos in the Cruising World Spring Photo Contest at http://forums.cruisingworld.com/photos/showgallery.php?cat=603 and while there I came across this amazing photo labeled "ericson_eagle_038_edited" I've had to chase various birds from my masthead before, but I...
  13. larossa

    Great Lakes Yacht Club Fall Series Photos

    E31C wins 1st overall in double handed class, we had our wind for the series 20 -30 knots for the four race series. We ended up with 2 firsts and 1 third and one throw out to win the series. Who says a old heavy weight can't go fast! Brian Walter E31C Nemo Hull #2
  14. T

    Photos from Baltimore Harbor Race

    Sorry some are not such great res. I ended up very light on crew so we did not fly the kite the whole race and did not place so well but we had fun in the 20-25kts of breeze.
  15. S

    E 39 General interest and photos

    I know that Ericson owners are generally proud of their boats and we are no different. There has been many days this late summer of great winds in the 15-25 range in Bellingham Bay, Washington and we have been able to get out quite a bit. Here are a couple of photos from Sunday Sept. 28...
  16. Jeff Asbury

    Photos of Ericson's Under Sail Day! Aug. 3rd!

    Photos of Ericson's Under Sail Day! Aug. 3rd! After getting messages from Meanolddad (Greg, Regulus II), Bill Upchurch (Bill, Golden Girl), Mikebat (Mike,Valinor), The consensus is to wait until Sunday August 3rd. I have talked to Greg and we are going to shoot for meeting at the area around...
  17. treilley

    Boat Photos

    Sean, I once got a link that led me to a photos section within the "links & Resources" section but when I go to that section I see no link. How do I get to the photos? These were a lot more than just the splash screen photos. Thanks
  18. R

    E-92 Reach strut jig photos or diagram

    E-29 Reach Strut/jib photos or diagram I purchased a 1974 E-29 this winter. I have managed to restep the mast and get the main sail in the air. However, I cannot figure out how the jib and reach strut assembly are suposed to go together. I have looked at some other boats at my marina (most...
  19. Dferr

    1982 E-38 Questions, See photos.

    A few weeks back, I posted about the rusted coupling. Now I know why it's so rusted. The stuffing box is practically right up against it. there is no shaft exposed. Is this normal on all E-38s? How would one change the packing if need be? I clearly will have to cut this coupling off. Maybe I can...
  20. Mark F

    Ericson 23 photos

    I'm thinking we need a good E23 photo for the home page splash screen. Bob, Sven anyone have anything? Mark Coaster E23 Mk1
  21. Loren Beach

    Ericson/Olson photos

    I was surfing the nice CYC San Francisco web site, and, among their many race photos, found a couple to drag-n-drop to the desktop. The Ericson looks kind of like a 38 and of course the closeup of Razzberries is an Olson 34. Added note: I just heard from one of the guys in the photo -- they were...
  22. Loren Beach

    BC waters, photos

    I found this large photo collection on a BC web site. A huge bunch of aerial photos of BC waters where many of you probably cruise... and where I would like, someday, to cruise. http://www.telemark.net/%7Erandallg/photos/ Best, Loren
  23. G

    Ericson 29 photos

    This website is fantastic - Thank you and great job. Here is a pic of my E29. If anyone is interested, My main hatch was badly deteriorated like so many others. I used a router to remove the top 3/8" of bad wood, and epoxied in new 3/8" teak plywood. The thin plywood fit the curve easily and...