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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

  • Untitled Document

    Join us on January 24th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o January Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    January Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. nimereht

    Database connection down

    Looks like the database connection supporting owner profiles and sea stories has been down for a while. Perhaps an admin can take a look at fixing whatever broke here (something expired or changed?) http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/forumdisplay.php?37-EY-o-Owner-Profiles-amp-Projects...
  2. B

    Site "Search" Questions

    I probably have this in the wrong place, but I just can't figure out how to use part of this site. If I want to find an answer...HOW DO I TIGHTEN MY WIDGET, I tried going to mechanical section, typing in Widget and hitting go. All I got was every topic ever discussed in the univers under the...
  3. B

    Love this site

    This site has been the conduit for so many helpful ideas, suggestions and solutions for me. It is very professional and user friendly. Thanks to all. Bill
  4. Loren Beach

    Nice Animated Knots site

    http://www.animatedknots.com/index.php?LogoImage=&Website= Viewing is continuous, or step by step. Loren
  5. Loren Beach

    "Technical Knowledge" Site

    Found this thru a link from the big Practical Boat Owner's Reader to Reader site at http://www.ybw.com/forums/index.php Lots of topics on mechanical and electrical material. UK-based, so some terminology is slightly different. You all might want to view a few of the articles...
  6. S

    Another site having Datamarine parts

    I found a web site store which has some Datamarine parts, including transducers for the older models. For example, Datamarine Depth Replacement Core $129.99 for Datamarine Depth Sounder. For transducer models S200DL, LX201, Link 5100/6100 and All Dart models. Of course DMI still has parts but...
  7. D

    Having trouble with this site

    What am I doing wrong? Many of the pages on the site that I click on give me gobbldy gook intended as place saver. For instance, under Resources, Specification Archives. And yet, somehow via a Google search I was able to get to the manual for my Ericson 34 on the site. David Westcott
  8. Jeff Asbury

    New Ericson Owner's Web site? ericson.sailboatowners.com?

    Is anyone else aware of this new Ericson Owner's Web site? Not much there as far as I can see with out signing up. http://ericson.sailboatowners.com/ Some how they got my e-mail address. Jeff :esad:
  9. S

    Canned Bacon Site Located

    This is something maybe some of you long-range cruisers might be interested in. Here is a company and web site that has re-introduced canned bacon: http://www.canned-bacon.com/home.html I haven't tried it yet, and I have no economic incentives for passing this along. Steve Swann E25...
  10. Jeff Asbury

    Interesting Sailing Weather web site.

    http://www.sailflow.com Interesting Sailing Weather web site. From researching the archives for my area (Hurricane Gulch, in LA Harbor), it seems to give pretty accurate information. Just thought I would share it. I am still learning how to read the graphs.
  11. Loren Beach

    The "Float Plan" site...

    http://www.floatplan.com/index.htm FYI -- This is quite the venerable sailing site dating back a number of years. I had nearly forgotten it until today. I remember checking in monthly just for fun starting around a decade ago when the (still kicking, by the way) YachtList was just about the...
  12. S

    E23 Owners - Images on New Site

    Looks like we're woefully under represented in the New Photo Galleries, Good Job Sean! All my photo's are pre-Digital, I'll work on getting some soon. Let's SEE some of those E-toys!
  13. Loren Beach

    Diesel Information web site

    http://www.soundmarinediesel.com/q_and_a.html I was doing some 'net surfing and reading up on Diesels and replacements ... after following another thread on this site about repair vs replacement. This site FAQ seems to have a lot of good commentary and advice, at least based on my limited...
  14. Sean Engle

    Site Construction to Start Again...

    Don't freak out if you see some changes to forums in the next couple of weeks - spring quarter is almost over (finals week next week) and I'll have a bit (just a bit) of free time to try and get the new version of the site up closer to going live...
  15. Loren Beach

    McMaster-Carr = excellent site

    McMaster-Carr = excellent company! I know that others here have touted this vendor, so today I went looking for some angle-molded G10/FR4 epoxy/cloth 90 degree "plate." It's one thing that their site has every size and thickness of GRP plate, I beam, 90 degree angle, and most other shapes that...
  16. Sean Engle

    Fund Raising 06-07 & Status of the New Site

    Happy Holidays everyone! :xmas_sant I've just finished with final exams - and before I disappear into the basement to work on my portfolio (deadline: Jan 15th), I thought I would do a little maintenance, tell everyone what the status of the new site is, and start the annual fund raising...
  17. BrianSokol

    New site for boat profiles

    I've put together a new site where you can create a profile of your boat online for free. It's still in the "beta" stages - I *think* I have most of the bugs worked out. There is still some work left to be done to make it a bit easier to use and a little more slick. Eventually, the goal is...
  18. Sean Engle

    New Site Going Up & Occasional Oddness...

    I thought I should mention to everyone that while the new site is being created, you might see things that are a little, um...'unusual' from what you're used to seeing. Basically, the new site is being created next to the old one, and we have to create tie-ins to the databases, etc - which...
  19. C

    Electrical Tool Site

    While ReWiring and making lots of trips to WM, I always looked at the COOL Ratchet Crimp Tool and really wanted one to replace my NAPA Crimp Tool. The old style non-compound tool was KILLING my hand for a good tight crimp. All I had to do was look at the Price to go back to my old ways. Here...
  20. S

    Barlow Winch Site

    Hello All, Found a great site that has all the Barlow Winch Specifications, Parts List and service information for many of their winches. http://maximalt.dk/Manualer/Andet/barlow-barient%20winch.pdf I found it an excellent resourse for my wench rebuilding needs. Praying for more...
  21. Loren Beach

    Nice Hawaii trip web site

    http://www.gigharboryc.com/races/JAM%20Vic-Maui/Vic-Maui%203.htm On my early morning journey around the 'net search engines... I found this nice site with photos and even a short 10-knot video of a race to HA on a big boat. So it's not an Ericson or an Olson... but still nicely done and it...
  22. footrope

    The site seems much "faster"

    Sean, I noticed that the site loads quite a bit faster since last night's maintenance. Speed is always appreciated, thanks. Last month, while on vacation on the east coast, we took advantge of free Wi-Fi a few times to check e-mail. We have a new HP IPAQ (seems weird calling it an HP) which...
  23. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Would you pay for a site like EY.c?

    EY.c Future: What would you pay for a site like EY.c? Here's another good question: If EY.c were a fee-based site - and you had to pay some small amount annually, how much would you be willing to pay? This assumes that the site's expenses would be fully covered. From the time I created...
  24. Sean Engle

    EY.c Future: Is EY.c a 'useful' site? How could we improve it?

    When I created this site, I did so from a need that I felt the Ericson Community had: to have a single repository of information that was useful for the existing community - but also for prospective owners. That was four years ago. Now, there is a considerable amount of information on this...
  25. J

    San Diego Bay web site

    Here is a real cool link to a web site that has a lot of good info about sailing inside San Diego Bay. Click on, surf around, and then tell me what you think of it. I would like others in different Southern California Harbors to post similar web sites for their respective bays and harbors, so...