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    The 2024-2025 Fund Raising Season has Opened!

    EricsonYachts.org has opened the season for raising funds to support the expenses of the site. If you would like to participate, please see the link below for additional information.

    Thanks so much for your continued support of EricsonYachts.org!

    2024-2025 Fund Raising Info

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    Join us on January 24th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o January Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    January Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. S

    going to houston for business in Feb. and would like to go for a sail

    Hello Fellow Vikings I am going back to houston on the weekend of the 24th in Feb. I have sailed in the clear lake area before with a very nice gentleman who's name I cannot remember at this time. I am hoping he watches this forum and that we can get together again. I can come in a day early or...
  2. C

    Strictly Sail Philadelphia

    It is time again. Two years was long enough. I'll be there on Saturday for a talk and a bit of work at the booth. Let's hope we don't get another snow storm like two years ago. My E34 continues her service for the school. Lots of plans for 2007 if I ever find the time to finish all my...
  3. B

    sail warehouse

    Has anyone ever bought sails form this vendor and if so how was the product?
  4. K

    need spec. on e29 sail. stuck in Tonga?

    hi i am currently (circumnavigating) in tonga with my e29. i need a new mainsail but dont have the specs. can someone email me the specifcations for it thx kjell72@gmail.com www.trafficated.com
  5. ron7546

    Do I need to sail to a muffler shop ?

    I have had fumes in my E27 since buying the boat last fall even though the previous owner installed a crankcase ventilator.The boat being wrapped and the weather being in the 50`s-60`s in northern N.Y. I just dug into the muffler system. If I can get the photos to take,perhaps someone can tell...
  6. C

    main sail

    Looking for a mainsail for an E 30+ Chas:esad:
  7. treilley

    Great sail in Casco bay today

    The wind came up to 10-12 knots today between 1 and 2pm. We had a great sail. Other than a couple of flostbite races going on, we were one of the only boats out there. 1 week left and we sail her to Freeport for hauling. I love sailing this time of year. No stinkpot wakes, very few pots and...
  8. S

    Strictly Sail - St Petersburg...

    So, anyone local likely to be visiting there? I may have moved "up" to a C30 but there are times when I miss the E-folks, too. http://www.strictlysail.com/shows/stpete.asp?show=sp When: Nov. 2-5, 2006 Where: Spa Beach, at The Pier, in St Petersburg, Florida...
  9. Loren Beach

    September Sail

    Several of us at the YC decided, about a month ago, that we should continue getting together for an evening sail once a week even though the regular week night racing series have all ended for this year. After some nice sails on the Ericson 33, we shifted over to our Olson 34. After two Tuesday...
  10. G

    Chicago area sail loft

    Can anyone recommend a good sailmaker in the Chicago area? I have an E28+ and I'd like to have someone who knows what they're looking at take a look at the main over the winter to make sure it's ok. (It needs new tell tales and slugs for sure.) The boat will be stored up in Waukegan at...
  11. B

    E-26 Main and 150 Genoa for sail

    I have a main in very good condition and a 150 Hood genoa in very good condition. will be willing to ship for inspection. will not be disappointed,$200 each
  12. K

    Main sail rigging

    I am the new owner of an E25 (1974). The first time I raised the main sail the halyard came down so far that the metal cable was on the winch to get the sail all the way up. Is this normal? The boom is currently at the black stripe around the mast. I assume from photos I've seen that this is the...
  13. Mark F

    sail for sale

    Saw this on sailboatowners.com http://www.sailboatowners.com/gear/display.tpl?fno=400&gid=73285629212.40
  14. S

    E-27 Reefing and Sail slugs

    I just purchased a 1976 Ericson 27 for seasonal use on a Colorado lake. While installing the main/boom into the mast I must first insert the gooseneck for the boom into a five inch slot in the mast and then lower the boom so that it rests about five inches below the slot. I install a slug...
  15. treilley

    Sail magazine back issue

    I understand that the March 2005 Sail magazine has an article on the Ericson 35-III. Does anyone know where this might be posted online? Does anyone have this issue and be willing to scan it for me? Thanks Tim R.
  16. Chris Miller

    Temporary sail repair...

    Quick question for all you sail experts- We knew our Dacron U/V cover on our RF Genoa was in it's last stages of life, but our repair guy suggested we not worry about replacement until it let go. Well, it let go and tore as it was coming across a spreader (when we take it down, I'll send our...
  17. J

    Sail Slide Stop (for Kenyon Spar)

    During the off season, while the mast was laying on saw horses in the yard, the sail slide stop disappeared. I suspect that someone who lost theirs overboard snitched it but that is neither here nor there. I got a quote from Rig Rite for a new one. Scroll down to see a picture...
  18. G

    Sail Recommendations

    I’m a new owner of a ’73 E27 wanting to replace my vintage sails. Does anyone have any recommendations on sail size? I sail the Sacramento Delta where it commonly blows 15 to 25 mph. Thanks ahead of time for any responses. Grant Antioch, Ca.
  19. Chris Miller

    watching your boat sail by...

    We occaisionally have the joy of watching an identical boat to ours sail by. It happened again yesterday... I love watching the boat from a distance, sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own boats that we forget how pretty she is from a distance. I watched a boat headed to anchor/slip...
  20. S

    Wanted 90% to 115% "racing" sail for E-34/5

    As an alternative to a blade that I requested, I think now I would rather have an overlapping headsail for racing in 18 to 30 mph winds. Anyone have one to offer for sale? I prefer some sort of racing material like Pentex.
  21. D

    Strictly Sail

    I will be at Strictly Sail on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'd love to meet some of the folks I've been seeing posts from all year... My cell phone is (949) 378 5878, feel free to call me this weekend. I'll also be on either Kialoa or Alaska Eagle (the Orange Coast College boats) on Saturday...
  22. Loren Beach

    O-34 Razzberries under sail

    http://www.latitude38.com/LectronicLat/2006/0406/Apr12/razzberries.jpg Check out this great photo from the Latitude 38 site, today April 12. Some of us talk about blue water sailing and sometimes even ocean racing... Instead of dreaming, Bruce just keeps solo-racing that Olson! Way to go! :D...
  23. W

    storm sail

    We sold our Ericson recently and held back 2 sails. This one is a 10.5 oz storm sail/hank on. It is very good to excellent condition with the exception of some minor rust/dirt stains. This is appearance only and not real visable unless you are fairly close. This a great sail for its intended...
  24. D

    Anybody going to Strictly Sail in Oakland?

    Just wondering - anyone still talking about going up to Oakland next month for the Strictly Sail boat show?
  25. S

    Sail shape test

    Sail shape test (REVISED) Hi guys (and ladies)! Check out this great shot of the mainsail from one of the Volvo 70's. If you look at the top, middle, and bottom draft stripes, you should be able to have a graphic view of what I have talked so much about; the location of maximum draft as a...
  26. wurzner

    E32 for Sail (Seattle Area)

    I posted my boat for sale in the classified section of this site as well as at www.sailboatowners.com I'm looking for 20,000. If you want to see pictures, go to http://photos.yahoo.com. Also, please provide feedback based on the price with respect to what you've have seen or know of...
  27. 1973E29 TUG

    Boat Swings Wildly at Anchor in a breeze

    I dont know if anyone else has noticed their boat swing around a lot while at anchor in a moderate to heavy breeze. It seems that other boats in the same anchorage lie relatively calmly into the wind while our Ericson 29 is pacing back and fourth like a spooked horse. Watching the boat for...
  28. A

    sail cleaning and repair

    has anyone had there sails cleaned and repaired on the west coast? my main needs a little repair and a good cleaning... thanks greg 74 35II # 325
  29. S

    E-38 Main sail

    Wondering if any 38 owners have opinions on reef points for the main. (how deep for 1 and 2). Ted, I re-read your mainsail thread, any new revelations or opinions? Is your bigger roach noticable? I'm ordering a new main from Doyle and want to figure out the details. Think I'm going with the...
  30. Loren Beach

    2006 Strictly Sail Show

    Mark your calendars. The 2006 version of what is now called "Strictly Sail" is set for April 19 through 23, at Jack London Square, Oakland, CA. This used to be called Sail Expo. http://www.strictlysail.com/shows/pacific.asp?show=pa Some of our sailing friends in the Portland OR area are...
  31. D

    FS: mail sail, jib sail, tiller handle - parting E27

    I’ve decided not to complete my E27 restoration project due to costs overrun & the fact that I have received a wonderful perfect condition Morgan 35... I have everything for sale, mainly I have ready for shipment is my main sail, the jib sail, and the tiller. The sails are in pretty good...
  32. K

    Wanted E27 Main Sail

    Anybody have suggestions on replacing an E27 main for the SF Bay area? While sailing last night, we noticed a hole developing around one of our battens. I know... with Katrina and Bagdad tragedy stories filling the papers, this sad tale pales in comparison. However, because our wives anger...
  33. bigtyme805

    Main Sail for E-27 For Sale

    Hi everyone I will ask the forum first if anybody wants to buy a Main Sail for an E-27. It is in good shape. If I dont hear anything I will post on ebay. Here is a pic. Don Anderson E27 Amigo Channel Islands
  34. S

    How to get the large logo for the sail cover

    I have a jpeg file of the logo. Would like to get an iron on or the equivalent to place on the sail cover. I can print at a max of a page size which is small. What sort of commercial graphics are needed? Would a paint-on mask work? See jpeg attached
  35. R

    Gale Sail

    Hi, all, what would be the recommendation for the storm jib if I use a furler? I saw those sails that fit over the furled genoa (GailSail?), but I am deeply unsure if they make any sense - the furled sail will provide at least as much windage as that sail (mine is constructed of a kind of...
  36. M

    E35 MkIII in SAIL mag

    Did you guys see the article in the new SAIL mag about the E35 mkIII? Is the owner in the article a "member" here? Nice photos and a very complimentary write up.
  37. G

    Article on 35-3 in Sail Magazine

    There is a good article on a 35-3 (Sea Maiden) beginning on page 52 of the March 2005 issue of Sail Magazine.
  38. Jeff Asbury

    Recommend a preferred sail maker in the San Pedro / Long Beach area?

    Can any of you So Cal Ericson owners recommend a preferred sail maker in the San Pedro / Long Beach area? Specifically looking for new Main and 135 Genoa for my 1973 E-27. I know of Dare Sails in San Pedro and North Sails in Long Beach. Yes money is a factor, but I do want new and I would...
  39. Rocinante33

    Sail Loft

    Does anyone have input, either positive or negative, on a sail loft? It is a new main I am interested in. I am also pondering whether to get a dacron or a laminate. I am in the Oxnard/Ventura area. So far, I have contacted Ullman & UK. Ullman is ~25% cheaper on the first quote, but UK says...
  40. S

    Strictly Sail Chicago

    For anyone interested, I will be at the show for Saturday and Sunday. I will be spending most of my time with my good friends at the Quantum Sails booth, and also at the Beneteau Yachts booth (specifically with Karma Yachts-the Chicago Beneteau dealer). I would love to visit with any Ericson...
  41. J

    Sail all winter long, your choice

    As soon as I can round the buoy, I'd try this again. I recently, tried this sailing simulator, and almost became sea sick, you will too. If you want to challenge yourself a little over the winter, try the downloaded demo at http:www.virtualskipper2.com. The graphics are unreal!, the guys on the...
  42. gjersvik

    Strictly Sail '05 - Chicago

    The festivities begin Thursday, February 3, 2005 and will not end until the final bell sounds on Sunday, February 6, 2005. This four-day show features the newest and best the sailing industry has to offer. Don't miss the latest boat designs, the newest sailing gear, accessories and most up to...
  43. I

    Sail sizes for Ericson 36C

    Does anyone have the I J P E sizes for a standard rigged 36C?
  44. N

    Sail measurements for old E26

    I just got a 1969 26'. I was lucky enough to get it for free and overall it is in pretty decent shape (aside from the usual wear from sitting in a yard for the last 7 or 8 years) and I'm in the process of spiffing her up. I'm a starving college student and I am planning on getting some used...
  45. M

    sail slugs

    I'm a new owner of an Ericson 27. I've been busy going through the various systems and making repairs and replacing worn parts as necessary, most of which have been to the engine and electrical wiring. When I took the boat out for the first time, I found that one of the sail slugs on the main...
  46. R

    E25 Main Sail

    I have a 1983 25+ with the original UK main. I am trying to find out the purpose of this line running along the lower end of the mainsail luff. I have a loop on the end of this line and loop it on the reefing hook. Reefing becomes a problem because along with shorting the sail, I have to...
  47. Lawdog

    E 29 for sail and for sale

    1976 E29 with tall rig, wheel steering, autopilot, all lines led aft, roller furling, new bilge pumps, with spinnaker gear, A4 engine just refurbished, adn too many other things to boot. The sails are older and the cushions are ok, I need to sell as I purchased a 38. I have digital pictures...
  48. Jeff Asbury

    Cal 40 Main Sail for Sale.

    Cal 40 Main Sail for Sale. Good Condition! Made by Watts. $300. OBO Contact Jeff at jasbury@packagingcorp.com
  49. N

    need sail for e-27

    hello all, i am in need of a mainsail for my 1973 e-27. Anyone selling one? Would pay for shipping. Thanks, Nathan
  50. Sven

    Sail number stencilled on ?

    Our La Petite is boat number 29 (thanks Bob) but the mainsail number is 340. The roller furling, grass stained (?) genny is number "US 2853" which appears to have come from a J24. Back home we could identify boats by their sail numbers. When you saw a pretty boat you just looked it up in the...
  51. B

    Jib sail hieght

    When I got my E-29 I noticed when raising the jib, the bottom would be so low it would set against the railing, I noticed a few pictures of other boats the same way, I installed a 12" line and raised it up some, I now can see under it, but I allways wonder if I ruined the performance. I am...
  52. C

    For Sail E 25 swing keel, Port Charlotte FL

    Hello well I decided to sell my E 25, because I bought a new boat , and the ericson had recive some damage from Charlie last year, it rub on the seawall and caused some damage to the pain on the left side, but it is still a good looking boat, and it need to go. The price is $1,500 My email is...
  53. footrope

    Successful Delivery Sail

    Good Morning Ericson Afficianados, This message board has been a very good resource for me as I prepared to purchase my first sailboat. Congratulations and Thank You for establishing a great resource for the lucky owners of these superb boats. My boat broker friend and his wife, and my...
  54. Loren Beach

    Sail Expo April 23

    If any other Ericson or Olson owners want to say hello, I will be staying at the Best Western at Jack London Square, April 23, 24, 25. Leaving at 5 pm the 26th to fly home. Several others from our YC will be there, also. I already have tickets for the show, 23 and 24. Friday and Saturday are...
  55. M

    Sail numbers

    There has been a question--with a couple of wrong answers--on the Ericson list at SailNet. Sail numbers on Ericson boats generally match the hull number, or at least the last three digits thereof. There is no requirement that a contestant be a member of US Sailing to race, but the competitor...
  56. R

    100% head sail for 30+

    I have a North 100% head sail for a 30+ 1983 in great condition with one reef point on it. Please contact if interested Ron
  57. E

    Need OMC Sail Drive Manual, 1980

    I've searched the world over for an OMC Sail Drive mechanical manual. I can't find a copy anywhere. Please drop me a line if you can help. ericpittman@yahoo.com
  58. Sean Engle

    Anchor Sail?

    I spent the other night on anchor out at a local island here - and awoke at 5 am (after a very still night) to 18 knot winds. My boat's stern was wagging back and forth like a dog's tail! I'm wondering if anyone has made or purchased one of those little sail kits for your backstay that you...
  59. B

    E-26 Main sail

    I Have a 9 year old main sail that I used for 5 Years. It has two full Battens and is in Excelent condition. I race boat and replaced was a little full for racing. will sell for $200.00 Thanks Brad
  60. J

    Prop for sail (sale) - 12X8 3blade RH

    Have new 12X8 3 blade Right Hand rotation bronze prop available for sale at best offer. Manu is Michigan Prop. - 7/8" tapered shaft.
  61. J

    Boat for Sail

    My wife and I have decided to sell our 35ft ericson, 1965, hull #25 hauled out last month with new paint. we are moving up to a larger boat.21500.00 firm