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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. R

    1969 E41 Keel Material?

    What material (lead, iron, ???) was the encapsulated keel made of on the early (ie: 1969) E41s?
  2. A

    Leaking from keel

    I looked at an Ericson to buy, it had a fresh coat of paint on the keel and hull. I saw this leaking from the keel. Below the joint? Any ideas what this problem is?
  3. CBessich

    Keel stuck Ericson 25

    Has anyone experienced this? Any advice? We are not even sure exactly how this keel is designed... We have had a few "professional opinions" about the type of keel and how to handle the situation. The only other owner be purchased it from said that it was a center board keel not a swing keel...
  4. yalcin

    Fairing keel-hull joint

    Greetings from Panama, On our Ericson 38, we made some miles and ended up hauling out in Panama, in the middle of a jungle. This is a French operated DIY yard. The long list of our projects include installing a new shaft seal, eliminating rudder play and a new bottom paint. Unfortunately, when...
  5. P

    Glass Repair/Bilge Question?

    After my boat co-owner confirmed submerged rock locations, in areas known to have rocks, I decided to do the repair work myself. Boat is up on the hard and I've been grinding away, and have a few questions with what I've found. 1. Grinding down through the keel damage, I eventually hit a hollow...
  6. D

    1987 E-38 Keel

    Hey guys! We are in the midst of a refit and are going to launch sometime next week. Since we've been on the hard for six months, we've noticed some rusty water weeping out of our keel/hull joint. While I would love to pull/rebed the keel, the yard we are at doesn't generally do this type of...
  7. S

    E29 tall rig and extra ballast

    Hello all, I am still an looking for an E29, and waiting to view a '76 locally that looks promising. I've only been aboard one E29, a '74 model, and I've seen a lot of other boats since then. I am curious how many E29s were the tall rig, and if there are any easily identifiable clues as to...
  8. C

    37 mk2 keel issues: help and adise please

    I am looking at purchasing a '73 mk2 37'. The boat suffered a split in the shell of the keel as pictured. Boat stands sunk into the ground and placed additional stress on keel which resulted in the cracking of fiberglass. I read the following about this keel from an article posted by the...
  9. What's a J-Bolt?

    E32-3 What's a J-Bolt?

    Ultimately, a lot can transpire during ownership, a ton of value added, or taken away and ultimately something is sold at a price where the value/cost proposition makes sense for both parties. Was this boat a good deal? Not sure… Maybe this blog is a way for me to justify and convince myself I...
  10. V

    Sizing Mars Stability Bulbs for E38 SD

    Hello All, I'm new to these forums, having recently purchased a 1982 shoal draft E38 from forum member John Butler. Among other modifications I'm considering is adding Mars Metals (MM) "stability bulbs" to the foot of the keel. I have contacted MM for their recommendations, as I'm sure they...
  11. M

    E32-3 Haulout - Seascape @ San Francisco Boatworks

    Hello Fellow Ericson Owners! I have owned Seascape, an Ericson 32-3 (vintage 1985) since the fall of 2013. I am in the San Francisco Bay Area and I race and cruise in the bay and in near coastal waters. I have been reading this site for a few years but never really contributed much. I recently...
  12. W

    '69 E-41 keel question

    I'm considering an Ericson 41 for Florida Coastal and Carribean cruising. The boat has an encapsulated 6' keel a bit long for my intended use. I've contacted Mars Metal in Canada to see if I can get some info on adding a bulb to take about 1' off the keel. My questing to the owners is, the...
  13. M

    through hull on keel E27

    New owner of a e27, the boat have a through hull at the bottom of the keel on the aft bilge. now open to drain the water with the boat on the hard. is that comun on e27. havent had time to reach down, is the valve that close it down at the bottom of the keel? what check should I perform to...
  14. M

    E-23 fixed keel lifting eye.

    I have a hoist available that can put my boat on a trailer without unstepping the mast. Has anyone installed a lifting eye so that slings don't have to be used? If so, how. Most boats that I've seen thread on to a keel bolt, but this can't be done on an E-23. The other hoist in our marina...
  15. D

    E26 Fin Keel height?

    Can anyone tell me how long the fin keel on an E26 is? I'm considering the purchase of one 1300 miles away and considering transporting myself on a friends trailer because the shipping quotes are simply too expensive. The trailer has adjustable brackets but I need to confirm that their minimum...
  16. M

    crack in keel at ballast

    I need to repair a crack at the front of my keel. It appears that it has been repaired in the past. I dug out the old repair and now have a crack that is about 3 to 4 inches long 1/8 of an inch thick and about an inch deep. When I opened it up it was wet and I got a couple ounces of water to...
  17. J

    Keel Support Question E-29

    I have an Ericson 29 and in reviewing the hull, checked the bilge and noticed no or what appeared to be rusted out keel bolts. Two of them, each in a separate section of the bilge. Now I am freaked out I might drop my keel and roll the boat!!! Since my wife prefers to sail dry, does anyone know...
  18. Commotion

    Water in the keel E 35-2

    I bought this E 35-2 in the yard and while we were stripping the bottom paint off for barrier coat, we found water leaking out of the trailing edge of the keel. It tasted like salt water (yuck) and for the most part was pretty clear. It just kept coming, so I drilled a 1/4" hole... Ended up...
  19. A

    Ericson 32-3 shoal keel vs deep keel

    Does anyone know if a E32-3 shoal keel (4'4" draft) is more tender and points less high than the deep keel model (6'2")? Thanks
  20. R

    E35-2 rudder removal: keel height needed

    It seems early but my local yard is booking winter storage already. This year I want to drop my rudder to overhaul the foil, mechanism, replace my cutlass bearing etc. I know I need to have the boat blocked higher than usual but as I can't get down to her till next week I hoped someone who has...
  21. U

    Threaded keel plug?

    I have recently acquired a 1973 Ericson 29. The boat is on the hard and the hole in question is on the starboard side of the keel just aft of midships. It is a threaded opening for a plug of some sort. The opening is just over a 1/2" and I can not find any plug to fit. Is this a standard...
  22. S

    E 26 keel bolts?

    Is the keel of the of the late 80's E 26 encapsulted or bolt on. No keel bolts are visible in the bilge. Can anyone shed some light on this. Thanks,
  23. M

    1974 Ericson 32 Keel

    :egrin: I am looking to purchase a 74 Ericson 32. Is there anyway to inspect the integrity of the keel. From the outside the hull/keel area looks good. Is there any problems I should be aware of? Thank you for any help.
  24. Kringe

    New Keel in my E-25..yaye..;(

    I have spent a very large portion of my day removing the old pieces that were lodged in my keel box from the former keel which had broken off. Removed the pin, spent 3 hours cleaning out the oyster shells that had attached themselves. Didn't take too long to get the new keel connected and the...
  25. Kringe

    E-25 keel installation

    I will be installing my new keel in the coming week and amd wondering if anyone is interested in pictures of the process. I can post pics with progress along the way. Lemme know if anyone is interested..
  26. D

    While the mast is stepped for the keel rebed ...

    I thought I would paint the mast. I wasn't very sucessful on a search. help please.
  27. C

    Keel Repair

    We are new owners of an E29 and totally at the mercy of the marina. They attempted to launch today..in she went, and out she came. It was quite an exciting day as her bilge filled up with water and we had four guys with their heads down in all the holes trying to figure it out. After we pulled...
  28. Kringe

    E-25 Keel installation question

    I am installing my new keel next week and am interested in the pendant line setup. Since my keel fell off, I lost the cable and block assembly. Does anyone know exactly what I should be looking for as far as purchasing the right hardware to make a new pendant line and block assembly? Thanks in...
  29. Kringe

    Small bit of advice about e-25 keel installation

    So I am ready to pull the boat and install the new keel next week. Since I lost my keel I also lost the pendant cable and block. Does anyone have any advice as to how to contruct a new pendant line and which size it would be and what sized block I would use? I have seen pics but they are just...
  30. markvone

    Keel Damage and Repair Opinions sought

    I completed a pre-purchase survey of a 1981 Ericson 36 RH yesterday and all went as expected except for the following: The keel is canted slightly to starboard, ~ 1 degree, very subtle but visible if you have a good eye. The lower aft corner of the foil appears to have a very slight twist to...
  31. D

    E27 "Keel bolt" (?) Leaking

    I just launched my e27 last Monday. The boat has never really taken on much water before, but I noticed that the fore keel bolt area (where I think they originally attached to lift the boat) has a slow leak. I dry the area out and notice it just slowly fills back up again. I have gone weeks...
  32. D

    Keel Time

    Obligatto is now 24 yrs young and she's getting a smile in the front of the hull keel joint. we've decided to move her to the coast and this needs to be addressed. so its keel time in real time. She does have her own cradle so a stand can be fabricated to steady. the keel. Does the mast need...
  33. markvone

    Keel Type/Draft from Hull Number?

    Does anyone have (or know of) documentation that will identify the keel configuration (std, shoal or wing) from the Hull Identification Number for the 1984 - 1988 Ericson 26? It will save me a trip to visit ERY26385G888 if it doesn't have the std/deep keel. Thanks! Mark
  34. D

    Ericson 35 MKIII - Standared vs Performance Keel

    I am looking at a 1986 Ericson 35 MKIII with the shallow 4'11" keel. The other keel design draws 6'2". I am interested in any comments anyone has on the pros and/or cons of the shallow keel. Thank you.
  35. Loren Beach

    Keel Fell Off - NOT an Ericson

    http://forums.hunter.sailboatowners.com/showthread.php?t=109869&mode=linear#post640032 style=font-size:small This is grimly interesting, especially the photos of the thin hull laminate in the stub. We all, generally, try not to make too much fun of the boats built and sold into a low-price...
  36. Kringe

    Ericson 25 keel

    I have posted a myriad of times trying to find help in fabricating a new keel for an ericson 25. I have had promises of diagrams and possible plans which have all resulted in nada. I can order one from Idasailor.com but I would sooo rather just have the plans sent to me that would include all...
  37. markvone

    Shoal vs Std Keel on E26/E25+

    Anybody have direct experience to evaluate the sailing benefits of the E26/25+ Std keel over the shoal? I had a 1984 E26 shoal which I felt sailed very well. I won't be racing, but I do like sailing to weather. I will be sailing mostly singlehanded in the Chesapeake. The draft difference is not...
  38. bayhoss

    Keel Bolts

    Does anyone out there know the ft/lbs of torque for the keel bolts on a 28 - 2 ? Best always, Frank E28 Valinor
  39. M

    E35-2 Keel

    Are all Erickson keels bolted on? I was under the impression that mine was made in 2 haves and with the keel molded in. Am I wrong? I have a 76 E35 mk2. When I had it out of the water last year I could not find a seam between the Keel and hall.email me please michaelnolley@hotmail.com
  40. Kringe

    swing keel equals maybe gone?

    Hi all, I let the rope go on my swing keel today on my Ericson 25 and the rope just kept going and dissappeared. Went below and took the panel off in the cabin to find the rope and where it is fastened but alas, the other end is GONE! At this point I am fearful that the whole keel may have...
  41. H

    Cradle specs for E23 Fixed Keel

    Hi First post as I just bought an Ericson 23 2 days ago! Nice little boat from 1970. The problemI have is that the boat does not come with a trailer or a cradle. I do have access to a crane at my local Marina, and they can move cradles around the yard, but I need to build the cradle first...
  42. L

    Keel Drop Advice Needed

    Fellow Vikings: Well, we can't put it off any longer. There is a steady trickle of water coming into the bilge and it isn't the packing gland and it isn't the through hulls. It's the keel bolts. So the guys at the yard are getting ready to haul us out, drop the keel, clean the bolts and "reeve"...
  43. S

    E30+ Keel Bolt Pattern?

    We recently purchased a E30+ and need to drop and rebed the keel, it's a shoal draft. Has anyone done this on this boat? I need specifically to know the pattern of the bolts, how many etc.., as it looks like we'll have to bore into the cabin sole to gain access...? So for we can see and possibly...
  44. G

    Crack On The Keel

    Hauled out last week to have folding prop installed. I noticed a crack that ran horizontally along the leading edge of the keel 6 inches on both sides around the front. My yard guy said its no big deal and didn't seem concerned. He said it was the hull to keel joint. Water didn't come out of...
  45. B

    Trailer for E23 Fixed Keel

    I am looking for a trailer (rent or buy) to bring our E23 from Ventura, CA to Olympia, WA... If you are anywhere on West Coast, if you have a trailer I an rent I can pick it up and return it to you. Even if I have to pick up the trailer in San Diego... Drive to Washington with the boat and...
  46. Walt Lawrence

    The keel lead is worth this much...

    Just saw this 1970 32 E on craig's list for 2K...been sunk, but now floating.. I owned a 32 a few years back and would really consider this as a decent project boat, except I have my 39 that is just about complete.. Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out there...
  47. Q

    1978 34t: Need help finding design of keel mount?

    I am not near the boat at this time to check it out, but I was wondering if anybody is aware of the mounting design for the keel of the 1978 34t? I was told that it is a rather peculiar design with 4 points of connection to the hull where the keel weight is distributed to, giving me the visual...
  48. L

    Ericson 32-2 keel design

    I have recently purchased a Ericson 32-2 in November, and an item that I need cleared up is that the keel has a deep sump behind the ballast. This seems to be part of the design configuratiion. Is there access from the bilge to this area as I cannot see, because of where the cabin sole access...
  49. Loren Beach

    Keel Rebed article

    http://www.wbryant.com/StellaBoat/hauls/0811/index.htm Link to a newer project page on Wally's fine site. Lots of photos and commentary on rebedding the keel. Loren
  50. K

    wing keel ericson 38

    In looking at The 38 foot Models from 1980-1989 I found one with a 4'11" draft that says wing keel. Is this some sort of modification? Thanks.
  51. Loren Beach

    Torpedo Bulb Keel change

    http://www.islander36.org/boatpics/shillelagh/shillelagh.html The topic of draft reduction on the external-lead keel on the later Ericson-constructed boats comes up regularly on this site. I was doing a bit of 'net research and found the above link detailing the torpedo bulb conversion on an...
  52. S

    anyone know the width of the E29 keel ?

    I'm looking at a trailer for my E29 and am wondering if the keel tray of the trailer is wide enough for my keel. I'm not talking about front to back length, but the width or thickness. The boat is in the water (55 deg f) so I don't really want to dive to measure it and there are no other...
  53. C

    E-23/2 Keel Performance ?

    I'm going to examine a 1974 E-23 this weekend with the shoal keel/centerboard. My intention is to race in our club events and while general reports are that the 23 does OK in PHRF, I wonder about the pointing ability of the centerboard. Would I be much better off continuing my search for a fixed...
  54. S

    keel bolts on 28+

    I had my boat hauled out today to paint the botom and the yard said the keel was pulled away about 3 inches and needed to be tightened. The yard was unclear where the keel bolts were. I am trying to save $$$ and let them know where and how to access them so they do not spend hours searching...
  55. D

    E29 Keel Repair questions

    I arrived at the boat yard this weekend, only to discover that when the yard moved my boat, the lower aft corner of the keel crumbled. The yard is claiming a weak keel. Based on the two photos attached, I don't think I can argue. I plan on using Don Caseys book as a reference. My questions...
  56. B

    29 Ericson Keel

    Heavy winds in Northern Michigan caused our beloved South Wind to pull the cleats off the bow (mooring points) and run aground:mad:. Once pulled off the shore she was taking in water, about 4 gallons per minute. She was towed to safe harbour with a 2" gas pump keeping her dry. She was immediatly...
  57. S

    Ericson 27 - broken keel

    When putting the Island Girl on the trailer last fall I must have banged the aft edge of the keel against the trailer. It was a very strong gusting cross wind and I knew I hit the trailer but I was surprised to see the damage on the keel this spring. Do to working out of town I am just now...
  58. I

    Ericson 27 Keel Bolts ( ? )

    Looking for Keel Bolt specs. Mine have rusted away, I notice the thread is still there and am wondering what size bolts I could place in the threads?
  59. Dferr

    My Turn for the Keel Drop

    After reading all of the posts of RT's keel drop, I was dreading this, fearing it would be the worst. I went down last week to build the frame around the keel, as RT did. We went down today. The travel lift was in place. They lifted her up about 2" and the keel didn't move. I was...
  60. R

    Poll! Keel re-bedding product recommendations!

    Hello All! If you don't know by now I have removed the keel on my E38 and done a bit of restoration on the keel bolts. Now its pretty much ready to go back in and the boatyard and I have done plenty of research on what to use to re-bed the keel and have come up with plenty of options and...
  61. R

    E38 Keel Bolt Project

    Hello All, Well, my E38 is on the hard and the keel bolt/keel rebedding project is underway. So far the 12 nuts and washers have been removed but the keel will not drop. The yard will try again on Thursday and I have asked that it sit over the weekend in the Travelift hoping gravity will do...
  62. G

    Bending a keel

    Is it possible? The 'tards at my boatyard moved my boat sometime in the last three years, and left the stands so the boat was at about a 10 deg angle. Can that damage the keel? Part of the reason I ask is that there are now threee vertical bulges in the fibreglass on the side of the keel...
  63. treilley

    Keel stub design

    Does anyone know what Ericosn used to build the keel stubs in their boats? Specifically the 35-3? I am wondering if it is solid glass or some type of laminated plywood. Thanks
  64. Dferr

    Bedding compounds for the keel

    Has anyone heard of, or used this product, Sikaflex? I read somewhere that this was an excellent choice over 5200. Sikaflex 291 LOT, is what I read to use for the keel. http://marineengineparts.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/page435.html
  65. C

    E23-1 keel bolts

    Does anyone know whether these 3/4 bolts are threaded into the keel or not? Once the nuts are removed, can they be knocked out from the top? Thanks. Charlie
  66. B

    E 35 MK III topside and keel - Mtc. projects

    Hi All 1983 [+ or -] 35 MK III owners, I'm new to this site am excited to "talk" to fellow owners who have had some "personal - hands on" mtc. experiance with their boat. Currently, I have three topside projects that need addressing: 1. I need to replace the "portlight" screens and gaskets...
  67. Y

    keel bolt torque E 38

    anyone know the keel bolt torque specs for a shoal draft E38, 1985?
  68. T

    ericson 27 keel bolts

    Hi I am a new member looking at a E27 it's a 1971 and looks to be in very good shape and well maintain. My only concern is the keel bolts, it looks like it has two, but they appear to be rotted away, no nut no washer only a one inch hole about one to two inches deep. If any one could help with...
  69. J

    MK1 keel bolts and rudder

    Hello All. I'm new here on the list, and new owner of a 1968 E23 MK1 (#17). I have to replace all the keel bolts and nuts. One nut, while I was picking at it, just fell apart like a dirtclod!:esad: I need to find out how they are attached to the keel (threaded into the keel or through bolts...
  70. J

    MK1 keel bolts and rudder

    sorry.. duplicated post.
  71. C

    E-23 Swing Keel Demensions

    Does Anyone Out There Have The Engineering Demensions For The Swing Keel On The E-23? My Keel Has Split At The Mounting Pin And Needs To Be Replaced. I Am Considering Going To A 3/8 Or 1/2 Inch Stainless Blade And Need The Dementions For The Fabricator. Has Anyone Else Encountered This Problem...
  72. B

    Wing Keel

    I am looking to purchase an E28 and have a few questions. The broker tells me the boat has a wing keel and the rudder is 6 inches longer than the bottom of the wing. I imagine the wing keel was an after market add-on and was mainly done so due to the skinny waters we have in N.C. Should I...
  73. K

    38-200 Keel Bolts - help?

    Greetings - I am a new Ericson owner, having purchased a 1988 on the east coast, which recently arrived by truck in North Vancouver - yet to be named but "Buyers Remorse" or "Another Project" might fit. While we realized the boat needed some TLC & elbow greese, every day brings new challenges &...
  74. S


    Hello Everyone, My name is Rick Barton I have a restoration and repair bus. at the Frisco Bay Marina at Lake Dillon Co. I have been commisioned to build a new keel for a 1978 Ericson 25. Before we begin I thougth that I would see if there is a source for ones already built for this boat. Any...
  75. Mindscape

    Keel Bolts/Nuts - 32-3

    After all this discussion on keell bolts I broke out the trusty torque wrench thinking I'd check my keel bolts out. Turns out I didn't have a big enough socket. I believe they I need a 1.5 inch socket but thought I'd check with folks here. I searched around and believe it's 1.5 inches but I...
  76. B

    Torque specs for Ericson 34 keel bolts

    Does anyone know the torque specs are for the eight 1-inch bolts and the four 1/2-inch bolts on an Ericson 34? Is it 250# for the 1-inch bolts and 125# for the others? Thanks. -- Brooke
  77. W

    Keel Damage E-32

    Just got the boat back from a very long truck ride and I found damage to the keel. I noticed it as a 2 foot long split on the very underside of the aft part of the keel, but once the yard had set it down on the stand, I guess the pressure on the keel split it open, along a significant portion...
  78. S

    keel bolt torque specs

    Does any one know what the torque foot pound specs would be for keel bolts on a 1990 Ericson 28? I would like to tighten them up as routine maintenance on this fine vessel I just purchased. The diameter of the bolts are 1". Thank you in advance, Sam
  79. E

    keel re bedding

    My E32-200 is in winter storage in New Jersey, covered with a -65 anti freeze in the bilge. One of my marina neighbors was checking on the boats and noticed liquid leaking from the joint between the hull and keel. He discussed this with some other owners before he called me and the general...
  80. G

    Searching for a swing keel for E-25

    :esad: We lost the Keel while sailing and the keel is lost. We are looking for the specs to build a replacement keel. I reviewed the specs and documents page and it shows the general specs, but the drawings of the keel are not dimensioned. The information posted describes how the keel was built...
  81. O

    38-200 Keel Bolts

    Anyone have any idea what size socket is required for the primary keel bolts on the Ericson 38-200? Also, has anyone heard of a torque figure for these bolts? Thanks, Todd
  82. Dferr

    1988 E-34 wing keel depth?

    Does anyone know the exact keel depth on a 1988 E-34? I was told it is 5'6". I read on the spec & Documents, that the E-34 had three different keels. A shoal 4'11 a deep 6'2" and a 5' wing. The boat I'm looking at has the wing. Can I be confident that it is only 5'? Thanks, Don
  83. R

    Speaking of Keel Design...

    Hello Everyone, Has any seen a keel like the one on my Ericson 36 (RH) in the attached photos. It was like this when I bought the boat in July of 2001. Sorry I don't have better pictures. This is hull number 2 I believe but I'll have to double check. Seth did they ever put this kind of wing...
  84. Dferr

    Pics of the keel.

    I was told that this is somewhat normal. Although it looks pretty bad to me, the water that is in the bildge is not leaking out, so I guess water wouldn't leak in. I would like to be able to sail the boat for one season before I would have to drop and re-bed the keel. From the looks of things...
  85. Mike Swift

    Spec's for E25 CB keel?

    Sadly, I lost the swing keel on my 1976 E25 as a result of lending the vessel to a friend who failed to raise the keel at the end of his voyage. Long story short, the low tides and resultant rocking action did the trick. When I returned from up north, and took her for a sail, I discovered the...
  86. F

    Why are fin keel shapes so different....?

    Leaving aside the obvious differences between full/shoal/wing/fin keels, I've noticed that the fin keels on the various Ericson models are quite different--some quite swept back, others (like my E30+) more vertical and triangle-shaped. :confused: I know that keel placement and shape may need...
  87. J

    Ericson 23 leaking swing keel

    Has been leaking for sometime. Finally put in a bilge pump on Saturday, but that doesn't fix the problem. swing keel housing is a little chewed up. could that allow water seepage? Glad to have found the site. J
  88. M

    Ericson 35 Keel

    Is anyone has experience with crack on font keel ericson 35 mk III? What to expect? Please see attached pictures. Thanks, Mike
  89. P

    Purchase Survey of E29 (1976) and keel Bolts

    Hello, I had an E29 sloop hauled out today with a marine surveyor to determine if I am going to go through with this purchase. Everything was relatively fine (for a 30 year old boat) until he pulled up the 2 panels on the cabin floor and stated there are no Keel bolts in those holes. I ran home...
  90. A

    74 ericson 35 length from deck to bottom of keel

    does anybody know the length from top of deck to bottom of keel ?? need info for doc. app. thanks greg s/y dalliance 74 35 II # 325 wilmington,ca
  91. S

    E-25 w/ full keel & tall rig

    I have an Ericson-25 that I'd like to sell or otherwise... It's got a full keel (needing 3'10" of water to float), a tall rig, usable (but not new) sails and steps on the mast. The main and jib mounted on the boat work well though the starboard winch is seized and there's something wrong...
  92. J

    E27 keel bolts

    I am looking at purchasing a 1971 E27 Hull #128. While looking over the boat this weekend (7/1/06) I pulled both of the floor access panels. Under each panel is one keel bolt in good shape and close to the good one there is another rusty depression which appears to be the remains of another...
  93. Cory B

    E35 and E38 Keel sumps?

    Hi again, I posted such a wordy post on the keel bolts I thought I'd make this a separate post, since our attention spans are so short with the summer days being so long. Anyway, when we dropped the keel this morning on our new-to-us 1984 E35 we found a huge hollow in the keel. It...
  94. Cory B

    Keel Bolt Design (and Repair)

    Hello, We have our new-to-us 1984 Ericson 35 in the yard, doing a multitude of repairs and rejuvenation treatments. This morning we dropped the keel, due to a very strong suspicion that a little bit of water was getting in through the keel-hull joint, and that my wife had heard too many...
  95. K

    E30+ with shortened Keel

    Hi, We are looking at an 1982 E30 on the Great Lakes that according to the broker has had the keel shortened by 4" to 5' 6". The broker apparently had some connection with an east continent Ericson dealer who did this to some E30+ at the time they were new. This apparently took about 200lb...
  96. R

    Pics of an E38 with a bulb keel!

    I finally remembered to bring my camera to the boat today. When I purchased this E38 there was some discussion about the keel. AFAIK, there was never a bulb keel offered by Ericson. Someone indicated this may be a Mars Metal keel mod. I still don't know much about it but here it is: RT
  97. E

    E-27 Type Keel Failure Poll

    As many are aware, the E-27, and some of it's close cousins (I think we're talking 25/26/28/29 here) have a very deep sump in the aft portion of the keel. This has been a topic of much speculation as a failure/worry item. Quite honestly, I think this has been hyped out of proportion with no...
  98. J

    3 quarter inch drill holes near bottom of keel

    Hey there, probably not a good time to ask this question as the boat goes in the water in a couple of days and I really do not want to do anything about it anyway but......i had drilled a few holes 1/4 inch drill bit in the bottom of the keel to drain the water out of the sump/keel....i...
  99. Jeff Asbury

    Ericson 27 Achilles Heel - Keel.

    Ericson 27 Achilles Heel - Keel. Here's a topic I have not heard any mention about on this site. I became aware of it from the Bay Area Ericson Fleet One site. http://www.ericson27.com/ There is very little, if any protection from sinking if one was to puncture the stern part of a E-27 keel...
  100. D

    25+ water leaking from the keel

    Unforunately I have had the boat on the trailer for a year. The bottom of my keel has been dripping water out of it, the whole time. Cleaning out the bilge yesterday, I pulled both the bilge pump and the pick up strainer for the hand pump. Under the strainer, in the bilge access closest to the...