Happy New Year! Well, almost. MS. Claus was good to me, she got a new vhf. Took it to the boat, found I have a fair leak from rain [ of all things ]. It seems to be coming in at the starboard side of the slider, and pooling on the sole in the galley. The wood frame seems to be doing little to...
If anyone has either a furling headsail (Harken furler), or mainsail for an E38 200 - I might be interested. Condition should be good or better - I already have old sails!
Thanks, Roger Ware, Kingston, ON
Hello All,
Looking for some advice. My main sheet gear on my 1982 E-38 is worn out and I'm looking to replace it. I have looked a Garhauer equipment. Any pro's and con's? The fellow I spoke to at Garhauer recomended I replace the fiddle block attached to the traveller with a triple block...
Wondering if any 38 owners have opinions on reef points for the main. (how deep for 1 and 2). Ted, I re-read your mainsail thread, any new revelations or opinions? Is your bigger roach noticable?
I'm ordering a new main from Doyle and want to figure out the details. Think I'm going with the...
I'm looking for a sail cover for my 1983 E38. The current cover has a Tartan (!) logo on it. I'm looking to find a cover with an Ericson logo so I can raft up with other E's without shame. THanks weinlaw@maine.rr.com
On and erIcson 38 I just found that the shower is leaking into the bow under the drawers. There is always water there. Has anyone undertaken this problem and if so are there any suggestions?
I have a frame for a bimini that I picked up ffom a fellow 38 owner and I have some questions about its intallation as I am having a canvas guy come to measure. The bimini frame consists of 4 bows, 2 short ones and 2 tall ones, one of the tall ones is a little taller than the other. It appears...
This may be a little silly but what the heck its friday. I am looking for suggestions for a waste basket on the E-38-200. My old boat had a lot of room under the galley sink, this one does not. There is a little tilt out storage spot to the left of the stove but again not very large. I was...
There has been some recent discussion of anchor windlasses on the E38 owners listserv, and some people asked me to post pictures of the installation on my boat (done by the PO). If anyone else wants to see the pictures, they are at www.peak.org/~reedbug/windlass.htm
One of the findings in my recent rig survey was that the vertical hinge in the gooseneck toggle fitting was wearing and it was recommended that I install a sacrificial washer to reduce that wear. When I went to do the job I discovered that the 1/2" pin that had to be pulled to do this, was...
Attached to this message are three pictures of an anchor roller I designed and built for my 1981 E38. I looked at most of the anchor rollers commercially available and determined they either didn't fit properly or didn't handle a variety of anchor designs. The unit is made from 3/8 sheet...
I am working on a new vent arrangement for my settee tank. The old vent ran from the tank, which is near the v-berth door - starboard - to the galley sinks, which are aft starboard. Along the way the 1/2" hose was routed through and under cabinetry, as low as the cabin sole, before ending up at...
I am wondering if you guys can give me some advice on the right prop for an 1989 E38. Currently the boat has a 3 blade fixed prop I am guessing is around a 16 X 10 or 12. I very much want to go to a folding or feathering prop for reduced drag. My thoughts are that I would be best served with a 3...
I have a 1980 E-38. This year the starboard middle chainplate started leaking. All the other five deck plates for the rig on my boat sit on a little built-up pad on the deck, but not the starboard middle one. Shouldn't there be a little pad for this one also?
On the outside, it looks like...
The boat yard where I keep my boat has asked me to see if anyone knows where to get the aluminum extrusion that is part of the rub rail on an 1986 Ericson 38. Though I have not seen it myself, it has been described to me as "short, fat u-shaped section of aluminum about 1-1/4" wide."...
My wife is overseas on a business assignment (Malaysia) for several months, meaning that I will be singlehanding on my North Channel cruise this summer. Which has got me thinking about safety a bit more than before. (Duh!)
I normally use side deck jacklines on my E-38 whever I leave the...
I just took delivery of a new UK main, and now I am wondering what to do with the old sails. I have a North 130 RF genny with 10 years service, and a North main with 15 years, full battens. I was going to donate them unless someone might be interested. Or is there something else clever to do...
I'm the pleased new owner of a 1984 Ericson 38, but I'm puzzled by one feature. My companionway hatch cover (some call it a turtle), into which the companionway hatch slides, has two molded-in depressions on the top. They are perhaps eight inches long, two inches wide, and two inches deep, in...
I am considering purchasing a 1997 Ericson 38 (Pacific Seacraft) model with shoal draft keel and step transom. If anyone has experience with or comments about this particualar model and any concerns or unusual behaviors, I would appreciate your response.
Hi all - I've got a 1981 Ericson 38 - and because of the climate in sunny (!) Florida, I am replacing the dodger with just a bimini. Anyone interested in the dodger? It's in pretty decent shape - the windows need to be restitched, but that's a pretty minor thing....lemme know. Fair winds all!
From a preventative maintenance point of view I really should rebed the chain plates/U-bolts on my 1989 E-38. But frankly I haven't a clue as to how to begin. There are no screws on the plates themselves. I suppose I am supposed to loosen the tie rods in the cabin, but before I go taking...
Anybody know a source for rudder bearings for a 38??
I'm sure i can get it fabricated from UHMW or the like but thought there may be an off the shelf part somewhere.
Replacing in the spring and wanted to get a jump on the parts.
Thx in advance,
Anyone had experience repairing or replacing, or retrofitting a muffler on an E38? Mine has an exhaust leak. It is in a nearly inaccessible location, at the bottom forward end of the cockpit locker, between a bulkhead and the holding tank, and under a floorboard, so I don't even know what it...
Anyone have an asymmetric spinnaker/gennaker for an E38 that they dont use enough to justify keeping? I would be delighted to buy it. Email direct: ware@qed.econ.queensu.ca
Thanks, Roger Ware, Kingston, ON
Has anyone taken an E-38 to the Bahamas or through the Florida Keys? With the 6'6" draft, we are worried about being unable to get into harbor entrances in these areas.
Thanks to all who replied to my request for info on removing the strut bearing from my E38 strut bearing. The yard tried to do it with the special tool (mentioned by some who replied to my original posting) and with the shaft still in the strut bearing. It didn't work because the bearing was...
I have placed my 1981 E38, FAIR WINDS up for sale. She was in the boat yard in early October and has 2 fresh coats of bottom paint, buffed and waxed topsides. A detailed ad with pictures can be seen at the boattraderonline.com web site. My asking price is $59000.
I have a E-38 and have had problems steering the boat down wind or on a broad reach in wind speeds of 20 knots or more. The boat is very hard to control and demands constant correction to the tendancy of rounding up.
I talked to one E-38 owner that mentioned he has problems also, and that...
I am planning on replacing the short anchor roller on the bow of my 1981 E38. The current roller is a casting and inadequate for storing an anchor. I would appreciate any thoughts and pictures of anyone who has taken on a similar project. Any idea where Ericson purchased their bow rollers? A...
We are adding a dodger and bimini to our 89 E38-200. The boat has never had one before and we are struggling with how to attach the hardware. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has done this and would especially like to see close-up pictures of any E38 or E35 with a dodger so that we...
I'm looking for a used fixed prop for my E-38,1986 32H.P. Universal diesel. I think a 16" diameter with a pitch of 13 or 14 & a 1" bore. Two or Three blade O.K.
I started sailing on a E35 in '76 out of Annapolis for a week and have had a E32-200 since '88.
Apparently the E35-3 has features and charictoristics which set it appart and make it desirable.
Could you describe these?
How would it be different that other E35's and why the E35-3 vs the...