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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. A

    For sale E38 in SF Bay

    Will be selling a 1981 E38 in the SF Bay area soon. Thought I’d start here. She is in good overall condition, could use cosmetic work topsides. Original Universal 5432 diesel runs well. A few bags of sails. Interior is clean, with good condition teak and holly sole and newer upholstery...
  2. W

    Galley console in E38

    The ice box and sink console in my '90 E38-200 project perpendicular from the port hull to midships where, it appears, it is tabbed once to the hull (TRFG) in the forward starboard corner. That tab was broken when I bought the boat and I've never asked how it happened (shudder). The tab held...
  3. S

    Offshore E-38

    I"ve owned my E38 for two years now and while I have sailed a friends boat from Sidney BC to San Francisco I am wondering how the E 38 handles in the typically large quartering or following seas . Has anyone out their taken their E to San Fran or other similar offshore jaunt that can offer how...
  4. footrope

    E38 Rudder bearing (bushing?) maintenance

    I've been reading some good threads on the rudder bearing and bushing maintenance that some of you have done. It helped me a lot when I dropped the rudder yesterday in the yard to clear the way for the prop shaft to be removed. We dropped it before putting the stands in place, and only had to...
  5. R

    Delaminating E38 rudder skin?

    Hello All, Currently stripping the bottom on my E38 and was working on the rudder today. I noticed that there is a section, maybe 18" long (vertically) and 12" wide on one side of the rudder that "bounces" when you push on it? The shape of the area is elliptical and when I tap on the area it...
  6. R

    E38 quadrant reinforcement pics

    Hello All, I completed the reinforcement plate to allow the installation of a belowdeck autopilot ram on the steering quadrant of my E38. The reinforcement plate is made of G10 or fiberglass laminate material that is 1/2" thick with additional spacers of the same material but 1" thick. The...
  7. Ericsean

    Main Hatch Gasket, 1980 E-38

    Has anyone replaced the gasket on the main hatch? I'm looking for a supplier.
  8. R

    Correct diameter packing for E38 rudder?

    Hello All, My rudder on the E38 is dropped and I am replacing the packing since I am in there. What came out looked like 3/8"s, three turns of it. I bought 3/8"s and its just too big. The manual calls for 1/4" but that will definitely be too small. Looks like 5/16"s is the correct product...
  9. D

    Unstepping the Mast on E-38

    We are planning to unstep the mast on our 38 Ericson next week. It appears to me that it simply sets on a step with nothing securing it down at that point. Is that correct? Also, are there any other surprises that I might experience or suggestions that you have? Any help would be appreciated...
  10. J

    E38 Anchor Locker Challenge

    Hello All, My E38 is set up with an electric windlass and all chain rode. The challenge is that when the chain is coming in, it piles up on itself after it drops into the locker and tends to bind up the windlass. So, when weighing anchor we have to open up the v-berth and station someone down...
  11. mark reed

    1981 E38 for sale in Seattle for $79k

    Just came across this Craigslist post: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/boa/600692635.html
  12. R

    E38 steering scare

    I disassembled the steering on my E38 this weekend and found the issues below. I knew about the broken rudder stop, I found that last summer. Obviously some PO had let go of the wheel while backing down and that is the result. Cracked the alloy stop right off. The cable is what freaked me...
  13. C

    Headsail Design for Cruising E-38

    O.K. my wife Taryn and I are in the midst of major outfitting wo we can shoove off and go Cruising- extended Cruising with some serious Offshore. we're plannning about 4 years, leaving from the North East, to sail around the Carribean, than at some point sooner or later go the Canal and cross...
  14. R

    E38 control lines to cockpit....

    On the stbd. side of the cabin top the main halyard is led in between the traveler pylon and the sea hood. There is very little room here for more lines. Currently the main halyard is led around a winch (non-st) that is forward, almost too close to the dodger, and then cleated off to a...
  15. E

    E-38 Swim Ladder

    Hello All, The PO of my boat removed the transom swim latter:confused. Any one out there that has one they would like to sell? Or a recommendation for a fabricator in the S.F. Bay area?
  16. R

    E38 Keel Bolt Project

    Hello All, Well, my E38 is on the hard and the keel bolt/keel rebedding project is underway. So far the 12 nuts and washers have been removed but the keel will not drop. The yard will try again on Thursday and I have asked that it sit over the weekend in the Travelift hoping gravity will do...
  17. Ericsean

    More E-38 Rudder questions

    I notice my 1980 Hull #3 E 38 rudder turns 1" more to port than it does to starboard. Investigating this, I found a pipe attached to the pedestal base which extends down inside the quadrant which seems to be intentional as a stop to prevent over steering. However, the quadrant comes in...
  18. Ericsean

    E-38 Rudder repair

    I noticed numerous cracks on the starboard side of my rudder after hauling out for the winter. The port side is in very good condition. I know this is a somewhat hi tech foam core system, but I'm not sure if its an epoxy or polyester construction. After chasing out the cracks & sanding, I...
  19. Dferr

    1982 E-38 rudder grease fittings and leak

    While in the process of replacing my hot water heater, I was poking around and found two grease fittings on the the rudder tower. One up top, and one down low. The lower fitting was very badly rusted, and as I tried to remove it, of course it broke. I'm not planning on dropping the...
  20. A

    E-38 Plans

    I have a set of plans for the Ericson 38 that I'd like to sell. There are 10 large sheets, mostly 1" to 1', that I assume were used during original construction. Included are two sheets of deck plans and two sheets of deck plans showing optional gear, both dated Aug. '79 and drawn by Charles...
  21. W

    E38 Wanted

    My wife and I are looking for a crusing boat and like the Ericson 38, we have been unable to find one in the condition we want at a price we can afford. If any one is thinking about selling their E38, are on the east coast or Gulf perhaps we can deal without a broker and both come out ahead.
  22. WBurgner

    E38 Wheel Removal

    I tried to remove the Yacht Specialties wheel this afternoon and could not get it to budge. I thought that removal of the retaining nut would allow it to slide off. I see that there is a key on the shaft. If anyone has pulled the wheel I would appreciate a little info on how this all goes...
  23. J

    My beat up E38

    Hi all, My E38 was at her mooring in Dutch Harbor, RI when the remnants of the Noel storm came through on Nov. 3-4. Apparently my mooring dragged and my boat got hung up with a couple of others and they proceeded to hammer each other for several hours. My boat finally got hauled on Wed. and I...
  24. C

    E-38 in Houston

    I have had my eye on an E-38-200 that is listed for sale in Houston, via Yachtworld. I am going to call the broker about this vessel. Anyone have any local knowledge of this one? I am new to this group. It is very impressive. My wife and I are summer sailors on Lake Superior and I crew...
  25. rbonilla

    low priced 81 e38 in san diego.....

    I came across a low priced e38, 1981 on the san fran craigs list....she looks like she is stored down in san diego......ad is running in the bay area craigs list...i have no interest in the sale.....
  26. W

    E38 questions

    My wife and I are considering a 1981 Ericson 38 and I have a question, the boat is a light brown color and it doesn't seem to be painted. Did Ericson make many with this color gel coat? Also what should I look for in my self survey? I will be hiring a pro to do the real survey if we decide to...
  27. W

    Removing standing rigging on E38

    Boats on the hard; mast is down. I want to remove and replace standing rigging. It appears that I need to drill out rivets to get the shrouds off the mast. Anyone done that?
  28. S

    E-38 Major Leak!

    Well, I hate to make this post....:esad: Let me also caveat by saying this sad story was relayed to me secondhand, but I did meet the folks and boat involved prior to the event. One of our fellow Vikes from the Bay area recently purchased a gorgeous E-38-200 in Long Beach. The boat was circa...
  29. K

    Looking for an E-38, 81-90, NC area

    I have now looked at four E-38 and hope to buy one in the next few years. Most I have looked at needed lots of work. Hope to find a nice one on the waterway from Maryland to Miami. Needs to have heat pump/air conditioning option. Thanks for any leads or information on potential problems. It...
  30. Y

    '85 E38 Holding Tank replacement

    I contacted Ronco Plastics to get a replacement holding tank, the B-130, L shaped, and they no longer make it. Does anyone know of a source to replace the original shape, or, is there another Ronco tank model that fits athwartship under the settee next to the bulkhead that isn't L-shaped...
  31. R

    Autopilot choices on an E38

    Hello All, It has come to my attention due to progressively longer sailing trips that a good autopilot is a must have piece of gear. I will not install a wheelpilot. The steering system in my boat is being torn down this winter. It makes a nice groaning noise when turning to port going down...
  32. Ericsean

    E-38 Bilge & Shower Pump

    My 1980 E-38, # 3 has been modified from the original set up of a single diaphram pump to operate both the bilge & shower sump. The PO installed a rule pump with float switch in the bilge. While it seems as though all the bilge chambers have common drain ports, the water from the shower...
  33. Ericsean

    E-38 PHRF Handicap

    I am wondering what PHRF all you E-38 guys have been assigned. In my club, South Bay Cruising Club in Long Island, I have been given a 126 base handicap, with a + 6 second adjustment for having a roller furler, and a +4second adjustment for deep draft, so my total handicap is 136. ( Even...
  34. E

    E35 and E38 Place at Vashon Challenge

    My friend Mike and his wife, Sheila, on Windchaser, E35, placed second in the Vashon Challenge, double handed no flying sails. While a friend and I placed second in doubled handed flying sails. Fun day no wind at the start but filled in and had a great summer Puget Sound sail, until the rain...
  35. R

    Sail trim and weather helm on an E38

    Hello All, I went racing with a club member on his C&C 35 and watched carefully how that boat was trimmed, etc. I have also spoken to a few other racers about sail trim, weather helm, etc. Then I have tried to apply this advice to my E38. I have been told that I should be able to trim the...
  36. Ericsean

    E-38 Spin Pole & Chute

    Wanted: Spinnaker Pole & or 3/4 ounce spinnaker for 1980 Ericson 38. Please contact Kevin Padden, paddenpe@aol.com, or cell 631-241-0482. Preferably North East for the pole. Anxious to race with a spin!
  37. M

    Worn gelcoat on E38 reverse transom & other cosmetics

    I'm into the 26th season on Mel's Angel, hull #49 of the first production run of Ericson 38. A well worn but much beloved boat. After more than 2 decades of facing upwards, the reverse transom really has had it -- I can see areas of spotted under-coat/fiberglass beginning to show through. The...
  38. rbonilla

    wtb: e35 or e38 1984-1987

    l@@kin' for a mid 80's e35 or e38....west coast perfered.... thanx !! :egrin:
  39. Ericsean

    E-38 Rig Tuning

    Any tips on what the rig tuning should be for a 1980 E-38 SD? It appears to my eye that my rig has either no rake, or may even be a little forward. I was going to move back a little, but a seasoned friend said that since I already seem to have some weather helm, to sail as is for a while...
  40. A

    E38 vs E381

    Does anyone know if there is a difference between the rigs of an E38 and an E381? Specifically do they utilize the same boom? I ordered a rigid vang from Garhauer, and they have a template for a 381 boom, I have a 1981 E38. thanks -Alex
  41. G

    Potential E38 owner...looking for info

    Hi: I am thinking of buying a 38-200 and would appreciate any and all advice as to problems to look for during a survey, sailing characteristics, living aboard etc...etc...etc. A couple of initial questions: I am about 6'4 and headroom is an issue as I will be living aboard at least part...
  42. Ericsean

    Prop E-38

    I just purchased an E-38 with a folding Martec Prop. This boat had been repowered with a Perkins 4-108, and hurth transmission. Could not read the ID on the tranny. Does anyone know what tranny is typically bolted on in this situation and the appropriate gear reduction and direction (RH /...
  43. WBurgner

    E-38 Starter removal

    I seem to have a bad solenoid on the starter and would like to have the starter rebuilt. Has anyone removed the starter on an E-38? First impression is that not all of the connecting bolts are accessable and very little room is available. Diagrams in the Universal service manual are not too...
  44. Y

    need new holding tank for '85 E38

    Removed a very used (ugh) holding tank after buying my E38 in '98 and replaced it with a Lectra San Type III MSD. After cruising Bahamas for 6 years, we want to hang out in the Florida Keys next winter and its a no discharge area and LectraSan is illegal. We want to install a holding tank...
  45. R

    E38 reefing setup questions

    Hello All, I have questions regarding the setup and operation of the mainsail reefing on my E38: 1) The current reefing system has lines running from the forward boom section and cleats to sheaves at the aft end. The lines then run forward to Merriman cheek blocks on tracks on either side...
  46. W

    E38 Main halyard sheave

    Has anyone replaced a rope/wire halyard with all rope? If so, do you know if the stock sheave at the mast head will accomodate the 3/8" line?
  47. R

    E38 with YS steering questions

    Hello all, I have an E38 with the YS steering setup. I was working on the boat today, was in under the pedestal to service the steering gear and noticed what I think is a problem. There is no steering/limit/travel stop on the steering gear! The steering quadrant is hollow in the center. The...
  48. Dferr

    E-38 New Owners - Need Sail Dimensions

    Well, it looks like my wife and I are new owners of a 1982 E-38. Boy, do we have a lot of work to do! But it's great to have a boat again! "I think" Anyway, does anyone know the dimensions of the head sail? I'm in need of something a little newer. I beleive the genoa that's on...
  49. Dferr

    1982 E-38 Questions, See photos.

    A few weeks back, I posted about the rusted coupling. Now I know why it's so rusted. The stuffing box is practically right up against it. there is no shaft exposed. Is this normal on all E-38s? How would one change the packing if need be? I clearly will have to cut this coupling off. Maybe I can...
  50. Dferr

    E-38 Stuffing box 1982

    Does anyone know what size packing goes in the stuffing box? The Boat is a 1982 E-38. Also, the coupling is so badly rusted I can't identify any of the bolts. It's pretty bad! This is going to be a real bear to replace. Maybe I'll just do what I did to my first boat. Cut the shaft, and start...
  51. W

    E38 leaky fuel tank (This website foretells my future grief all too well)

    I recall reading a thread that Rob Thomas did last year on a leaky fuel tank in this E38 thinking to myself…what a rotten job that would be. Well, I just finished cutting out the quarter berth floor and pumped out 40 gallons diesel into pile of jerry cans. That thread with all the pics...
  52. W

    Below deck autopilot on E38

    Has anyone installed a below deck electric autopilot piston on a 38-200? If so, where did you put it?
  53. R

    E38 toerail scuppers?

    I am wondering if other E38's have the same issues mine has regarding the toerail scuppers. Simply put, they are not in the best location! On my E38 there is a scupper/drain at the aft-most section of the toerail and one about midships. The boat "lies" in the water, loaded or otherwise such...
  54. S

    Securing the propane locker lids on an E38

    I have a E38 with the two propane lockers built into either side of the helm seat. There is a fiberglass piece that sits over each locker. The lids are not secured in any manner so if you get knocked down or happen to set them somewhere they have a good chance of being lost over the side. Of...
  55. R

    E38 Traveller Upgrade, do I take the sea hood off?

    Hello All, I am starting to get serious about taking my E38 apart to upgrade the traveller. I previously thought that the traveller was a Schaeffer but now I think just the blocks on it are Schaefer the unit itself appears to be a Ronstan. The traveller "track" seems to be installed in an...
  56. S

    E38 Calou's Cruising Log & Pics

    http://www.sailblogs.com/member/calou/ Nice to see a E38 out there doing what an E38 does best. Click on the blog link on their site for plenty of info and pictures. Looks like a great cruise.
  57. S

    1980 E38 Hull /Deck Join

    I currently have an offer in on a very pristine E38 that has been redone bow to stern and top to bottom. She looks brand new and is a real beauty. I have looked throught the various threads on this site and others looking for specific information on the hull deck construction of the 1980 E38...
  58. A

    head plumbing E38

    I am replacing the head and hoses on a 1981 E38. I cannot figure out where the vented loops originally were. The exhisting setup (not original) had none. I would like to have Y valve to overboard or to holding tank. It seems that to get the loop above waterline (especially at any heel, I will...
  59. R

    Cruising with an E38

    My wife and I have gotten a little more serious about going cruising. When I asked her when she wanted to go, she replied "I see us leaving in 5 years" This was a bit unexpected for me as I was thinking 10years out or so. Hey, she wants to go, I'm not complaining! So the question becomes how...
  60. Dferr

    E-38 Layout

    I've been looking at the E-38's. Is the interior layout pretty much the same From 1980 to 1989? Are there any real differences through these years? Also, the 1980 I'm looking at has a 5.5 keel. Is that standard keel or was it modified? Thanks, Don
  61. Roger Ware

    wire-to-rope halyard replacement on E38

    I am thinking of replacing my (original) wire-to-rope halyards on my e38 200 with all rope. The orginal rope is 7/16" I think - I was wondering if Samson XLS 3/8 might be a good choice - or should I stick with 7/16? Any thoughts anyone? Thanks in advance. Roger, Kingston, ON
  62. T

    e-38 150 Genny Pics

    Finally took a few shots of the new 150 from Quantum. Love this sail. Sorry the shots are crummy from my phone. Have 1 more week before the boat hauls for the winter so I will try and get some with the good camera.
  63. R

    150% Genoa from E38 For Sale

    I have a Doyle 150% roller furling Genoa from my '83 E381. Boat has the 45ft mast, IIRC? Genoa is 2-3 years old, purchased by previous owner, has a fairly high clew for decent visibility. The 150% is simply too much sail for most of the sailing we do here in RI. The leech line cover at the...
  64. T

    First Race for my E-38

    We raced the Baltimore Harbor Leukemia Cup this weekend. We had 10-15 from the northwest. The boat did great! See http://www.bcya.com/ for results. We were in Class A3, the boat is Escape Plan. We beat several C&C 99s scratch as well as the Baltic 35 we were scratch with. It was mostly a beat...
  65. R

    E38 rudder post grease fittings?

    Hey, this may be a dumb question but where are the grease fittings on the rudder post of a '83 E38? I have looked and can't seem to find them.... Not the most accessible area as you can imagine. Thanks, RT
  66. Sean Engle

    New Doc: E38 Systems Plan

    I've just uploaded an large scale plot/scan of the systems plan for the E38. The document is 13.5 mb and is printable at 150 dpi full size. Of the two, the electrical diagram is the better one - the plumbing systems diagram is less clear. The document is located out in the Document...
  67. footrope

    E38 deck construction in bow?

    Is the deck in the bow of the old E38s cored or solid fiberglass? There is a cleat right behind the bow roller, in that area forward of the anchor locker. It became loose and I noticed it last weekend. When I tightened it yesterday it looked like the deck compressed a little. Looks like I...
  68. P

    A-Sail Sheet Lead on an E38

    I have an asymetrical spinnaker and I was wondering if any other E38 owners had any recommendations regarding the sheet lead. My track does not extend to the stern and I have no turning block located aft of the track. My solution to date hase been to put a block as far aft on the track as I...
  69. T

    Demensions For E-38 #3

    In having my boat measured for a new 150% from Quantum I asked the sailmaker to give me the rough dimensions for a #3. I may try to pick up a good used blade if I can find one and afford it. Below are the dimensions he gave me. Most used sail listings have leech, luff and foot and I was pretty...
  70. T

    E-38 Regatta?

    The more I sail my 38 on the Chesapeake the more of them I seem to see. This weekend we went down to Herrington Haqrbor North. Met up with Niel from Kokomo (E-34), (he's got a great anchor locker/windlass project going on). In speaking with him on the way in I saw a 38 sailing. Got to the marina...
  71. T

    150% RF Genoa for E-38

    I am replacing this sail with a new one. I will get some other pictures and specific measurements if you are genuinely interested. This sail is a Harrstick, dacron probably 6.5 oz. with triple stitched seams and dark blue sunbrella on the leech and foot. It has a foam luff and reefs reasonably...
  72. wurzner

    What Size Navtec Hydraulic for an E38 Backstay?

    Anyone on the list capable of giving me guidance on what the appropriate Navtec unit should be? Is a 10 large enough, or should I go with a 12? thanks in advance shaun
  73. T

    6:1 Traveller modification for E-38

    This one was easy cheesy. Basically just put triples on the traveller car, then drill and tap threads to mount the fairlead and single blocks.
  74. D

    e-38 breaker panels

    I recently replaced both the AC and DC panels on my 38, and wondered if anybody needed them. Pushbutton type breakers and built in battery switch. Don Wigle Wiggle Room E38 #8 Point Richmond, CA
  75. V

    E-38 architect's drawings

    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Bruce King's hull plan for the Ericson 38? I am trying to re-establish the design waterline. Prior to awlgripping the hull 2 months ago, my 38 was stern heavy, probably due to the diesel tank under the aft stateroom, a full lazerette, and O/B motor...
  76. T

    Genoa Siza for E-38

    I am trying to decide what size genoa to get for my 89' e-38. I am planning on doing some racing this fall and next summer as I get the boat optimized, but mostly cruising. I have decided on laminate material of some sort over dacron. It is going to be on a furler for sure. What I am not sure...
  77. Roger Ware

    non-pole polars for an asym E38

    This is a question for Seth and anyone else who wants to chime in. Can anyone hazard a guess as to the optimum downwind sailing angle for an A sail tacked to the forestay? I was attempting to race my E38 last weekend and it seemed to me that deeper than, say, 110-120 degrees true the boat...
  78. noproblemo2

    1981 E-38 For Sale

    Well as I said in an earlier post, the time is now here for us to sell our beloved E-38. We are the original owners and she has many numerous updates, both in and out She is ready & aching to cruise. If anyone would like more info or pics, our email is noproblemo2@yahoo.com or phone...
  79. R

    E38 shower drain sump?

    Hello All, My '83 E38 shower drains into the forward most bilge well/sump as I assume all other E38's do? This forward bilge well/sump has a small @1" limber hole fairly close to the bottom of the well. This allows shower gray water to drain back into what I assume is the interior of the TAFG...
  80. C

    E38 Windlass

    We're considering installing a windlass in the anchor well of our E38. I'm favoring the Lewmar Pro Series 1000H ... does anyone have any experience with this installation? Haven't bought one yet just thinking. Is that unit powerful enough? I'm also thinking that I'll need to build a new...
  81. Cory B

    E35 and E38 Keel sumps?

    Hi again, I posted such a wordy post on the keel bolts I thought I'd make this a separate post, since our attention spans are so short with the summer days being so long. Anyway, when we dropped the keel this morning on our new-to-us 1984 E35 we found a huge hollow in the keel. It...
  82. J

    Need toggle/turnbuckle for E38

    Hi all, While rigging my boat over the weekend, we discovered that some parts apparently did not make the trip when my newly-purchased '87 E38 was transported from the Midwest. Two of the four toggle/turnbuckles for the forward and aft lowers are missing. One is pictured below. I haven't...
  83. J

    E-38 Rigging Tension Specs

    We are in the process of replacing(1-3 cables at a time)the standing rigging on our 1982 Ericson 38. We plan on tuning the rigging ourselves. Does anyone have the specifications for the tension we whould set the rigging to? Thanks in advance.
  84. J

    E-38 Modify masthead for spinnaker

    We need to modify the masthead to fly a spinnaker. There are three existing jib halyards: one dedicated to the roller furling, one to the port, and one to the strbd. We are planning to pull the mast and are considering if we should attach some kind of vale with a block outside of everything to...
  85. wheelerwbrian

    E38 Sleeping Arrangements

    I have a 1988 38-200 and there is a cushion on board that looks like it would fit the top of the dining table, making me think that there is some way to lower that table so that the port salon settee would convert to a bed. But there are no fiddles to support the table. Any...
  86. R

    E38 whisker pole please!

    Hello All, I would like a whisker pole for my '83 E38. I do not race so it doesn't have to be anything real fancy. Fixed or retractable, either is fine. I have a nice large padeye on the mast to hook it to. I have looked at the Forespar product but came away more confused due to the multiple...
  87. R

    E38 Water system layout?

    Hello All, I am in the process of spring commissioning and trying to figure out how the water system in an E38 is laid out. In my 1983 E38 there are two water tanks, one in the bow, 40 gallons? and one starboard under the salon berth also 40gallons? I filled both tanks to capacity with a shock...
  88. T

    Assyms for the E-38

    Looking into this for my boat and am wondering what any of you guys are using? Sail would be primarily for racing as I have a cruising kite now but its too flat to sail very deep with. I'm thinking of building a deck mounted sprit but don't know how PHRF will treat me. So far I have spoken to...
  89. R

    E38 line sizing questions...?

    Hello E38 owners! (and anyone else who may have a clue) I am researching line size requirements for my E38 as I am looking to upgrade a good portion of the running rigging. What I would like to know specifically is the recommended line sizing for each controll. Some of mine look a little...
  90. R

    1983 E38 window seals?

    Hello All, I have search the posts looking for the rubber weatherstripping for the fixed windows on my 1983 E38 but I cannot find the specific answer I need. I have one leaking window. By window I mean the aft-most fixed windows, the larger ones, two per side, in the cabin top. Not the...
  91. R

    Rebuild/upgrade Schaefer traveller on E38?

    Hello All, I have a Schaefer traveller on my E38. The plastic sheaves on the cheek blocks on the traveller ends are in tough shape and the traveller itself could use some freshening. Are direct replacements available from Schaefer or other sources? Are traveller tracks "universal" to some...
  92. T

    Rake and Tension for E-38

    I am finishing up my hydralic BS adjuster install and I think I am going to be shortening my headstay a little as well, as I was never able to get the forestay sag the way I wanted without what I felt was too much rake. I would love to hear what other 38 owners are using for a base rake setting...
  93. R

    Pics of an E38 with a bulb keel!

    I finally remembered to bring my camera to the boat today. When I purchased this E38 there was some discussion about the keel. AFAIK, there was never a bulb keel offered by Ericson. Someone indicated this may be a Mars Metal keel mod. I still don't know much about it but here it is: RT
  94. B

    Rigid vang for E39 / E38

    Anybody out there have a rigid vang on their E39 or E38? If so, I'd be interested to know what model & size & how you like it. Thanks! Dan
  95. R

    Thru-hulls and seacocks on a E38....

    Hello All, I tore into my '83 E38 in preparation for spring yesterday. I didn't care for the looks of several seacocks so I pulled them all today. Here is what I found: 7 total seacocks, ball valves/thru-hulls really, not the flanged seacock. 4 of them under the starboard/aft section of...
  96. Loren Beach

    FS: E-39, E-38 (west coast)

    Check the current on-line Classifieds in Latitude 38. There is an E-39 and an E-38 listed. Happy shopping, Loren
  97. S

    E38 main measurements

    Curious if any of you 38 guys know your main dimensions. Specifically the mid and upper girth measures. Ted, I read before your new main had maximum roach and I'm curious if at the max, the sail touches the backstay, and did you keep the max E (14')? PHRF says max mid girth is 9.1 ft and max...
  98. L

    For Sale E-38

    1986 E-38 with model 381 open floor plan [best], fin keel, 32 HP Universal diesel with 3 blade fixed, also 2 blade folding, Full batten main with lazy and jiffiy, 145 genoa, spinniker with pole, storm jib, Harken furling, ST winches,dodger with roll-up awning, cockpit cushions, 3 burner propane...
  99. E

    elecrical service light E38 1981

    I checked on the boat today and found that the service light was flickering as opposed to being on steady. Nothing felt warm and although it flickered less if I turned everything off it still flickered. Items plugged into the outlets seem to work fine as well as the battery charger Does...
  100. T

    Rigid Vang E-38 Dimensions?

    A buddy who works at a local rigging shop was showing me a rigid vang they had in their rafters that came off of some other boat. No idea what boat. It is made by Offshore Spars and looks pretty nice. It is 68" from pin to pin in its shortest setting. Looks a bit too big for my 38 but maybe not...