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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. K

    Wanted: E27 Companion Way Hatch

    It's a long shot.. but if anyone has one available, please let me know! I would be interested in the fore hatch as well. I'm in Everett, WA, but willing to pay for shipping.
  2. 716Ericson27

    E27 Bowsprit Upgrade!

    My 1976 E27, in it's 45 years of existence, never had the privilege of any sort of spinnaker setup. Which left a nice blank canvas for deciding whether to go with a traditional symmetrical spinnaker setup or asymmetrical. After much thought and consideration I decided to go with the asymmetrical...
  3. grarya01

    Where was the Ericson 27 made (E27)?

    Can someone tell me if all of the Ericson 27's (E27) made in California? I'm looking into the possibility of importing one from Canada to the U.S. and in my talks with U.S. Customs it looks like the import tax can be waived if you can demonstrate that the boat was made in the U.S., Mexico or...
  4. H

    Replacing Seacock Water Intake E27

    I am looking to replace the seacock on my water intake for my 1974 E27 during a haul out. The seacock is in rough shape as you can see. I'm reading that the thru hull is a 1/2" so I'm wondering what size, style, and type of seacock I would need to replace. I'm open to replacing the thruhull as...
  5. grarya01

    Looking for an E27, E28, or E29. Have advice or a boat? (PNW, Wanted, WTB)

    After nearly 20 years of dreaming of owning a sailboat, I've actively started my search. When I was In my early 20s, I had the opportunity to spend 3 months cruising around the Puget Sound, Gulf Islands, and Desolation Sound. I was hooked after that. A few years later a good friend of mine...
  6. 4DC0196E-B9E4-4575-8452-54E4FF6875A2.jpeg


    Chasing Kabiki E27
  7. H

    Cutlass Bearing Removal on 1973 E27

    Aloha, I got my first sailboat with an inboard and I'm inexperienced with this type of drive system. The shaft has some play in the strut and I need to haul out to replace the cutlass bearing. Couple Questions: Are there any inexpensive DIY tools for removing the cutlass bearing? Any...
  8. IMG_20210703_183126101_HDR.jpg


    New DIY custom sliding companionway hatch.
  9. chainplates.jpg


    Custom chainplates installed on the exterior of the hull on an ericson 27
  10. Eville.jpg


    Waiting out the storm in Emeryville.
  11. H

    What's under my cockpit bench?

    Recently bought a Simrad autotiller for my 1972 E27. I'll need to drill a hole in the starboard cockpit bench for the autotiller pin cup. From the quarterberth underneath the cockpit bench, it looks (and sounds, when I knock) like the inner surface is not bonded to whatever makes up the cockpit...
  12. K

    New 1976 Ericson 27 Owner

    Hello everyone, I bought a beautiful E27 late last summer and have been refitting the interior as it had sat on the hard for many years because the previous owner had health issues. Looking to find any other Ericson owners sailing lake Erie or St. Clair to hang out with. Eventual goal is by next...
  13. Engine repainted and reinstalled

    Engine repainted and reinstalled

  14. Injector Lines

    Injector Lines

  15. goldenstate

    E-27 Forespar whisker pole and chocks

    $225 + $35 shipping https://www.ebay.com/itm/184315351763 With my boat I inherited a Forespar twist-lock aluminum pole that is better suited to an E27 or smaller than my 32-200. The PO who sold me the boat had an E27 before that, so my theory is that he brought his whisker pole over to the...
  16. H

    New E27 Owner

    Hi all, I am the new owner of a 1972 Ericson 27, hull number 258. I purchased the boat recently in near-original condition as the 3rd owner. Much credit is due to the 1st owner who kept the boat in great shape for 44 years. I have put about 100 miles on the boat so far and have been really...
  17. tpcorrigan


    Hi all, when we got our E27 a few years ago one of the PO’s had removed the toilet and holding tank. We have been using a port a pot but now I am ready to reinstall a jasco head. i have 2 questions. 1: what is under the head ledge (for lack of a correct name)? Our boat has no access to that...
  18. Rigging Aloft

    Rigging Aloft

  19. Salon


    Our salon looking forward.
  20. IMG 20191215 1550597

    IMG 20191215 1550597

  21. Bow View

    Bow View

    View from port side.
  22. Bow Shot

    Bow Shot

  23. "No Problem"

    E29 "No Problem"

    I guess it's time to introduce "No Problem," the ~1971 Ericson 29 Tall (double spreader model with inboard lowers) hull #8 I picked up two years ago and began to re(build)fit. There will be quite a few chapters in this blog due to the sheer volume of work going into her. I want to preface...
  24. J

    In Search Of 1979 E27 Cradle

    I recently moved to a marina closer to my home and they are pushing on my getting for a cradle for winter storage. Either that or unstep the mast and put it on stands, which they really seem to dislike. Does anyone have a cradle they would like to part with or specs to build the cradle. I am...
  25. C

    WANTED: Bimini and cockpit cushions '78 E27

    Hey guys! I am looking for a Bimini/dodger and some cushions for my cockpit. If it can fit a 1978 E27 that would be great. I am located near Marina Del Rey, LA, CA Im tired of sitting in the sun all day. Thanks!
  26. Forward Deck

    Forward Deck

    I pressured washed the whole deck. Looks great except for the hand rail we took off. Epoxy and a lot of sanding required too.
  27. Bow Wrapped for Winter!

    Bow Wrapped for Winter!

    Finally tarped for the winter. That was a tough job. We used a 50 ft tarp and cut it into 3 sizes. With the help of tarp cli...
  28. Our New Boat!

    Our New Boat!

    We just bought the Dolphin. She was sitting on stands in the marina for almost 2 years. Not in too bad of shape!
  29. Springtime at Last!

    Springtime at Last!

    Here we are in late April and we finally removed the tarps. We have a ton of work to do. We had a good winter, with not much snow...
  30. S

    50 year old fiberglass! When does the last owner get stuck with garbage?

    I’m looking at a 1971 E27 locally. 50 years old right around the corner. Surely even the best maintained boats have a final shelf life? Thoughts?
  31. C

    '78 E27 Cabin hacks

    Hey! I have a 1978 Ericson 27 and i am looking for some inspiration/ideas on how to customize my cabin for better storage and space. Feel free to send over pictures and diagrams of how you have made your E27 PERRRFFEECCTTT! Thank you for all the support!
  32. cworley

    1976 E27 - Replacement Spreaders

    Hello - Need to replace the 2 aluminum spreaders on my 1976 E27, they have developed some pitting and do not look very dependable anymore. Does anyone know of a vendor who sells replacements? I have never replaced spreaders. Replacement looks relatively straight forward. Any suggestions...
  33. C

    1978 E27 Fuel Indicator

    Hey! I need to replace my fuel indicator because the receiver wire is missing. I attempted to take it out but gas started to slowly come out so i stopped. I guess i still had some fuel in the tank . Does anyone happen to know the length of the fuel indicator? OR does anyone have a...
  34. C

    WANTED - Teak Handrails for 1978 E27

    Hey! I am looking for some nice teak handrails for my 1978 E27. Currently I have those ugly black ones and would love to get some teak on my deck. I am located in Marina Del Rey, LA, CA Thanks!
  35. V

    E 27 boom install and rigging

    Hi, We have been recovering a 1978 E27 here in Valparaíso, Chile. When my friends removed the mast, they forgot to take pictures of the very special way the boom and the mainsheet rigging were installed:esad:. It seems a quite tricky system. Could anybody owning a similar one, please, send us...
  36. C

    '78 E27 Atomic 4 Universal Overheating

    Got a strange issue (at least strange to me), I bought my boat 2.5 weeks ago and it was running great the first weekend... well after I got new batteries. I took her out last Saturday (cinco de mayo), she warmed up for about 15-20 mins. While warming up I had it in neutral and little to no...
  37. C

    '78 E27 Atomic 4 wont start w/o shore power

    Does anyone have a clue to why my 1978 E27 Atomic 4 (gas) will start right up connected to shore power but when disconnected won't even turn over? I have a feeling my batteries are bad. The radios, blower and most of the 12volt electronics run fine on battery power only Thanks! Chris
  38. T

    E27 Galley Sink Removal

    Hi everybody, I was wondering if anybody has ever tried to get the galley sink out of an Ericson 27 (or similar). The sink is so deep that it needs to be lifted straight up but there isn't enough clearance due to the pitch of the hatch. I've included a photo. Any help would be greatly...
  39. Rick S

    Numbers Stamped on E 27 Tiller Plate

    We purchased an E27 in Portland, Oregon about three months ago. We're doing a complete refit...until we run out of money... I was wondering what the numbers stamped on the tiller base plate were? The numbers are 27-117 Is the 117 a hull production number? If so, what is the the 27? FYI The...
  40. S

    E27 Outboard Cutout Option

    While I know Ericson had the outboard transom cutout in its earlier models, does anybody know if they offered it as an option during the later years? Like towards the end of the production run? I'm looking at a pretty clean late model E27 with an outboard and the inboard compartment looks pretty...
  41. B

    Expansion tank for M25?

    I've noticed over the past couple months of cruising that the m25 in my E27 goes through a lot of coolant. Recently I noticed some in the bilge, and almost none in the reservoir, so I realized I had to deal with it right away. I added coolant, started the engine with the covers off, and...
  42. T

    Need Mast for E27 - Hurricane Harvey casualty

    Hurricane Harvey nearly destroyed SV Finally in Port Aransas Texas. She's still floating and no damage to the hull but the rigging is ruined... mast and sails. Anyone know where to begin looking for a new mast? What about a mast substitute from a different model boat? I'm also going to need...
  43. C

    WANTED - E27-E32 any year - SOCAL Area

    Hey guys! Looking for an Ericson 27ft to 32ft (1970s-1990s) sailboat in okay condition. I would love to find a boat that has a running engine, solid hull, and dry bilge. I don't mind fixing cosmetic issues. I am a young sailor looking to get my first boat. I have chartered for the past season...
  44. M

    Looking for an E27 in Southern California

    I am looking for an e27 in Southern California, in decent shape with tiller and (preferably) inboard diesel. I live in San Diego but I am comfortable bringing it down the coast as long as she is seaworthy. I have previously owned an e26 and e25+ but have been without boat for a couple years do...
  45. O

    E27 deck core replacement & painting

    I present to you my recently acquired 1973 Ericson 27. As a first-time, totally misguided, and overly optimistic boat owner, I figured she just needed a little TLC to get her rollin'. Apart from two frozen winches, a busted portlight, a steady leak at the prop shaft and the termite-ridden...
  46. B

    Lazarette use

    I have one port side in the cockpit of my E27. I have emptied out the PO debris, going to wash off grime and potentially use this hatched storage area. Problem is...my arms are fairly short! the lazarette goes all the way, way down to where I removed the (decrepit) Atomic 4....how do you keep...
  47. G

    Lee Cloth using the grab rail bolts

    I had a triangular shaped piece of duck cloth left over from the riding sail and flopper stopper projects and decided to put it to good use. For the attachment points up top I used coupler nuts and eye bolts on top of the factory nut which holds the cabin top grab rails in place. I only see...
  48. S

    New Boat!

    Well, it's a new boat for us, but in fact, the boat was built in 1971. If the registration can be believed, it's Hull #4. We are it's new owners and very excited about same. We live in Seattle and the boat is currently in Bellingham for part of the winter. She'll be in the water throughout the...
  49. S

    1971 E27 purchase questions

    New to the site, very close to purchasing a 1971 E27 but have just a few questions for now. There was about a quart or so of water in the bilge, there's no automatic bilge pump (though the manual one does work). Is this troubling? The owner seems to think it's always there and that it rarely...
  50. Schoolboyheart

    Making a trundle on an ericson 27

    I have been looking for someone who could tell me how they did this but couldn't wait any longer so here it is. just as a preface i haven't completed this yet and plan to use teak instead of the pine you are about to see. To get an idea of how this function without spending $300 on wood i went...
  51. S

    Ericson 29 v.s. Ericson 27

    Hello! Very new here... I am in the market for a small liveaboard sailboat during college and after. I am living in the SF Bay area and I came across an E27 and an E29... from what I could tell, there isn't much difference. My real question is, is one significantly better than the other...
  52. 716Ericson27

    E27 Toilet Water Through Hull Valve Access

    So I have done a bunch of hunting around here and have found all the information I can desire about the appropriate installation practices for new through hull fittings and valves. However I was specifically looking for how people in the past have accessed the through hull fitting and valve for...
  53. davisr

    using Dow Corning 795 Silicone to caulk glass-gasket joint in portlight

    I'm wanting to hang on to my original aluminum-framed portlights with tempered glass. I plan to rebed the portlights to the exterior of the cabin with butyl tape. This question does not concern that part of the job. Instead it concerns the gasket that holds the glass within the frame. I want to...
  54. Andrew Means

    time for a new toilet in the head - anyone replaced theirs recently?

    Our very old toilet in the head is leaking in multiple places (some grosser than others) and rather than spend days rebuilding the pump I think it's time we just put a new one in there. I saw this one at Fisheries Supply and I think it should suit our needs pretty well. Installation seems...
  55. M

    E27 Deck Core Repair Questions

    I am the proud new owner of a '73 Ericson 27. Of course there is a rather lengthy list of upgrades, repairs and general maintenance needed. First on my list is probably the most involved project needed on the boat. The deck floor in the cockpit area - from the collar area around the tiller...
  56. Alan Gomes

    Wanted: E27 in Southern California area

    I'm currently in the market for an Ericson 27 in the Southern California area. I'm based out of San Pedro but would be willing to travel between Santa Barabara and San Diego for the right boat. Boat *must* have gelcoat in good shape, e.g., no serious crazing or worn to where the dark undercoat...
  57. Andrew Means

    Adding light fixtures - where to get them?

    I've decided I'd like to add an additional light fixture on each side of the boat, and ideally I'd like to keep the same style as I currently have (the "soap bar" style that I think pretty much everyone's boat has) Where can I buy them? Does anybody have any spares?
  58. L

    Re-powering E27: replacing Atomic 4 with Yanmar YSB8

    Hello All My Atomic 4 seized and was recently taken out of 73 E27. I have a Yanmar one cylinder YSB8 diesel in good condition complete with transmission, exhaust, gauges, controls, etc. It was taken out of Hunter 27 years ago. The engine is in good shape and runs well. I am thinking of using it...
  59. Andrew Means

    split backstay adjuster on an E27?

    I'm not sure how the tiller-equipped E27s have it, but the backstay on my (wheel equipped) E27 splits into two cables about 8 feet from the transom and they terminates opposite of each other on the corners of the transom. There's a backstay adjuster that consists of two pulleys a fixed width...
  60. toddbrsd

    E-27 Owners Only (Past & Present)

    When I hauled my boat out last December, I inquired about installing the PSS dripless shaft seal. I was told that there physically was not enough room to install it. Although I thought it odd, I did not challenge their response since I was out of town when I got the call. I was considering...
  61. ignacio

    Moving from E27 to E35-2 - Question about blisters

    Hi all, I've sold my beloved E27, Symbiosis, and moving up (hopefully soon) to an E35-2. We hauled the E35-2 today and found that the port side had blisters below the water line. Blisters don't scare me terribly much, but it's these that have me scratching my head a little: They're...
  62. M

    e27 lower shrouds shorter one goes aft? raising mast this morning

    im about to rise the mast this morning , and the marks on the lower shrouds were erased. I guess the longer ones goes aft because the mast rake is 6 inch forward? made a mast step hinge and rigging to self step the mast, will post pics after I rise the mast this morning.
  63. M

    through hull on keel E27

    New owner of a e27, the boat have a through hull at the bottom of the keel on the aft bilge. now open to drain the water with the boat on the hard. is that comun on e27. havent had time to reach down, is the valve that close it down at the bottom of the keel? what check should I perform to...
  64. ragamuffin

    E27 Furling Jib

    Hi all I am looking at adding a smaller furling jib to my inventory the 155 can get a little un ruley here on lake Michigan when the wind pipes up. Even though I can reef it to 110 or 90 I don't like the drag it creates at the headstay. Would much rather have a 110 maybe 135 any ideas comments?
  65. bigd14

    E27 Spreader length?

    Does anyone know the exact length of the e27 spreaders? On close inspection it appears that my spreaders have been cut down (the edges are rough as if hacksawed). I will be installing new spreaders soon and want to know where to start. Thanks! Doug
  66. R

    E-27 broken Spreader Bracket

    I just sold my E-27 in anticipation of purchasing an E-30 Plus. The bad news is while inspecting the 27 with the new owner we discovered the spreader bracket had cracked. I've been doing the google search for some time to find a replacement and haven't had success. Any idea's? update...
  67. dt222

    E27 Cabin Door Escutcheon

    Hi all, I'm refinishing the cabin door (the one into the head) and am looking to replace the doorknob escutcheons. Any suggestions as to where to look for them? Thanks for any assistance. Don
  68. bigd14

    E27 Fuel Fill- Where to locate

    I am debating where to install the fuel fill. I am currently thinking of using a 12 gallon tank under the cockpit (I have a cutout with an outboard but want to keep the fuel tank out of the cockpit). The easiest location from an installation standpoint would be on the cockpit sole where it was...
  69. J

    raceone design E27 there must be about 20 of us here on LSC!!

    Lake st clair E27s you all want to meet sometime and have a fun race as aonedsign..I promise to be the pickle boat!!!! Just for fun Joe
  70. J

    Go faster E27

    I consistently place LAST in my sail class... OK I understand I have a big heavy 27 footer..How can I make it sail faster under ligh and medium conditions You all know it goes like HLL downwnd especially with a spinaker but I already am lost upwind.. I was in a perf race last fll and beat...
  71. ron7546

    Extending the chickenhead on E27

    Hi All, I need to extend the chickenhead on my E27 ,so as to allow more room for the gennaker halyard block. Any info. out there ? ? ? Should it be welded or bolted ? Ron...
  72. D

    Ice box drain leaking on our E27?

    We have some water leaking from a small hole (about the size of a dime) in the bottom corner of the ice box enclosure. We are thinking it could be the drain hose connection for the ice box, but the ice box is all enclosed so we see no way to access the drain connection. Any ideas?
  73. ron7546

    E27 Pedestal Guard

    On Ebay is a pedestal guard ring item #230581325005.Do you think it would work on my E27 "YS" pedestal ? ? ? Thanks Ron...
  74. ron7546

    pedistal guard for E27

    Hi To All,Shortly after buying an E27 5 years ago,I started looking into adding a pedestal guard.I contacted Edson,sent them photos and talked to them on the phone.They told me that I did not have room enough for a pedestal guard.Apparently due to the traveler right in front of the helm.Since...
  75. A

    Documenting an E27

    Does an Ericson 27 have enough displacement by USCG standards to be eligable for documentation? Has anyone ever done it?
  76. Mark F

    E27 table

    I posted some photos for Stuart (Stargazer) in a folder in the Community area. Does anyone know how to organize the order of photos in the albums? They are in no particular order. Loren, Sean? Thanks
  77. A

    Anchor rode locker for Ericson 27

    I have purchased an Ericson 27 and I would like to know if anyone has put a hatch in the deck at the bow to store anchor rode in the little space that is in front of the vberth. I would like to have my anchor and rode accessible at the bow in case of emergencies. An anchor probably would not...
  78. S

    E27 Mainsail track insert

    I am looking for feedback/suggestions on installing a mainsail track into the bolt groove in my teardrop shaped mast and then attaching the sail to the track. Examples are Tides Marine, Antal, Harkin... On my existing setup my mainsail uses 1/2" slugs and works great until I have to reef when...
  79. A

    E27 Throttle Controle

    I have a 1976 E27 with a late model Atomic 4. I working on the engine to get it started for the first time since I bought it and I am hoping to clarify a strage thing the seller told me. He Said that the throttle on the board is backword, which is to say to to accelater you pull it back. I...
  80. J

    Looking for used mast for E27

    I am looking for a replacement used mast for E27 in the north east region. Eugene
  81. S

    E-27 Cutlass bearing

    I’m a new E-27 owner, and it appears I have a Cutlass bearing issue. The bearing has separated from the strut, and will need to be fixed. I assumed I just need to attach to the brass (?) casing to the strut and all would be good; however, all the pictures that I have seen – it appears there...
  82. S

    New E-27 Owner!

    I am so excited! I am the proud new owner of a 1973, Ericson 27, model #384. I am so excited to be a new boat owner. I can't wait for the wind in my face, long sunny days in new ports, and looking back and seeing a wake as far as the eye can see. But for the moment I get to enjoy the other...
  83. D

    E25+ v. E27

    After looking for quite some time, I've decided that Ericson is my first choice. Inspected a 1979 E25+ yesterday that looks to be in generally good shape but it is a shoal draft (not my preference) and then happened upon an 78 E27 today. The 27 is the last of that make while the 25+ is the...
  84. C

    New E27 Video

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KlOKU3UoZs Just my E 27 out for a daysail. More to come soon.
  85. A

    Repowering E27 outboard

    I'm looking at buying a 1972 Ericson 27 with a dead outboard. This is apparently a model that came with a factory-installed outboard, but the current dead outboard is not the original one. What type of outboard should I get to replace it with? Most importantly, how much HP do I need? But...
  86. A

    For Sale 1976 E27 - New Jersey

    Reluctantly for Sale my 1976 E27 wheel steering with inboard atomic 4. bought the boat last year but problems with my right arm force me to sell. I upgraded the atomic 4 with Indigo electronic ignition. new thru hulls. roller furler. etc.... currently in a great marina in Pine Beach NJ in the...
  87. ignacio

    E27 Replacement Handrails

    Anyone recommend a source for replacement teak handrails on a '73 E27?
  88. dt222

    E27 Masthead Sheave Question

    I believe that my halyards have jumped the sheaves. I was trying to change jibs and it got stuck halfway down. I convinced the admiral to go up the mast (she was NOT too pleased) to take a look at it. She did not go all of the way up, but was within arms reach. I know that the sheaves are 2 sets...
  89. B

    E-27 Rudder Post Removal Problem

    I cannot get my rudder to fall out no matter what I do....the cockpit plate will not come off and the rudder will not drop.....there is no quadrant or fastener that I am missing is there? does the tube running from the hull to the underside of the cockpit attach to the tiller plate??
  90. dt222

    E27 Galley Countertop

    I'm soliciting thoughts on what you might do in this situation. As you can see from the picture, a PO did a hack job on the galley countertop so that a coleman camping stove could sort of be held in place (first thing thrown out). Any thoughts on how to approach this gaping hole in the...
  91. B

    78 E-27 rudder post jammed

    I am unable to free my rudder after a sand bar collision that pushed the rudder up to starboard...it slid down about two inches when the tiller was removed but will not drop free. I have exhausted many efforts at wedging but still no luck. Anyone?
  92. bigd14

    E27 Traveler

    Good morning. I am trying to figure out a new traveler. I have a mid-boom sheeting setup and I need a new traveler. The original was an apparently straight section of track that was simply bolted onto the curved bridge across the companionway. I spoke to Garhauer and they told me I needed the...
  93. ragamuffin

    E27 Port Light Replacement

    I want to replace the forward port lights on ragamuffin has anyone done this on a 27? I would like opening ports on both sides (currently my head window is stuck closed), and maybe even add 2 in the v berth area. I only have one hatch and want more ventilation.
  94. D

    E-27 cutlass bearing

    We have a groaning sound on Desiderata when we put her in gear. Both forward and reverse. I feared for transmission problems, but a friend (NOT a boat expert, but good mechanic) listened to it and suggested the noise wasn't "metallic" enough to be the transmission and may be the cutlass...
  95. M

    E27 Leaky Window

    I recently purchased a 1976 E27 and it has a leaky window, it’s the small window by the head. Is this reseal able or does it need to be replaced and if replaced where can I find this?:confused:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
  96. T

    Advice Needed - possible purchase of an e-27

    I live in Lake Tahoe, and an opportunity arose to purchase a 50% share of an e-27 docked in Tahoe. We were told that it was a ’73, but since it has a t-helm, pedestal steering, stepped back traveler (in the cockpit), and an atomic gas inboard, I believe it has to be a post ’74 model. The boat...
  97. Mark F

    E27 masthead sheaves

    Does anyone know off hand what size sheaves the stock E27 masthead uses? Thanks.
  98. A

    E27 Gas tank/Fuel related question

    My A4 engine died after motoring for about half our like it ran out of gas. while troubleshooting the problem I removed the fuel line from the connection after the on/off valve expecting some gas to come out when opening the valve - Nothing! I suspected I had about 13Gal left in the tank (15...
  99. S

    E27 Broken Spreader Bracket

    Getting ready to step the mast today and what the hell, broken spreader bracket (not sure if that is the official name but the bracket that bolts to the mast that the spreaders attach to). I think it was likely broken through mishandeling during the mast take down last fall rather than fatigue...
  100. E

    Loose Tiller on E27

    Hello, I have an 1973 Ericson 27 and there is 'considerable' play in the tiller. It's coming from where the metal bracket that forms the end of the tiller attaches to the big bronze top of the rudder post (ie the bolt 'hinge' that allows the tiller to move up and down). The bearings associated...